Hello, Democrat Party, we have a Presidential Primary upcoming... poll please...


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
And guess who has a bit more than "nothing" right off the bat, especially with OLDER VOTERS who respect him and what his family has been through...

Bust 'em up, RFKjr...

RFKjr at 10% of Dem primary voters now, 13% women, 17% seniors who need to educate the Dem youth

BUT BUT BUT Byden is in the lead by 60%

YEAH, for NOW.... but... he's Joe Biden... yeah him....

If this race remains just RFKjr and Joe Biden, which I think is not likely, RFKjr can win with a good campaign.
And guess who has a bit more than "nothing" right off the bat, especially with OLDER VOTERS who respect him and what his family has been through...

Bust 'em up, RFKjr...

RFKjr at 10% of Dem primary voters now, 13% women, 17% seniors who need to educate the Dem youth

BUT BUT BUT Byden is in the lead by 60%

YEAH, for NOW.... but... he's Joe Biden... yeah him....

If this race remains just RFKjr and Joe Biden, which I think is not likely, RFKjr can win with a good campaign.
I just want to see a Kennedy up on the stage debating Biden.

it will be a breath of fresh air to be able to finally have a Democratic candidate who we might be able to support.

I’m looking forward to hearing Robert F Kennedy Junior‘s opinions. But I wonder if the racists at CNN or the view will give rfk jr a platform for an interview. These are demented antiwhite racists on MSNBC, CNN they’re out of their minds. Let’s see if they can redeem themselves by giving RFK Junior a platform so the American people can hear what he has to say.
I just want to see a Kennedy up on the stage debating Biden.

America can win if RFKjr wins Dem and Trump or another truly patriotic to AMERICA person wins the GOP

Then Chris Wray does not have a horse in the race until Bloomberg or Bezos jumps in as an independent.

The Dem establishment is FREAKING at this poll. They know Biden is a paper tiger to put it mildly...
America can win if RFKjr wins Dem and Trump or another truly patriotic to AMERICA person wins the GOP

Then Chris Wray does not have a horse in the race until Bloomberg or Bezos jumps in as an independent.

The Dem establishment is FREAKING at this poll. They know Biden is a paper tiger to put it mildly...
I don’t know much about RFK Junior. But it sounds like it would be an excellent race if it was RFK Junior versus Trump.

What’s Robert F Kennedy Junior‘s position on race issues.?
I'm going to laugh my ass off if in 2024, the Democrats get stuck with the anti-vaxxer conspiracy-theorist RFK Jr.

Talk about having to eat a shit sandwich. :laughing0301:
I don’t know much about RFK Junior. But it sounds like it would be an excellent race if it was RFK Junior versus Trump.

What’s Robert F Kennedy Junior‘s position on race issues.?

JFK opposed quotas. I'm sure we'll get RFKjr's in time. RFKjr is not a conservative. or he wasn't 30 years ago.

I would suggest that RFKjr has spent the past 30 years studying what happened to his family, and he is unlikely to make the same HUGE ERRORS Trump made like


because he has a full understanding, while Trump does not.

America needs an honest FBI and AG patriotic to America, not another batch of Zionist Fascists from the W Administration
People often complain that Hollywood has lost its creativity and only gives us shoddy knockoffs of past classics.

I would submit that Hollywood does this not because they have lost their creativity. But, because it's what we keep asking them to give us.

Hollywood hasn't lost their creativity, we, the people, have.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if in 2024, the Democrats get stuck with the anti-vaxxer conspiracy-theorist RFK Jr.

Talk about having to eat a shit sandwich. :laughing0301:

While the media continues to push the vax, the Dem base is very VERY suspicious and knows to check the web beyond MSNBC

Laugh all you want, but the Black American community noticed Ice Cube passed on an easy $8 million to avoid the jab....

Ice Cube is actually a highly intelligent Hollywood actor and singer.. a real rarity.
I heard obama has "transitioned" to a girl and will run in 2024 as "becky".

