hello and greetings

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
hello and greetings.. my name for this forum is deorro 1. It has no important significance except the fact that I can still 'think' enough to come up with a random name in a random 'thought' processed sort of way...

A little while ago, maybe in the first part of 2017, or later part of 2016, before the great New Year's Celebration was to begin, I remember many of the 'folk' around here beginning to be 'unable' to think coherently.. Their words were 'slur-red' and their 'concepts spoken', unsensical. So I thought... are we losing the ability to 'think' with imagination? Are we beginning to 'lose' our mental facilities to 'form new' ideas and connect 'ideas with other ideas' in a coherent, logical way? in other words, could we, if desired, randomly think of a 'sentence' rather than what was 'typically' spoken... Rather than 'hey, how're you doing', or rather than, 'haha haha', were we still able to fashion new sentences; ones which might have been used in the past but ones which were not as 'daily used'.. Some examples I thought of at that time was:

'She got into the car with her red dress on'.
'Would you know which way _____ is'. 'Could you give 'me' the directions, please'? 'Thank you, much obliged'. etc....

Not that fantastic for sentence 'creations' but still these sentences were one of the 'longer' sentences, syllable and word wise, that was still in the mind, especially in mine. And so after I asked a person whom I was conversing with to do the same, the conversation came to a halt and the mind drew a blank.

So yes... my name is Deorro 1 for this forum... Not for any spectacular reason but hey, at least I thought it up, kind of, right?

Pleased to meet you and to make your acquaintance.
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Wait, forgive me.. hiatus. The year in question was not late part 2016, early part 2017.. Rather it was late part 2015 early part 2016...

I remember now because of the Obergefell -v- Hodges case which happened in 2015....
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And so to continue...

'Much obliged'.... What might that mean??

make (someone) legally or morally bound to an action or course of action.
do as (someone) asks or desires in order to help or please them.
be indebted or grateful.

'Would you know which way _____ is'. 'Could you give 'me' the directions, please'? 'Thank you, much obliged'. etc....

Much obliged... Why is 'much obliged' a common phrase?

much obliged in British. or I am obliged to you. formal or old-fashioned. expressions used when one wants to indicate that one is very grateful for something. Much obliged for your assistance.

Earlier it meant "be in bondage, be bound by (a promise, pledge, rule, etc.)," also "be liable for the payment of; be condemned" (mid-14c.).

etymology dictionary... online...

So could 'much obliged' mean.. thanks.. please be 'accountable'?
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Did the car often wear her clothes, or did it just happen to like that particular red dress?
hello and greetings.. my name for this forum is deorro 1. It has no important significance except the fact that I can still 'think' enough to come up with a random name in a random 'thought' processed sort of way...

A little while ago, maybe in the first part of 2017, or later part of 2016, before the great New Year's Celebration was to begin, I remember many of the 'folk' around here beginning to be 'unable' to think coherently.. Their words were 'slur-red' and their 'concepts spoken', unsensical. So I thought... are we losing the ability to 'think' with imagination? Are we beginning to 'lose' our mental facilities to 'form new' ideas and connect 'ideas with other ideas' in a coherent, logical way? in other words, could we, if desired, randomly think of a 'sentence' rather than what was 'typically' spoken... Rather than 'hey, how're you doing', or rather than, 'haha haha', were we still able to fashion new sentences; ones which might have been used in the past but ones which were not as 'daily used'.. Some examples I thought of at that time was:

'She got into the car with her red dress on'.
'Would you know which way _____ is'. 'Could you give 'me' the directions, please'? 'Thank you, much obliged'. etc....

Not that fantastic for sentence 'creations' but still these sentences were one of the 'longer' sentences, syllable and word wise, that was still in the mind, especially in mine. And so after I asked a person whom I was conversing with to do the same, the conversation came to a halt and the mind drew a blank.

So yes... my name is Deorro 1 for this forum... Not for any spectacular reason but hey, at least I thought it up, kind of, right?

