HELP - Israel vs Palestinians - Educate me

Evil incarnate = Hamas and other Islamist terrorist groups similar to it.

The world would be a much better place without these subhuman mongrels in it.
Evil incarnate = Hamas and other Islamist terrorist groups similar to it.

The world would be a much better place without these subhuman mongrels in it.

Evil incarnate are your child murdering IDF friends and the world would be a better place without subhuman mongrels like you and your relatives in it.

It's good vs people who still live in the 7th century. All you have to do is LOOK.

You get it now ?[/QUOTE]

No doubt Islam has probably leads to sexual frustration. It could be one of the reasons so many male muslamics are so uptight. But they aren't the only ones living in the 7th century. There are people all around the world that believe certain events actually did happen. Your right, look all around you. In fact, does any religion get a pass from being the cause of most of the world's problems today? Sorry to sway off subject, but do you get it?


It's good vs people who still live in the 7th century. All you have to do is LOOK.

You get it now ?

No doubt Islam has probably leads to sexual frustration. It could be one of the reasons so many male muslamics are so uptight. But they aren't the only ones living in the 7th century. There are people all around the world that believe certain events actually did happen. Your right, look all around you. In fact, does any religion get a pass from being the cause of most of the world's problems today? Sorry to sway off subject, but do you get it?

The people who live in the 7th century, are still a 1000 years ahead of the ones who claim this area is their ancestral homeland.
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You just lied again Billo.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Why is that? For what possible reason would I have to lie?

Do you have the balls to answer that?

It's simply that you're a legend in your own mind, and ONLY in your own keep having delusions of adequacy. Not exactly 'lying': it's more of a self-deception.

A person has to be somewhat clever to lie, after all.
It's simply that you're a legend in your own mind, and ONLY in your own keep having delusions of adequacy. Not exactly 'lying': it's more of a self-deception.

A person has to be somewhat clever to lie, after all.
What am I deceiving myself about?

It's good vs people who still live in the 7th century. All you have to do is LOOK.

You get it now ?

No doubt Islam has probably leads to sexual frustration. It could be one of the reasons so many male muslamics are so uptight. But they aren't the only ones living in the 7th century. There are people all around the world that believe certain events actually did happen. Your right, look all around you. In fact, does any religion get a pass from being the cause of most of the world's problems today? Sorry to sway off subject, but do you get it?

The people who live in the 7th century, are still a 1000 years ahead of the ones who claim this area is their ancestral homeland.
Yeah... right...

That's why Israel is a regional superpower and a center of advanced agriculture and science and medicine, whereas their counterparts have given the world... uhhhhh... ummmmm... errrrrrrr... I'll get back to you...


Thank you for this charter info. This is exactly what need.



I don't mean to inundate you with info, but this is especially succinct and hard hitting.

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Tolerance, the Koran, Attacks Upon Israel & Why Islam Hates Liberals the Most

Who's racist in the Middle East? Bill Whittle and Andrew Klavan dare to analyze.

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Tolerance, the Koran, Attacks Upon Israel & Why Islam Hates Liberals the Most

Who's racist in the Middle East? Bill Whittle and Andrew Klavan dare to analyze.

Your video is making the claim their ideology generates more hatred than the bombs we drop on them and that is just ridiculous!
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Tolerance, the Koran, Attacks Upon Israel & Why Islam Hates Liberals the Most

Who's racist in the Middle East? Bill Whittle and Andrew Klavan dare to analyze.

Your video is making the claim their ideology generates more hatred than the bombs we drop on them and that is just ridiculous!

"We"? [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]
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RoccoR said:
...I think there was a mistake in translation or something. President Nasser did not just deploy "two division" --- he deployed "two Corps." While it is a small word, it is a very big difference on the battle field...

I based my opening sentence of the Rabin quote. To be honest, I thought that was a bit strange when I was typing it but I was in a hurry so didn’t check my sources; I suppose that will teach me to rely on information provided by an IDF Chief of Staff! Oh well, “post in haste, repent at leisure” as they say. :D

I doubt there was any error in translation as the military terms “Corps” and “Division” originated in France. The two divisions referred to may have been late reinforcements, but that’s just speculation on my part as Rabin’s statement never clarified.

As regards Egyptian strength in the Sinai the sources do vary from around 100k to 270k so it’s not worth quibbling about exact numbers, however what is important is that the Egyptian army in the Sinai (although Nasser did issue contradictory orders in the lead up) was deployed for defence not attack, on the eve of the war.

Thanks for making a substantive contribution; they are few and far between on this forum.
RoccoR said:
...I think there was a mistake in translation or something. President Nasser did not just deploy "two division" --- he deployed "two Corps." While it is a small word, it is a very big difference on the battle field...

I based my opening sentence of the Rabin quote. To be honest, I thought that was a bit strange when I was typing it but I was in a hurry so didn’t check my sources; I suppose that will teach me to rely on information provided by an IDF Chief of Staff! Oh well, “post in haste, repent at leisure” as they say. :D
I doubt there was any error in translation as the military terms “Corps” and “Division” originated in France. The two divisions referred to may have been late reinforcements, but that’s just speculation on my part as Rabin’s statement never clarified.
As regards Egyptian strength in the Sinai the sources do vary from around 100k to 270k so it’s not worth quibbling about exact numbers, however what is important is that the Egyptian army in the Sinai (although Nasser did issue contradictory orders in the lead up) was deployed for defence not attack, on the eve of the war.
Thanks for making a substantive contribution; they are few and far between on this forum.

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