JFK opposed quotas. I'm sure we'll get RFKjr's in time. RFKjr is not a conservative. or he wasn't 30 years ago.

I would suggest that RFKjr has spent the past 30 years studying what happened to his family, and he is unlikely to make the same HUGE ERRORS Trump made like


because he has a full understanding, while Trump does not.

America needs an honest FBI and AG patriotic to America, not another batch of Zionist Fascists from the W Administration
Yes Trump made a lot of big-time mistakes with some of his close associates. Another person that was a bad hire was his daughter honestly and her husband where are they now they’re nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they were in it for the money my friend…. also John Bolton was a horrendous administrator working for Trump he should’ve never been given his position. The guy is perhaps on drugs

It seems like two of trumps oldest son‘s Don Junior and Eric Trump are the closest he has. He needs to figure out things and probably work with regular every day Americans like the mayor of East Palestine. He should honestly consider him as his vice president candidate , not some establishment hack

Robert F Kennedy Junior needs to have a website …I was looking for it doesn’t look like he has one right now.

But I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to say. He ought to have a YouTube channel he definitely needs to oppose the racist hiring quotas which are wrecking our country. They are of course racist against white people they’re holding our country back.

the far left wingers on the US message boards right now are racist. They don’t care at all about their children’s future because of for example of how they agree with Black Lives Matter how they either agree with or simply never say anything about major companies, major news networks having anti-white racist hiring quotas.

Like Superbadbrutha

Why don’t you for once put a picture of an African knight or an African emperor in your avatar. You’re not a victim. Do you understand this man? do you understand that there are millions of white people and black people who are living with a very low wage or who are homeless. Come on man…. stop supporting racist companies in this country there are so many huge companies like ESPN who are racist against white people. No wonder their ratings are so low nobody cares for that nonsense.

I cannot believe that my fellow Democrats support Black Lives Matter. I can’t believe it with the fact being that all of the major companies in America have racist job quotas against white people.


This is another man who is acting like a complete whack job racist. He’s complaining about bigotry against trans people…. is this guy out of his mind. ? Does he not see what Budweiser was doing does he not see what the view does, what CNN does what MSNBC does with their pro trans agenda , putting men in women’s locker rooms which is disgusting.
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While the media continues to push the vax, the Dem base is very VERY suspicious and knows to check the web beyond MSNBC

Laugh all you want, but the Black American community noticed Ice Cube passed on an easy $8 million to avoid the jab....

Ice Cube is actually a highly intelligent Hollywood actor and singer.. a real rarity.

Not sure where you're coming from, bro. Very few liberals, progressives, and Democrats are unvaxxed. They've been pushing to have everyone triple-vaccinated over the last three years, treating the unvaxxed like we're untouchables or something. Honestly, I don't know much about RFK Jr. except for the fact that he's anti-vaccine, wants to jail energy CEOs for treason, and wants to punish climate change deniers.

But he also believes the US government and the World Health Organization planned the COVID pandemic for decades, in order to consolidate power. Whether that's true or not, I don't see that going over too well with your typical liberal, progressive Democrat voting base.
Yes Trump made a lot of big-time mistakes with some of his close associates. Another person that was a bad hire was his daughter honestly and her husband where are they now they’re nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they were in it for the money my friend

It seems like two of trumps oldest son‘s Don Junior and Eric Trump are the closest he has. He needs to figure out things and probably work with regular every day Americans like the mayor of East Palestine. He should honestly consider him as his vice president show candidate not some establishment hack

Robert F Kennedy Junior needs to have a website …I was looking for it doesn’t look like he has one right now.

But I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to say. He ought to have a YouTube channel he definitely needs to oppose the racist hiring quotas which are wrecking our country. They are of course racist against white people they’re holding our country back.