Pleased to meet you and to make your acquaintance.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "be kind, be good, be brief"?
I walked to work today, instead of taking a lunch.
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hello and greetings.. my name for this forum is deorro 1. It has no important significance except the fact that I can still 'think' enough to come up with a random name in a random 'thought' processed sort of way...

A little while ago, maybe in the first part of 2017, or later part of 2016, before the great New Year's Celebration was to begin, I remember many of the 'folk' around here beginning to be 'unable' to think coherently.. Their words were 'slur-red' and their 'concepts spoken', unsensical. So I thought... are we losing the ability to 'think' with imagination? Are we beginning to 'lose' our mental facilities to 'form new' ideas and connect 'ideas with other ideas' in a coherent, logical way? in other words, could we, if desired, randomly think of a 'sentence' rather than what was 'typically' spoken... Rather than 'hey, how're you doing', or rather than, 'haha haha', were we still able to fashion new sentences; ones which might have been used in the past but ones which were not as 'daily used'.. Some examples I thought of at that time was:

'She got into the car with her red dress on'.
'Would you know which way _____ is'. 'Could you give 'me' the directions, please'? 'Thank you, much obliged'. etc....

Not that fantastic for sentence 'creations' but still these sentences were one of the 'longer' sentences, syllable and word wise, that was still in the mind, especially in mine. And so after I asked a person whom I was conversing with to do the same, the conversation came to a halt and the mind drew a blank.

So yes... my name is Deorro 1 for this forum... Not for any spectacular reason but hey, at least I thought it up, kind of, right?

Pleased to meet you and to make your acquaintance.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "be kind, be good, be brief"?

Be brief as in brevity or as in undergarments?

Here is a 'brief' one...

A man walks into a Church and asks the Pastor.. 'Pastor, what is your name'? The pastor replies, 'My name is *such and such'.... The pastor asks, 'What is yours'?

The man replies, 'My name isn't important but I really need your advice'....

Another man walks in and says to the Pastor.. 'Why would I need to join a Church 'family'? Mine at home is wonderful enough'.

The Pastor looks back and says, 'Exactly'.

What are the differences between these?

body of Christ:

Ephesians 4:11-12 "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"

Oh, and let's not forget to include:

work(s) of the ministry

And so here is my question.... Do you see me as one who is attempting/trying/persisting/scheming to 'break apart' the body of Christ or one who is 'edifying' the body of Christ?

The verse does not say, "for the [trying to/attempting to] edifying of the body of Christ:"

Rather it says, "for the edifying of the body of Christ:"

Without this 'doing', without the practical application of doing as well as hearing, the Church, which can be any 'gathering' for any specific 'agreed' upon 'reason', can suffer loss.

Hebrew Bible. The term abaddon appears six times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible; abaddon means destruction or "place of destruction", or the realm of the dead, and is accompanied by Sheol. Job 26:6: the grave (Sheol) is naked before Him, and destruction (Abaddon) has no covering.

Does this appear similar to the word 'Abandon'?

5648. abad:
carried (2), carrying (1), celebrated (1), committed (1), do (2), does (1), doing (1), done (4), executed (1), going (1), held (1), incited (1), made (4), make (1), observe (1), performs (1), torn (2), waging (1).

5647. abad
abad: to work, serve

5649. abad
slave, servant

According to the Brown Driver Briggs lexicon, the Hebrew abaddon (Hebrew: אבדון‎; abaddon) is an intensive form of the Semitic root and verb stem abad (אָבַד)[1] "perish" (transitive "destroy"), which occurs 184 times in the Hebrew Bible.

How can anything be 'destroyed' if one is a worker, if one serves/works, if one is as a slave/servant, if one is committed to doing right?

Revelation 9:11

A king, the angel of the bottomless pit; whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon; in Latin Exterminans.

