Hello! Knock knock. Obama isn't running for president again.

Invoking Obumbler as part of the upcoming Presidential campaigns is absolutely fair. It is the Obumbler Administration and its policies and behaviors that should be the focus. If folks like it, they can keep it by voting for some new shiny socialist liberal Democrat candidate. Shrillary, for example.

But, if folks dislike what Obumbler has done, they can perhaps oust it by making sure to get a sure fire opponent of the policies and preferences of Obumbler. We cannot afford milquetoast losers like Boehner, obviously. We need fire in the belly conservatives to step up, articulate the opposition and (with the hoped-for help of a majority in both houses of Congress) then proceed to UNDO the damage done by Obumbler.
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.
Aren't these liberals cute with they way they keep trying to pretend conservatives' only intention is to keep Obama from running for President again? As if he even could?

I guess they're trying to pretend the GOP actually thinks he can run again.

It's hard to keep these liberals' lies and pretensions straight. You can never tell what lies and deceptions they are working on at any particular time. This "GOP thinks Obama can run again" fib is apparently the latest one.

Who knows what they will come up with next. Since being thrown out of office so massively last November, they liberals have been operating in a complete dream world where only their opponents are wrong, only their opponents think such silly things. With no evidence to back any of it up, of course.

The fact that it's only liberals who even come up with these silly ideas, completely escapes them.

And they think they are the ones who should be running our country.

yo, squirrel food ...maybe THEY understand sarcastic comments.
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?

Gerbils would be proud, the commies make up lies, you swallow them and repeat them just like the good maobamabot your are. Same old tired theme, same old waste of band width. Will you ever learn to think for yourself?
Man and we think ODS is bad... just wait for HDS. :laugh:
Yet here you are responding to another R Dean hate thread,talk about obsessing,your clown buss riders posts a blitheness bubbling post,and you follow right behind.Yet you say repub are obsessed??!!
Learn some english. :slap:

Learn how not to be a complete tool.
Back for another whipping?

There would have to be a first "whipping" for that stupid question of yours to have ANY meaning, you loser.
Oh yeah? Find any sources besides your imagination to prove me wrong about Hiroshima and Nagasaki yet?
Yet here you are responding to another R Dean hate thread,talk about obsessing,your clown buss riders posts a blitheness bubbling post,and you follow right behind.Yet you say repub are obsessed??!!
Learn some english. :slap:

Learn how not to be a complete tool.
Back for another whipping?

There would have to be a first "whipping" for that stupid question of yours to have ANY meaning, you loser.
Oh yeah? Find any sources besides your imagination to prove me wrong about Hiroshima and Nagasaki yet?

Already did. I guess i could go back and find them again to satisfy your itch.

But I think a hearty "go fuck yourself" will suffice.
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?
Thank God he isn't for if he were, he would be in full campaign mode right now and not paying attention to his responsibilities....

Oh wait....maybe he thinks he IS running agian?

He's never left campaign mode, he's not good at anything else.
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?

Gerbils would be proud, the commies make up lies, you swallow them and repeat them just like the good maobamabot your are. Same old tired theme, same old waste of band width. Will you ever learn to think for yourself?

like the fake birth certificate ?

Hello! Knock knock. Obama isn't running for president again.

Give it up, deanie; the dems will be running against bush until at least 2024.
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The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?

Gerbils would be proud, the commies make up lies, you swallow them and repeat them just like the good maobamabot your are. Same old tired theme, same old waste of band width. Will you ever learn to think for yourself?

like the fake birth certificate ?


Your ignorance is showing, feel free to show a quote of mine referring to a fake birth certificate. No hurry, I'll wait. Fool.
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?

Gerbils would be proud, the commies make up lies, you swallow them and repeat them just like the good maobamabot your are. Same old tired theme, same old waste of band width. Will you ever learn to think for yourself?

like the fake birth certificate ?


Your ignorance is showing, feel free to show a quote of mine referring to a fake birth certificate. No hurry, I'll wait. Fool.

who said anything about you saying anything? I compared the BC to the same old tired waste of bandwidth .... is it or isn't it?
Learn some english. :slap:

Learn how not to be a complete tool.
Back for another whipping?

There would have to be a first "whipping" for that stupid question of yours to have ANY meaning, you loser.
Oh yeah? Find any sources besides your imagination to prove me wrong about Hiroshima and Nagasaki yet?

Already did. I guess i could go back and find them again to satisfy your itch.

But I think a hearty "go fuck yourself" will suffice.
Fine go ahead and dodge. It got boring anyways.
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?

Gerbils would be proud, the commies make up lies, you swallow them and repeat them just like the good maobamabot your are. Same old tired theme, same old waste of band width. Will you ever learn to think for yourself?

like the fake birth certificate ?


Your ignorance is showing, feel free to show a quote of mine referring to a fake birth certificate. No hurry, I'll wait. Fool.

who said anything about you saying anything? I compared the BC to the same old tired waste of bandwidth .... is it or isn't it?

Is it posted here 10-12 times a week like rdeans BS lies, NOPE, do try to stay on point, this is a rdead thread. But your attempt at deflection is duly noted.
I think it a better strategy than "Hey! You rubes ready for another Bush?"
Learn how not to be a complete tool.
Back for another whipping?

