Hello fellow members!


Oct 13, 2010
Hi everyone,

I'll introduce myself quickly. I'm 33 and unfortunately, like many Americans, i have been unemployed since March of this year. Despite my constant search for a job, i didn't land a job yet. So i decided to do something about it and in the spirit of entrepreneurship i decided to try and help all my fellow unemployed as well and start a social network that is specifically designed for the unemployed. No, i don't have experience in this, but i completed the first phase and got some good feedback :)clap2:) and now heading to phase two where i'll add job boards (hope to have members hire from within later on), local deals (savings) and hopefully people sharing their experiences, as everyone there is in the same boat.
I'm far from being a spammer, but i have to give a shout-out to my site (Possibilitive)
I'm looking for feedback from anyone who is interested.
In any case, i look forward to being an active member of this message board.
Victim of the real estate market here, but only since late August and picking up some work here and there, thank goodness.

But Ah feel your pain. Welcome aboard, and enjoy!
Hi everyone,

I'll introduce myself quickly. I'm 33 and unfortunately, like many Americans, i have been unemployed since March of this year. Despite my constant search for a job, i didn't land a job yet. So i decided to do something about it and in the spirit of entrepreneurship i decided to try and help all my fellow unemployed as well and start a social network that is specifically designed for the unemployed. No, i don't have experience in this, but i completed the first phase and got some good feedback :)clap2:) and now heading to phase two where i'll add job boards (hope to have members hire from within later on), local deals (savings) and hopefully people sharing their experiences, as everyone there is in the same boat.
I'm far from being a spammer, but i have to give a shout-out to my site (Possibilitive)
I'm looking for feedback from anyone who is interested.
In any case, i look forward to being an active member of this message board.

You have a syntax-error where your header-logo is placed.

<div id="homey" <a href="http://www.possibilitive.com"><img src="http://possibilitive.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/plogo4.png" border="0"/>
<div id="homey">

This way your header-logo becomes also clickable and linking to your Startpage.
You also should remove the "meta generator" tag from source-code, stupid-bots programmed to hack Wordpress sites look for this tag to identify WP sites.

I wish you good luck in finding a job in real-life. That should be your priority. With the site you currently have, you will make no money.
Wow, thanks for those who encourage. As for those who don't agree, think it's dumb idea or whatever else, well, thanks for your opinion as well. I'm just having fun with this project, it's amazing how people like to bring you down quickly.
Keep on trucking.
Wow, thanks for those who encourage. As for those who don't agree, think it's dumb idea or whatever else, well, thanks for your opinion as well. I'm just having fun with this project, it's amazing how people like to bring you down quickly.
Keep on trucking.

My theory, at least it'll show employers that you haven't been sitting around doing nothing. I'd employ someone who occupied their time using their skills, or doing voluntary work, over someone who sat around watching tv all day.
I did not try to bring you down, I tried to help you make the right decision which is focusing on a real job.
Welcome. We always need another poster with a large shoulder chip. :lol:
Wow, thanks for those who encourage. As for those who don't agree, think it's dumb idea or whatever else, well, thanks for your opinion as well. I'm just having fun with this project, it's amazing how people like to bring you down quickly.
Keep on trucking.
Don't listen to the neigh sayers, do what you think is right for you.
Don't listen to the neigh sayers...

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