What the far left wingers on the US message boards right now are racist. They don’t care at all about their children’s future because of for example of how they agree with Black Lives Matter how they either agree with or simply never say anything about major companies, major news networks having anti-white racist hiring quotas.

Like Superbadbrutha

Why don’t you for once put a picture of an African night or an African emperor in your avatar. You’re not a victim. Do you understand this man do you understand that there are millions of white people in poor people who are living with a very low wage or who are homeless. Come on man…. stop supporting racist companies in this country there are so many huge companies like ESPN who are racist against white people. No wonder their ratings are so low nobody cares for that nonsense.

Unlikely RFKjr can win a Dem primary by opposing "Affirmative Action"

That is a big issue and I agree with you there should be no FASCIST state sponsored DNA discrimination

You seem unconcerned about the integrity of our elections. The case that Biden cheated to win is absolutely proven to any and all with IQ over 100 who checked the data. Chris Wray is America's #1 problem. If RFKjr wins, Chris Wray gets replaced by a patriotic AMERICAN...

And THAT will be when the FUN STARTS....
He's a delusional antivaxxer kook and a world laughingstock.

Thus, he's got a future with Republicans. If he starts molesting kids, he's a shoe-in for the GOP nomination.

Terrified YOU ARE...

And RFKjr's stance on Murderous FRAUD Vax will HELP, not hurt his candidacy no matter how many times the media lies about it....
Very few liberals, progressives, and Democrats are unvaxxed.

Very few are WITHOUT a VAX CARD....


Is a VAX CARD "PROOF" they got the jab???

Put it this way. You saw Biden get a jab. Are you sure he got the Vax, or do you think it may have been water?
Unlikely RFKjr can win a Dem primary by opposing "Affirmative Action"

That is a big issue and I agree with you there should be no FASCIST state sponsored DNA discrimination

You seem unconcerned about the integrity of our elections. The case that Biden cheated to win is absolutely proven to any and all with IQ over 100 who checked the data. Chris Wray is America's #1 problem. If RFKjr wins, Chris Wray gets replaced by a patriotic AMERICAN...

And THAT will be when the FUN STARTS....
I was certainly concerned with the 2020 election and I don’t know what happened with it but it seems very much bizarre that Mr. Biden won. I gave Trump my vote and it was very upsetting to see him lose

Let’s see where RFK Junior stands on Black Lives Matter, let’s see where he stands on building our statues back in this country….

I think that he could be the candidate to appeal to Republican voters by standing against Black Lives Matter. That could certainly be a strategy by him.
I don't see that going over too well with your typical liberal, progressive Democrat voting

Maybe you should go back and look at some of the stuff posted around where David dePape was living before his "attempted kidnapping" of Dykey Nancy...

ALL DEMOCRATS KNOW 911 WAS A FRAUD. Only one demographic lies about it...
I was certainly concerned with the 2020 election and I don’t know what happened with it but it seems very much bizarre that Mr. Biden won. I gave Trump my vote and it was very upsetting to see him lose

Let’s see where RFK Junior stands on Black Lives Matter, let’s see where he stands on building our statues back in this country….

I think that he could be the candidate to appeal to Republican voters by standing against Black Lives Matter. That could certainly be a strategy by him.

He is trying to win a DEMOCRAT PRIMARY.


Not a Republican PRIMARY....

Please think that through...
He is trying to win a DEMOCRAT PRIMARY.


Not a Republican PRIMARY....

Please think that through...
I understand where you’re coming from I am only providing with you my opinion on the matter by friend. And what I expect from a candidate is what I expect that might be different from you.

I want to see the Democratic Party go back to what it was in the 1940s and 1960s. And I want to see democrat candidates oppose BLM. They have every right to do that and run as a Democrat. And if they get flamed by CNN or MSNBC who cares nobody watches those news networks anyways. I will say this much if Robert F Kennedy Junior is some kind of a big-time pro blm person it’s probably going to be an issue for me.

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