In my opinion, 2 ways... Either a direct 'working' against Good and that which is Godly and/or a direct 'working' to 'help' the 'wrong doers' all the while being neglectful of/to the 'right doers'...... In civil life, I think this is called 'negligence'. In familial and relationship matters, I think this is called, 'neglect'.

Abandonment and neglect go 'hand in hand', I think. Just like Abbadon and destruction might go hand in hand...
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well u certainly like to binge so welcome and don't forget to duck and cover as it will be flying

note when they start name calling u names its because they do not have an response to your arguments but the smart one will pretend to make an argument and still do the derogatory stuff.
hello and greetings.. my name for this forum is deorro 1. It has no important significance except the fact that I can still 'think' enough to come up with a random name in a random 'thought' processed sort of way...

A little while ago, maybe in the first part of 2017, or later part of 2016, before the great New Year's Celebration was to begin, I remember many of the 'folk' around here beginning to be 'unable' to think coherently.. Their words were 'slur-red' and their 'concepts spoken', unsensical. So I thought... are we losing the ability to 'think' with imagination? Are we beginning to 'lose' our mental facilities to 'form new' ideas and connect 'ideas with other ideas' in a coherent, logical way? in other words, could we, if desired, randomly think of a 'sentence' rather than what was 'typically' spoken... Rather than 'hey, how're you doing', or rather than, 'haha haha', were we still able to fashion new sentences; ones which might have been used in the past but ones which were not as 'daily used'.. Some examples I thought of at that time was:

'She got into the car with her red dress on'.
'Would you know which way _____ is'. 'Could you give 'me' the directions, please'? 'Thank you, much obliged'. etc....

Not that fantastic for sentence 'creations' but still these sentences were one of the 'longer' sentences, syllable and word wise, that was still in the mind, especially in mine. And so after I asked a person whom I was conversing with to do the same, the conversation came to a halt and the mind drew a blank.

So yes... my name is Deorro 1 for this forum... Not for any spectacular reason but hey, at least I thought it up, kind of, right?

Pleased to meet you and to make your acquaintance.
Yeah, that´s a good question. But hey, when you think somebody cares in the first place, that´s your first mistake on your hard and stony path to your new nickname.
Have a nice stay, may it be long, funny and educational.
Let us say that a certain person's 'needs' were continually being 'abandoned'. Let's say God's Word was continually being 'abandoned'.

What occurs? Does the 'relationship' remain strong and healthy?

A person 'implied' to me once, 'The best way to keep a healthy relationship is to not let the other always know what is wrong'...

I think that is why I have 'succeeded' and 'excelled' up to now with all my past relationships'...

To me to do so or have done, would be 'neglect'. Why? Might I or the other have 'another' to share all those 'realities' and intimacies with?

The 'intimidating' or 'scary' part of this, though, is when you have to 'face the public'.. as in when they see you around town maybe knowing what those 'problems' might be... LOL.... :backpedal:

You can be seen like a 1 person 'team'.... LOL

And on top of that... if noone 'asks', who's to say that 'anything' got better in 'that' relationship, right? Then 'that' relationship would have gotten 'abandoned' by those who were once 'nosy and interested' with it.

It's like coming home knowing to 'avoid' the other person and to just go straight 'away' from that one and straight into a 'left alone' place; while having that relationship.

If you kind of think about it.. it's not anger that might be 'felt' from that one who goes 'away'. It might be a broken spirit or a hopeless outlook.

But wait! Who does the dishes and does the cooking? Okay.. fine.. Then who brings home the 'pay' $$$? okay.. I guess you might have a point...

Ah! temporary room-mates.... Of course equal division is the better way to not get too 'oblgated' or 'obliged'.
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There was once a song called 'Sally'
sung and performed by a group called 'Two Live Crew'
Sally gave it up to other guys
as they were cruising up and down her street

Sally's mamma came by
smacked her in the eye
or was it 'smacked' him in the eye
and said 'wait your turn'?

Automatically assuming this or that
as some might have thought
that the previous 'giving up'
was her private parts
When in fact
it could have been many other prizes.

