Hello. Trump conservative here.

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Nor did I imply that you are.

I differentiate between those Trumpers whom a Republican senator referenced as engaging in "the weird worship of one dude," the Trumpers who dismiss non-Trumpers - traditional, conservative Republicans - as "RINOs", and the Trump goons who savagely attacked the Capitol after he was defeated and he lied about it.

If he fails to hide whatever he is trying to hide from the congressional investigative committee, the truth will emerge, whether damning or exculpatory. I'm all for the truth being exposed either way.

You like your Trump. I regard him as quite loathsome, and detrimental to the nation.

I don't feel any need to demonize you because we differ.

Nor did I imply that you are.

I differentiate between those Trumpers whom a Republican senator referenced as engaging in "the weird worship of one dude," the Trumpers who dismiss non-Trumpers - traditional, conservative Republicans - as "RINOs", and the Trump goons who savagely attacked the Capitol after he was defeated and he lied about it.

If he fails to hide whatever he is trying to hide from the congressional investigative committee, the truth will emerge, whether damning or exculpatory. I'm all for the truth being exposed either way.

You like your Trump. I regard him as quite loathsome, and detrimental to the nation.

I don't feel any need to demonize you because we differ.
I differentiate between the anti-Trumpers who would choose another Republican in the primary, but vote against the Marxists in the general. Those are sincere people. I'm OK with them. The ones I have a problem with are those who voted for Biden or Hillary instead of Trump. Those who vote for Marxists are NOT conservatives.
i have full faith that my first & only husband, & father of my child - whom i've been solidly married to, for almost 37 years has never - nor will ever screw around - especially by raw dogging a porn star a mere 4 months after giving birth to his only child - & risking giving us some nasty STD.

so there's that. :heehee:
Biden cheated as well. But you're fine with that, yes?
i disagree - i think he tried to see if there was a way - even dan quale said no. but pence knew ... & said or did nothing.
I don't know. It is the kind of thing I have come to count on from people who actually have their roots in actual conservatism. They go along to get along for a long time, but in that point int time and place where the rubber meets the road, their conservative nature of philosophy, patriotism and perspective on history comes out, and they do the right thing, though probably inwardly regretting what they have to do at the time. That was a critical juncture in history and in that time, he did do the right thing. I am not generally his fan, but it that moment, he was another American profile in courage, and I thank him for doing his duty. Just my opinion.

Just engage respectfully whilst citing empirical data from credible sources to support whatever positions you espouse.

Some merely flail their pom-poms, spouting ideologically-pc dogma, demonizing and lashing out at anyone who expresses an alternative perspective.

Traditional conservatives who are clearly not weird worshipers of one dude are endangered since the RINOs of Trumpery's invasion of the GOP in 2016 (that presaged his goon attack on Congress, based upon a lie that savaged our democratic heritage) but all views need to be heard.

A thoughtful, well-documented thesis is always preferable to the mindless parroting of ideological media entertainers.
Like the empirical data that Little Lord Fauci supposedly assumes.
Or his NIH.Or Our CDC. Maybe the Newspapers of record { Washington Post }
or New York Times.Or L.A. Times if in California.
Where empirical Data often is accompied by ... :
" Shut-Up and Obey "
Where Tucker Carlson is spot-on.
" We're Watching Civilization Collapse In Real Time !"
I don't know. It is the kind of thing I have come to count on from people who actually have their roots in actual conservatism. They go along to get along for a long time, but in that point int time and place where the rubber meets the road, their conservative nature of philosophy, patriotism and perspective on history comes out, and they do the right thing, though probably inwardly regretting what they have to do at the time. That was a critical juncture in history and in that time, he did do the right thing. I am not generally his fan, but it that moment, he was another American profile in courage, and I thank him for doing his duty. Just my opinion.

whether he had no choice is one thing. i just think it's beneath his christianity, or patriotism, or what that he has complimented trump since the insurrection even after donny called on his flying monkeys to handle it & pence was at the capital with his wife family. they were at great risk too. that is the part i can't get past.
After 15 pages, have we firmly, and unequivocally, established that this poster is a moron? How many more pages before some of you decide?
After 15 pages, have we firmly, and unequivocally, established that this poster is a moron? How many more pages before some of you decide?
I gave up on him after his response in post 43 and said goodbye to the rookie in post 48.
Satan lives under your bed.


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