Hello from the heart of Europe


Nov 14, 2012
Hi, I am new here, as you have rightly assumed.
I am from Germany and I am proud of my country and history. Our fight for freedom and an appropriate place in the international community is not forgotten and will be continued. Great nations have to accept each other or they aren´t great.

American politics are importand to european countries as well as to the rest of the world and so it is not a good idea to ignore them.
Well I don´t like the EU, it´s a criminal organisation, which destroys europe. It has no legitimation, it is a privat organisation, which wangels government competences and disturbs the so-called democratic process in the memberstates by influencing anything without any limitation or field of competence.
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Hi, I am new here, as you have rightly assume.
I am from Germany and I am proud of my country and history. Our fight for freedom and an appropriate place in the international community is not forgotten and will be continued. Great nations have to accept each other or they aren´t great.

American politics are importand to european countries as well as to the rest of the world and so it is not a good idea to ignore them.
Well I don´t like the EU, it´s a criminal organisation, which destroys europe. It has no legitimation, it is a privat organisation, which wangels government competences and disturbs the so-called democratic process in the memberstates by influencing anything without any limitation or field of competence.

Welcome to the boards, it will be refreshing to hear your opinions.
hi new person.

i am not so sure about the EU myself, but i think it was a natural progression.

on another and more welcoming note, i am a big fan of bananas myself, as you seem to be. my only complaint about them is i wish they had an extra syllable, maybe even two....like "bananamas" or "bananapanamamas" because i think it would be cool to hear three or four or even ten kids, who are perhaps the world biggest afficionados of that fruit, cry and screech and beg and cajole their mom's for one when they are shopping for produce. i bet their pleas for , say, a seven syllable fruit, would have a unique rhythmic quality.

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Welcome to the boards, it will be refreshing to hear your opinions.
Thx. I always hope it will be a win.win situation :)

hi new person.

i am not so sure about the EU myself, but i think it was a natural progression.
How could it be a natural progression? We have very old countries here, which can not throw their roots away. And they way the EU operates is the main point why it should be abolished.

on another and more welcoming note, i am a big fan of bananas myself, as you seem to be. my only complaint about them is i wish they had an extra syllable, maybe even two....like "bananamas" or "bananapanamamas" because i think it would be cool to hear three or four or even ten kids, who are perhaps the world biggest afficionados of that fruit, cry and screech and beg and cajole their mom's for one when they are shopping for produce. i bet their pleas for , say, a seven syllable fruit, would have a unique rhythmic quality.
Oh yes, I spent many years of my life for he banana issue. But the human since is just not developed enough to be able to clarify, how many syllables a banana should have.
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LOL-- I just joined, too 'wavingrl'--happy to be able to wave across the pond to you.

my dad's family is German and I have known some fine Germans.

iirc, last I heard--you have managed to keep your economy solvent and stable

lots of us admire that. :)

what does your user name mean 'bleipreister'--if you don't mind my asking?

lol--I live in Atlanta, GA--where there are no plantations or ladies wearing hoop skirts, etc--some us still try to cling to a bit of 'Southern' heritage--courtesy/manners--equality is definitely a priority here--but sometimes men hold doors for women and sometimes women hold doors for men and sometimes 'a person' just holds a door open for another person. I tell you it is 'Wild'.:D

i live not far from the heart of city---very pretty in the spring--dogwoods. fwiw.
LOL-- I just joined, too 'wavingrl'--happy to be able to wave across the pond to you.

my dad's family is German and I have known some fine Germans.

iirc, last I heard--you have managed to keep your economy solvent and stable

lots of us admire that. :)

what does your user name mean 'bleipreister'--if you don't mind my asking?

lol--I live in Atlanta, GA--where there are no plantations or ladies wearing hoop skirts, etc--some us still try to cling to a bit of 'Southern' heritage--courtesy/manners--equality is definitely a priority here--but sometimes men hold doors for women and sometimes women hold doors for men and sometimes 'a person' just holds a door open for another person. I tell you it is 'Wild'.:D

i live not far from the heart of city---very pretty in the spring--dogwoods. fwiw.

I have known some very fine men of German descent and found them to be very attractive in more ways than one. They are sturdy, in mind and body and I am pleased to meet two new members as you each sound very interesting.

So to wavingrl and bleipreister, I happily
YOU from my land to yours. :)

Hi, I am new here, as you have rightly assumed.
I am from Germany and I am proud of my country and history. Our fight for freedom and an appropriate place in the international community is not forgotten and will be continued. Great nations have to accept each other or they aren´t great.

American politics are importand to european countries as well as to the rest of the world and so it is not a good idea to ignore them.
Well I don´t like the EU, it´s a criminal organisation, which destroys europe. It has no legitimation, it is a privat organisation, which wangels government competences and disturbs the so-called democratic process in the memberstates by influencing anything without any limitation or field of competence.