That's why Sally and her mamma
wasn't so bad
except by the other(s) in the family
who had to scrape up the pieces
of their own crowns and learn how to move on...

Well by this time
Sally and her mamma
was on the Governor's dinner list nightly
being asked to be 'guests' at each of their Political parties.

So as one can imagine
All those who opposed them
Had their electricity turned off
and bills kept piling on...

laughing laughing laughing..

(or do the Politicians say 'no' to 'contributions')?
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What is the land airspeed velocity of a European swallow?


.... Would you believe that this would have been a link to a picture, not of a swallow, but, of a sparrow?

Here is one for a 'swallow'....


Dang it... Copy and Paste got stuck... sorry...


look at the last lines of each... haha... maybe the copy and paste didn't... lol...

But whoever 'addressed' these sure must think their first liners should always end with BAAD.....

What is the Holy Bible's definition of 'bad', anyways?

7451. ra'

ra': adversity
Original Word: רַע
Part of Speech: Adjective; noun masculine; noun feminine
Transliteration: ra'
Phonetic Spelling: (rah)
Definition: bad, evil

bad, disagreeable, malignant: of a woman,

bad, unpleasant, giving pain, unhappiness, misery:

bad of its kind, land

bad, i.e. of low value

devise evil (hurtful) device

ra'a': afflict
Original Word: רָעַע
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: ra'a'
Phonetic Spelling: (raw-ah')
Definition: to be evil, bad

First is an adjective... second is a verb...

Adjectives are descriptive words that modify nouns. They provide additional detail.

Adjectives describe or modify—that is, they limit or restrict the meaning of—nouns and pronouns. They may name qualities of all kinds: huge, red, angry, tremendous, unique, rare, etc. An adjective usually comes right before a noun: "a red dress," "fifteen people."

modify: change, alter, vary, modify mean to make or become different. change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another.

Would 'modifying' a noun be ra'a; the act of 'altering'/changing/disguising to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another.??? Or is this okay? Not 'bad'?

Okay... I will modify the swallow to become a sparrow... Is that okay?

From where did I receive these 'definitions'? Not modified? Google search: modify

Or do you think that I 'modify' myself into an angel of light?
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What is the land airspeed velocity of a European swallow?


.... Would you believe that this would have been a link to a picture, not of a swallow, but, of a sparrow?

Here is one for a 'swallow'....


Sure, I believe you...you have never deceived me before....

What is your favorite color?
So.. besides adjectives and verbs and nouns.. what else was modified that is not a Good thing to begin with?

The Name of The Messiah of God, The Only Begotten Son of The LORD. AND... also, The Name of The Only Begotten Son of The LORD's Heavenly Father; Being The LORD.

So.. there is One that is Good... Even Christ Messiah said this...

Mark 10:18 "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."

And so the 'modification' of The Name of Christ, The Messiah of God, would 'NOT' really be a 'Good' thing, right?

And for the modification of His Heavenly Father's Name... that would also NOT be a 'Good'/Godly thing, right?

(J)ohn 17:25-26 "O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them."

Wait.. can I post stuff like this in this part of the forum because the last time I asked for help in a Religion/Christianity 'part' of a forum, I got banned...

A singer named Eminem once sang... 'my name aint'... my name ain't'.... or was it, 'my name is... my name is....'... either way.. it wasn't Slim Shady nor is it sllm shady.. His name is actually top secret that only the vice squad knows about...

nah.. i 'modified' that part...

