HELP - Israel vs Palestinians - Educate me

T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .
T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .

It is you that is stinking up the place, you racist piece of crap.
...All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food....

Yeah, I'm sure all those Palestinian civilians just plumb forgot their military training. :cuckoo:
T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .

It is you that is stinking up the place, you racist piece of crap.

Every word Hossfly said is true, Monte, you like every other Hamas are the racists, calling to kill Jews, and everywhere you find Muslims/Arabs even when theres no Jews - there's horrific violence.
T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .

It is you that is stinking up the place, you racist piece of crap.
Just out of curiosity, Monty, and to give this exchange some context...

1. are you an American?

2. if 'yes', have you served in the US Armed Forces (a couple of details would be helpful)


Thank you for this charter info. This is exactly what need.



I don't mean to inundate you with info, but this is especially succinct and hard hitting.

You are aware Pat Condell is a professional comedian and rabid religion hater, that's all religions, not just Islam?

He is funny. Does that diminish the truth in what he says? The best humor springs from the truth. :D
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...All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food....

Yeah, I'm sure all those Palestinian civilians just plumb forgot their military training. :cuckoo:

As often as Gazans have been pummeled for their attacks on Israel and Israelis, one would think that simple bit of info would be regularly disseminated by their media but apparently they are too busy pumping hate to be bothered with something as useful as care of wounded.

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Evil incarnate = Hamas and other Islamist terrorist groups similar to it.

The world would be a much better place without these subhuman mongrels in it.

Evil incarnate are your child murdering IDF friends and the world would be a better place without subhuman mongrels like you and your relatives in it.

What kind of peeps do this to their kids?

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T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .
Well, "recycling" corpses for allah and jihad from place to place is pretty much standard too.
T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .
It is you that is stinking up the place, you racist piece of crap.
Oh, bog off.
...All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food....
Yeah, I'm sure all those Palestinian civilians just plumb forgot their military training.
And rockets are launched by civilian "women" and civilian "children", of course. Medical training there is an unnecessary excess - a good palistanian is a dead palistanian on TV, isn't he/she/it? heh
RoccoR said:
...I think there was a mistake in translation or something. President Nasser did not just deploy "two division" --- he deployed "two Corps." While it is a small word, it is a very big difference on the battle field...

I based my opening sentence of the Rabin quote. To be honest, I thought that was a bit strange when I was typing it but I was in a hurry so didn’t check my sources; I suppose that will teach me to rely on information provided by an IDF Chief of Staff! Oh well, “post in haste, repent at leisure” as they say. :D

I doubt there was any error in translation as the military terms “Corps” and “Division” originated in France. The two divisions referred to may have been late reinforcements, but that’s just speculation on my part as Rabin’s statement never clarified.

As regards Egyptian strength in the Sinai the sources do vary from around 100k to 270k so it’s not worth quibbling about exact numbers, however what is important is that the Egyptian army in the Sinai (although Nasser did issue contradictory orders in the lead up) was deployed for defence not attack, on the eve of the war.

Thanks for making a substantive contribution; they are few and far between on this forum.

Hmm. So Nasser closed the Straights of Tiran - an act of war - and ordered the UN "peacekeepers" out of Sinai - an order with which they promptly complied - to better defend that border. Got it. :lol:

BTW, Nasser fully mobilized Egypt's military 3 weeks before the start of The Six Day War. How did that work out?
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T'm sitting here in Germany, watching the news channels and every time they bring up Gaza, they show big Hellfire explosions in the far distance (terrorists houses being hit), then it's always a herd of men running through the streets with bloody babies. Never a dead or wounded fighter. All you veterans remember first aid training in basic training and know the worst thing is to even move a wounded person, let alone dragging them through the streets like a sack of dog food. The European news sites are pretty much siding with the Palestinians. I wonder why when most of those countries are infested with Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims taking over, rioting, raping, murdering and generally stinking up the place- .

It is you that is stinking up the place, you racist piece of crap.
Just out of curiosity, Monty, and to give this exchange some context...

1. are you an American?

2. if 'yes', have you served in the US Armed Forces (a couple of details would be helpful)


1. Yes

2. 196th Light Infantry Brigade
Wow, Israel's propaganda manual on film. How many lies should i point out? Give me a number.
1001 palistanian lie, all of them, please.

One of his first lies is that the UN created Israel.

[ame=]Who Said Israel Has a Right to Exist? - YouTube[/ame]

I'm not certain he was lying but I agree the UN did not create Israel. 716,700 Jewish and 156,000 non-Jewish soon-to-be Israelis did. :D

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