Welcome!!!! You have an interesting perspective I look forward to your posts!!!:)
Welcome to the boards, it will be refreshing to hear your opinions.
Thx. I always hope it will be a win.win situation :)

hi new person.

i am not so sure about the EU myself, but i think it was a natural progression.
How could it be a natural progression? We have very old countries here, which can not throw their roots away. And they way the EU operates is the main point why it should be abolished.

on another and more welcoming note, i am a big fan of bananas myself, as you seem to be. my only complaint about them is i wish they had an extra syllable, maybe even two....like "bananamas" or "bananapanamamas" because i think it would be cool to hear three or four or even ten kids, who are perhaps the world biggest afficionados of that fruit, cry and screech and beg and cajole their mom's for one when they are shopping for produce. i bet their pleas for , say, a seven syllable fruit, would have a unique rhythmic quality.
Oh yes, I spent many years of my life for he banana issue. But the human since is just not developed enough to be able to clarify, how many syllables a banana should have.

maybe "natural progression" was a bad choice of words. "inevitable" may have been better. it just seems that after WWII and the hague congress...just sort of like the soviet union was inevitable.

and then, with globalisation of markets and a world economy, all the pieces fit together.

i haven't been in europe in a long time really...

i did get the impression that one of their priorities was to respect the cultures. i know they are the only international body that recognises irish as an official language.

i think a hybrid between an avocado and a banana might result in some interesting alliterative assonance and perhaps become an excellent diet food. i mean, i have never seen a fat monkey, or a fat angie dickinson, who is from north dakota by the way, like Rick4404, a poster who came on when you did, but he is from fargo. angie is from kulm. neither one of them talk funny. she is also of german descent.

hmmmmmmmm...dakota is next to montana...very, very strange.
Guten tag !

LOL-- I just joined, too 'wavingrl'--happy to be able to wave across the pond to you.

my dad's family is German and I have known some fine Germans.

iirc, last I heard--you have managed to keep your economy solvent and stable

lots of us admire that. :)
Germany has awlays been an export nation and sold good products. Now Germany starts to sell its technology and production means, what means that others can produce what we can - and cheaper. Solvent and stable... ...abandoned factories everywhere...

what does your user name mean 'bleipreister'--if you don't mind my asking?
It´s my old gaming nick and means lead priest :D

lol--I live in Atlanta, GA--where there are no plantations or ladies wearing hoop skirts, etc--some us still try to cling to a bit of 'Southern' heritage--courtesy/manners--equality is definitely a priority here--but sometimes men hold doors for women and sometimes women hold doors for men and sometimes 'a person' just holds a door open for another person. I tell you it is 'Wild'.:D

i live not far from the heart of city---very pretty in the spring--dogwoods. fwiw.
Wow, it´s long ago since I saw a Gentleman opening a door for his girl. Well, it seems that males have turned to losers in my country.

So to wavingrl and bleipreister, I happily [Sry, have to delete (image-)URL due to rules] YOU from my land to yours. :)
Very nice!

Welcome!!!! You have an interesting perspective I look forward to your posts!!!:)
Hi! I am sure it will be interesting :cool:

maybe "natural progression" was a bad choice of words. "inevitable" may have been better. it just seems that after WWII and the hague congress...just sort of like the soviet union was inevitable.

and then, with globalisation of markets and a world economy, all the pieces fit together.

i haven't been in europe in a long time really...

i did get the impression that one of their priorities was to respect the cultures. i know they are the only international body that recognises irish as an official language.
And they give 6000-8000 Eur to every Greek who destroys his vineyard for "economy modernization" purposes...

i think a hybrid between an avocado and a banana might result in some interesting alliterative assonance and perhaps become an excellent diet food. i mean, i have never seen a fat monkey, or a fat angie dickinson, who is from north dakota by the way, like Rick4404, a poster who came on when you did, but he is from fargo. angie is from kulm. neither one of them talk funny. she is also of german descent.

hmmmmmmmm...dakota is next to montana...very, very strange.
I do. Sometimes. What could be the result of an advocate with a banana?
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LOL--'bP'--if you want a new 'nick'---

succinct--quick--'easier'---that is my 'creed'. :0

lots of good men and women everywhere.

hehehehehehe--lots of transplants from across the nation and the world here---some of us were just used to 'courtesy' or whatever you want to call.

and when newcomers moved here--they just started doing it, too. imagine that---imagine that.

habits---some are better than others--mais oui? fingers crossed the tos permits 'different languages'---i clearly understood that any discussion of bestiality would not be tolerated.

still need to review tos much more thoroughly.

how i found this site--for those eager to know. I had googled Thomas Sowell/economist--and google listed something about him at this site.

that was enough to convince me that it would be worth checking out. :D
Welcome to USMB, bleipriester. Hope you enjoy the boards.

I've visited your beautiful country twice through the generosity of a company named Pfaff that used to manufacture home sewing machines in Karlsruhe and commercial Pfaffs in Kaiserslautern. We were taken on a long boat tour on the Rhine River and saw many beautiful sights on the way to the Bavarian Alps and Neuschwanstein. And what wonderful sewing machines that began when Mr. Pfaff put one together for the first time in 1862 and gave the world one of the best efficient, hardworking and fast sewing machines it has ever had. :thup:
Welcome to USMB, bleipriester. Hope you enjoy the boards.

I've visited your beautiful country twice through the generosity of a company named Pfaff that used to manufacture home sewing machines in Karlsruhe and commercial Pfaffs in Kaiserslautern. We were taken on a long boat tour on the Rhine River and saw many beautiful sights on the way to the Bavarian Alps and Neuschwanstein. And what wonderful sewing machines that began when Mr. Pfaff put one together for the first time in 1862 and gave the world one of the best efficient, hardworking and fast sewing machines it has ever had. :thup:
Hi, you. Yes, I think we have nice places here :)

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