He is of English, Scottish, German, German Swiss, Polish and Luxembourgian ancestry.[15] His mother nearly died during her 73-hour labor with him.[16] Eminem's parents were in a band called Daddy Warbucks, playing in Ramada Inns along the Dakotas–Montana border before their separation. Eminem's father, referred to by his middle name Bruce, left the family, moving to California[17] and having two other children: Michael and Sarah.[18] Debbie later had son Nathan "Nate" Kane Samara.[14] During his childhood, Eminem and Debbie shuttled between Michigan and Missouri, rarely staying in one house for more than a year or two and living primarily with family members. In Missouri, they lived in several places, including St. Joseph, Savannah, and Kansas City

As a teenager, Eminem wrote letters to his father, which Debbie stated all came back marked "return to sender".[17] Friends and family remember Eminem as a happy child, but "a bit of a loner" who was often bullied. One bully, D'Angelo Bailey, severely injured Eminem's head in an assault;[21] Debbie filed a lawsuit against the school in 1982, which was dismissed the following year because the Macomb County (Mich.) judge said the schools were immune from lawsuits.[16] Eminem spent much of his youth in a working-class, primarily black, Detroit neighborhood.[17] He and Debbie were one of three white households on their block, and Eminem was beaten by black youths several times.[17] As a child he was interested in storytelling, aspiring to be a comic-book artist before discovering hip hop.[22] Eminem heard his first rap song ("Reckless", featuring Ice-T) on the Breakin' soundtrack, a gift from Debbie's half-brother Ronnie Polkingharn, who was close to him and later became a musical mentor to him. When Polkingharn committed suicide in 1991, Eminem stopped speaking for days and did not attend his funeral.[17][23]

Eminem's home life was seldom stable; he frequently fought with his mother, whom a social worker described as having a "very suspicious, almost paranoid personality". When her son became famous, Debbie was unimpressed by suggestions that she was a less-than-ideal mother, contending that she sheltered him and was responsible for his success. In 1987, Debbie allowed runaway Kimberly Anne "Kim" Scott to stay at their home; several years later, Eminem began an on-and-off relationship with Scott.[16] After spending three years in ninth grade due to truancy and poor grades,[24] he dropped out of Lincoln High School at age 17. Although he was interested in English, he never explored literature (preferring comic books) and disliked math and social studies.[25] Eminem worked at several jobs to help his mother pay the bills, later maintaining that she often threw him out of the house anyway, often after taking most of his paycheck. When she left to play bingo, he would blast the stereo and write songs.[17]

At age 14, Eminem began rapping with high-school friend Mike Ruby; they adopted the names "Manix" and "M&M", the latter of which stood for his initials and evolved into "Eminem"


Marshall (Bruce) Mathers III

Or simply put... M$M (chaching!)

Eminem is now 44 years old, one of the best-selling hip-hop artists of all time. In 2019, Eminem's net worth is estimated at 210 million ($). This makes him one of the '''richest''' (?) rappers in the world, next to the likes of Dr. Dre, Sean Combs, Jay Z and more.

'There are people who have money and people who are rich.'

- French fashion designer Coco Chanel
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Just because of the 'stereotype' of 'Christian' does NOT mean that I have to be bitterwood/wormwood or even stale 'wood'..

In 1931, studio mogul Sam Goldwyn believed the famed Parisian couturier could make his movies—and his stars—more glamorous, and invited the designer to come to Hollywood. What resulted was an object lesson in the difference between costumes and couture.


Having learned to sew during her six years at Aubazine, Chanel found employment as a seamstress.[12] When not sewing, she sang in a cabaret frequented by cavalry officers. Chanel made her stage debut singing at a cafe-concert (a popular entertainment venue of the era) in a Moulins pavilion, La Rotonde. She was a poseuse, a performer who entertained the crowd between star turns. The money earned was what they managed to accumulate when the plate was passed. It was at this time that Gabrielle acquired the name "Coco" when she spent her nights singing in the cabaret, often the song, "Who Has Seen Coco?" She often liked to say the nickname was given to her by her father.[13] Others believe "Coco" came from Ko Ko Ri Ko, and Qui qu'a vu Coco, or it was an allusion to the French word for kept woman, cocotte.[14] As an entertainer, Chanel radiated a juvenile allure that tantalized the military habitués of the cabaret.[6]

