Hello. I am Happy Joy Joy

Do you call yourself that because you're the opposite? Like you would call a very tall guy shorty..

Anyway welcome and have fun here.
Welcome to USMB-ville, Happy Happy Joy Joy.

BTW, I hate your fucking song:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6yzjDXp_og]YouTube - Kitties Singing Joy-Joy-Joy![/ame]
Well, at least your name gave me a smile. Not sure how I'm gonna feel about it in a few weeks..
Welcome to the USMB.
Welcome. I'm afraid to check out your neck with a name like Happy Joy Joy... Best just observe for a spell. First inclination is to laugh and say WTF kind of name is that but I'd be accused of stereotyping. Best advice is to beware in the sandbox. The liberals pee there.
We could do with some happy, joy, joy around here..

Let me tell you though, it's not easy, the balance is rather shifted to the sad sack, grumpy side.

Sooo good luck there Stimpy, I hope you don't end up picking your nose, butt and searching for Stinky..
:welcome: 2 USMB are you Ren or Stimpy? :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsJfBsNpTJM]YouTube - Ren and Stimpy - Happy Happy Joy Joy[/ame]
Welcome. I'm afraid to check out your neck with a name like Happy Joy Joy... Best just observe for a spell. First inclination is to laugh and say WTF kind of name is that but I'd be accused of stereotyping. Best advice is to beware in the sandbox. The liberals pee there.

Stop eating the sand then, Count Dracula. BTW, there have been some wild cats seen in the neighborhood too.

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