There would have to be a first "whipping" for that stupid question of yours to have ANY meaning, you loser.
Oh yeah? Find any sources besides your imagination to prove me wrong about Hiroshima and Nagasaki yet?

Already did. I guess i could go back and find them again to satisfy your itch.

But I think a hearty "go fuck yourself" will suffice.
Fine go ahead and dodge. It got boring anyways.

No dodge.

But, yes. All conversations in which you are a part are, by definition, boring.

That said, I have to admit something that would normally delight you, but will likely only make you feel more grumpy and constipated.

If you use Google and search on a topic and peruse a number of useful articles (trying to avoid crap like Wiki), you can -- in the space of a a few hours -- garner some pretty good information on a whole variety of topics.

I went through a list of pieces I had read earlier today. I cannot find the one I was thinking of. But it may not matter. The sum of what I have read seems to have corrected my understanding of that article in any event.

It begins to look like you may have been more correct than I grasped earlier in what you said (about the radiation levels in Hiroshima and Nagasaki shortly after bombings).

To put that in words so simple that you might comprehend them: I think I may have been wrong and that you may have been right. I am still reading. But you are owed that much at least, even at this point. OTHER THAN any materials that got heavily irradiated with fallout (which was fairly small), most of the radiation evidently dropped off pretty quickly in the days after the bombings. One figure in one of the pieces I read suggests that it could have been one one millionth the amount of the initial radiation within mere two to three weeks of the detonations.
Invoking Obumbler as part of the upcoming Presidential campaigns is absolutely fair. It is the Obumbler Administration and its policies and behaviors that should be the focus. If folks like it, they can keep it by voting for some new shiny socialist liberal Democrat candidate. Shrillary, for example.

But, if folks dislike what Obumbler has done, they can perhaps oust it by making sure to get a sure fire opponent of the policies and preferences of Obumbler. We cannot afford milquetoast losers like Boehner, obviously. We need fire in the belly conservatives to step up, articulate the opposition and (with the hoped-for help of a majority in both houses of Congress) then proceed to UNDO the damage done by Obumbler.

Which crazy republican do you think might be up for that? Louie Gohmert?
The GOP has no message beyond "defeat Obama". That's it. That's their entire wad of policies. They have nothing beyond that.

Lately, they've been trying to go populist with "shrink the income equality gap", but that has come across as both hilarious and pitiful. One of the major reasons the income gap is so big is because of GOP policies. It's no secret.

So what will be their "message"?? Be free even when they invade bedrooms and take control of women's bodies?

We know it's not education.

We know it's not infrastructure.

Iraq won't work again. That ship has sailed.

And Obama will be gone. So what's left?

Gerbils would be proud, the commies make up lies, you swallow them and repeat them just like the good maobamabot your are. Same old tired theme, same old waste of band width. Will you ever learn to think for yourself?

like the fake birth certificate ?


Your ignorance is showing, feel free to show a quote of mine referring to a fake birth certificate. No hurry, I'll wait. Fool.

who said anything about you saying anything? I compared the BC to the same old tired waste of bandwidth .... is it or isn't it?

Is it posted here 10-12 times a week like rdeans BS lies, NOPE, do try to stay on point, this is a rdead thread. But your attempt at deflection is duly noted.

a week?

try 7 YEARS worth of BC BS.

is it or isn't it ?
Invoking Obumbler as part of the upcoming Presidential campaigns is absolutely fair. It is the Obumbler Administration and its policies and behaviors that should be the focus. If folks like it, they can keep it by voting for some new shiny socialist liberal Democrat candidate. Shrillary, for example.

But, if folks dislike what Obumbler has done, they can perhaps oust it by making sure to get a sure fire opponent of the policies and preferences of Obumbler. We cannot afford milquetoast losers like Boehner, obviously. We need fire in the belly conservatives to step up, articulate the opposition and (with the hoped-for help of a majority in both houses of Congress) then proceed to UNDO the damage done by Obumbler.

Which crazy republican do you think might be up for that? Louie Gohmert?

I don't look for crazy candidates. I'm not a liberal Dumbocrap.

ANY candidate who can properly and reasonably articulate the numerous reasons that Obumbler's actions and policies need to be repealed and otherwise defeated will do for starters.
While I don't expect it, I would not be astounded to see:

Moochelle run for the nomination.

Democrats to (again) throw Hillary under the bus.

America fall, once more, for the "First of her/his/its race, gender" wheeze.
Invoking Obumbler as part of the upcoming Presidential campaigns is absolutely fair. It is the Obumbler Administration and its policies and behaviors that should be the focus. If folks like it, they can keep it by voting for some new shiny socialist liberal Democrat candidate. Shrillary, for example.

But, if folks dislike what Obumbler has done, they can perhaps oust it by making sure to get a sure fire opponent of the policies and preferences of Obumbler. We cannot afford milquetoast losers like Boehner, obviously. We need fire in the belly conservatives to step up, articulate the opposition and (with the hoped-for help of a majority in both houses of Congress) then proceed to UNDO the damage done by Obumbler.

Which crazy republican do you think might be up for that? Louie Gohmert?

I don't look for crazy candidates. I'm not a liberal Dumbocrap.

ANY candidate who can properly and reasonably articulate the numerous reasons that Obumbler's actions and policies need to be repealed and otherwise defeated will do for starters.

OK....Which one, or ones do you think are crazy enough to make it through the primaries, but still sane enough to appeal to sane people in the general election?

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