In 1906, Chanel worked in the spa resort town of Vichy. Vichy boasted a profusion of concert halls, theatres, and cafés where she hoped to achieve success as a performer. Chanel's youth and physical charms impressed those for whom she auditioned, but her singing voice was marginal and she failed to find stage work.[9]:49 Obliged to find employment, she took work at the Grande Grille, where as a donneuse d'eau she was one whose job was to dispense glasses of the purportedly curative mineral water for which Vichy was renowned.[9]:45 When the Vichy season ended, Chanel returned to Moulins, and her former haunt La Rotonde. She now realised that a serious stage career was not in her future

At Moulins, Chanel met a young French ex-cavalry officer and textile heir, Étienne Balsan. At the age of twenty-three, Chanel became Balsan's mistress

It was a lifestyle of self-indulgence. Balsan's wealth allowed the cultivation of a social set that reveled in partying and the gratification of human appetites, with all the implied accompanying decadence. Balsan showered Chanel with the baubles of "the rich life"—diamonds, dresses, and pearls. Biographer Justine Picardie, in her 2010 study Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life, suggests that the fashion designer's nephew, André Palasse, supposedly the only child of her sister Julia-Berthe who had committed suicide, was Chanel's child by Balsan.

In 1908, Chanel began an affair with one of Balsan's friends, Captain Arthur Edward 'Boy' Capel.[16] In later years, Chanel reminisced of this time in her life: "two gentlemen were outbidding for my hot little body."[17]:19 Capel, a wealthy member of the English upper class, installed Chanel in an apartment in Paris

The couple spent time together at fashionable resorts such as Deauville, but despite Chanel's hopes that they would settle together, Capel was never faithful to her.[16] Their affair lasted nine years. Even after Capel married an English aristocrat, Lady Diana Wyndham in 1918, he did not completely break off with Chanel. He died in a car accident on 21 December 1919.[20][21] A roadside memorial at the site of Capel's accident is said to have been commissioned by Chanel.[22] Twenty-five years after the event, Chanel, then residing in Switzerland, confided to her friend, Paul Morand, "His death was a terrible blow to me. In losing Capel, I lost everything. What followed was not a life of happiness, I have to say.

Love of the 'heart'... Even such 'true' loves as this is closer to God and The LORD and to Christ Messiah and 'loves - untrue'.

Although she probably lived a 'risque' 'feminine' life, she might have found a true 'love' amidst those 'baubles'.

'What followed was not a life of happiness, I have to say.'

a life... still living.. a life...

Ecclesiastes 7:2 "It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men;...."

What might this mean? What could this mean? What might this mean to those that live and have life because God is not a God of the dead but He is a God of the living...

Matthew 22:31-32 "But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."

(J)ohn 3:5 '(J)esus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.'

Romans 6:4 "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life."

Colossians 2:12 "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."

Oh, right.. Another thing...

Why does the LGBT community adamantly insist that 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 refers to the The Kingdom of Heaven, as in 'life after death'?

1 Corinthians 6:9

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"

This verse refers to The Kingdom of God, not to The Kingdom of Heaven....

So why? And why should 'believers' be kept 'down' because of something they claim but is 'untrue'...

Or would 'being' baptized prevent, even further, The Holy Spirit from 'consecrating' and 'sanctifying', even the LGBT 'person', who was 'baptized'?

Because IF i'm LGBT and IF I'm supposed to NOT be allowed 'in',,, I guess that would also be true IF I was 'baptized' ALSO, right?

Or am i 'interpreting' more than 'reading'?

Two persons brought another and asked.. sir... this person was continually attempting to make you look as if you were trying to lead all into hell. What would you like to say?

The person said, 'away from me, ye who seek to have me 'condemned''!

The person, while walking away, wondered.. 'why would such possible 'condemnations' have been brought to 'me'? What might I have done'??

If these sorts of possibilities continued and if the person ended up 'cursing' at God or even cursing God Himself, would that be 'unjust' or might it be, 'not strong enough'?

OR... might it 'show' that the person was never really 'baptized' or 'sincere' ever; even in the first place and during his own 'life'?

a fake believer... rare, indeed...

I can 'trick' most of the person(s) most of the time; I can even trick the One whom I don't/might not even believe in... some of the time but not all of the time.

It might be called 'grace' which allows for this to have an effect on 'others' nearby; some believing, some not, some too tired to care..

If I was to tell you that NASA found a 'hole' in the sun the size of 50 Earth's wide in 2015, would you believe me, call me a hoaxter or 'investigate' to see which you might do; believe me, call me a hoaxter or 'not care' either way?

And if I was to tell you that the latin verb Fucare, which has the neutral state; fuco, is probably where the word fuc* comes from, would you believe me, call me a hoaxter or call me obscene?

Because to call me obscene and even 'treat' me as an obscene person because of the use of that word, fuc* and even with the word 'mother' attached to the beginning of it, would and could more likely and probably be 'accepted' by the majority public, as truth that such word(s) ARE truly obscene... not to be used...

Another example...

If I was to say someone was 'stupid'... it might have the same 'result' from the public.. *rude, they might say...

But if I was to say that the word 'stupid' comes from the word 'stupor', to be in a state of conscious 'stupor' or being 'stupid', would that change any ideas of what 'stupid' actually means?

Okay.. another example...

If I was to say that the word 'gender' was never used to define a 'sex'; either male or female before a certain current decade, would you believe me?

Sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as a role in 1955. Before his work, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories.[1][2] However, Money's meaning of the word did not become widespread until the 1970s, when feminist theory embraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and the social construct of gender. Today, the distinction is followed in some contexts, especially the social sciences[5][6] and documents written by the World Health Organization (WHO).

What does that mean... uncommon except in grammatical purposes?

Masculine nouns are used with articles like el or un and have adjectives that end in -o, while female nouns use the articles la or una and have adjectives that end in -a. To know if a noun is masculine or feminine, you should look to see what letter(s) the word ends with.

You cannot call a kitchen; El Cucina nor can you call a bathroom, La Bano. No spanish speaker might understand...

* talk about strict 'legalism', eh?

So rather than assume a person is againt another person or persons, ask or see if they whisper 'death unto them', under their breath or if they 'pray' for their well-being and success.

After all, Groove is in the heart, right?


Whoever said, 'fun' was 'bad or wrong' or 'evil' for that matter??

But what kind of 'fun' can a person have with 'strange'?

Harry Potter and dragons and such... 'point and 'shazam''.....

is that even possible?
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This is how far human radio broadcasts have reached into the galaxy

The other day, I was playing around with stumbleupon and came across this photo, which -- well, it speaks for itself. Wow.

Extent of human radio broadcasts
Humans have been broadcasting radio waves into deep space for about a hundred years now, since the days of Marconi. That, of course, means there is an ever-expanding bubble announcing Humanity's presence to anyone listening in the Milky Way. This bubble is astronomically large (literally), and currently spans approximately 200 light years. But how big is this, really, compared to the size of the Galaxy in which we live (which is, itself, just one of countless billions of galaxies in the observable universe)? To answer that question, Adam Grossman put together this diagram. It's not the black square; it's the little blue dot at the center of that zoomed-in square.
Gives you perspective, doesn't it? Actually, I'm a little surprised that the dot shows up on this image at all. Some people describe this as humbling, but for me, I see it as just the beginning. I'm very grateful to be a member of the very few generations of humanity that have ever lived who are (a) capable of creating radio broadcasts and (b) realizing how much more of the universe there is beyond what we've experienced.

[T]he one thing I feel bad about is that stumbleupon sent me directly to the photo on somebody else's website, and I didn't bother looking up its origin before I tweeted the link. So now I have, and I can tell you that the diagram was made by Adam Grossman on the jackadamblog, using an artist's concept of the Milky Way by Nick Risinger that he took from Wikipedia.

planetary org
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