HELP - Israel vs Palestinians - Educate me

I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.


Hamas would be willing to accept a Palestinian state within 1967 borders, a leader of the militant group, Mahmoud Zahar, told the Palestinian news agency Ma'an on Wednesday, adding, however, that Hamas would never recognize Israel since such a move would counter the group's aim to "liberate" all of Palestine.

Zahar's comments come amid Palestinian efforts to form a unity government that would include former rivals Fatah and Hamas, following a reconciliation agreement the two factions signed last week in Cairo.

Speaking to Ma'an on Wednesday, Zahar, hinting at the possible political line of a future Palestinian unity cabinet, said that recognizing Israel would "preclude the right of the next generations to liberate the lands," wondering: "What will be the fate of the five million Palestinians in the diaspora?"

The Gaza strongman went on to tell Ma'an that Hamas would be willing to recognize a Palestinian state "on any part of Palestine," as opposed to the group's proclaimed aim to form a state "from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea."

Zahar also referred to the future of Hamas' military truce with Israel, confirming that the movement would continue to honor the cessation of fighting, following a joint decision made with its new Fatah partners. The Hamas leader, however, reiterated that the truce was "part of the resistance not its rejection," adding that a "truce is not peace."

One more thing; Educate your friend on the above. Tell him/her that Hamas does not accept the " 67 Borders" either

Ask him/her why they feel they are entitled to do what Putin did and why they have no regard for " International Law" :lol: :lol: which doesn't really exist anyway
I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.

Me. You can trust me. I'll tell you everything you need to know. I am the most unbiased, non-partisan voice on this subject. Make sure you get all your information from me and you will go to Heaven!

Now go ahead, ask me something?

That video was very good. Thank you!

Welcome ! However don't forget to tell your friend that the Arabs initiated the War and that Hamas has stated they will NOT accept the 67 Borders of ISRAEL !!! That is in another post just sent . Now, THAT is OCCUPATION. !!!
[MENTION=50032]mdalby[/MENTION]: First off welcome to the site! :thewave:

You have a tough job for yourself and a lot of reading to do to satisfy your own curiosity. And this is a very tough crowd. I came here the same way you did just last month with the same attitude and was hit with the same speculation at first. Yes, this is a suspicious crowd, but once you start seeing how the totally pro-Palestinians post, you'll soon see why.

Anyways, I'll try to wrap this up quick as I can. I've read a lot of the links posted, once you see certain language (i.e. name calling), you can tell which way said link is biased; but there still can be some info there. 1967 is actually ancient history when it comes to the conflict today; unfortunately it has gone way beyond that now. Wikipedia is not always as bad as it seems, especially the articles that show bad things done by both sides at times; as that has certainly been the case.

But IMHO, with all I have learned here, the video that Mojo posted in post #8 here _almost_ puts into proper perspective the extensive history, it just leaves out a couple things here and there.

But at the end of the day, and as you will see, the Arabs do not want any Jews in the middle east at all. None. And the pro pali's will ignore the UN resolutions that allowed a Jewish state, but rail about how Israel has gone against the UN.

Have fun! I'm almost done.
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I was having a discussion with a co-worker about the Israel/Palestinian situation. I was expressing my view that I fully support Israel and their recent ground operations etc that they are taking to protect themselves. I was surprised to some degree with the level of disagreement that I received. I feel like it is common sense that Israel has to take these measures.

Some of the points he made included the following:

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

Unfortunately, I am not educated enough to respond to these points. Where can I go to get educated on Israel and the past that is a good source that I can trust?

Thanks in advance.

Me. You can trust me. I'll tell you everything you need to know. I am the most unbiased, non-partisan voice on this subject. Make sure you get all your information from me and you will go to Heaven!

Now go ahead, ask me something?

The above from the Racist Bigoted Anti Semite who is known for his four letter words. :evil:
Europeans of the Jewish faith went to Palestine starting in the late 1800s. They went with the intention of evicting the non-Jewish inhabitants to establish a Jewish state. They were successful in evicting most the local inhabitants and established a state. The Muslim and Christian descendants of the evicted local inhabitants have been trying to get their ancestral homes and land back ever since.
Europeans of the Jewish faith went to Palestine starting in the late 1800s. They went with the intention of evicting the non-Jewish inhabitants to establish a Jewish state. They were successful in evicting most the local inhabitants and established a state. The Muslim and Christian descendants of the evicted local inhabitants have been trying to get their ancestral homes and land back ever since.

Translation; NJA in " Palestine" Is that Racist? Naaaaa.
Europeans of the Jewish faith went to Palestine starting in the late 1800s. They went with the intention of evicting the non-Jewish inhabitants to establish a Jewish state.

Legal transactions suck!
Especially when Arabs take money from Jews and evict their Arab tenants!
Europeans and middle easterners of a Jewish faith went to the land of their ancestors, where other Jews had maintained a presence over the millennia. There they faced an invasion by intolerant, terroristic violent Muslims from neighboring Muslim lands and several attempts by Muslim states to destroy Israel. They failed, over and over and over. And now they're still whining about it. You see, having the entire 99.99% of the land in the Middle East as backwards-ass barbaric Islamic shitholes wasn't enough, Muslims will not even accept a tiny sliver of land to be non Muslim.
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[MENTION=50032]mdalby[/MENTION], et al,

Just one man's perspective.

  • Israel declared war on Egypt in 1966 and took lands that had not been theirs previously.

    Israel did not declare war. The years was 1967. The countries of Israel and Egypt were observing an "Armistice;" an agreement between opposing armies to suspend hostilities which started on 15 May 1948, when the Arab Armies attacked Israel and attempted to prevent the establishment of the Jewish State.

    In February 1949 an Egypt-Israel General Armistice Agreement was put in place.

    Egypt decided to order the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) to step aside on 16 MAY 67. Egypt rolled-up 100,000 troops in a face-off with Israeli Forces.​
  • Does this sound familiar with their more recent annexation of Gaza, West Bank, and The Golan Heights?

    Israel has not Annexed either the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, or Golan Height. However, in December 1981, the Knesset decided to apply Israeli Law to the Occupied Golan Heights. This is not the same as "annexation."​
  • Israel has repeatedly made promises to withdraw from areas and then continued to occupy and settle them.

    Israel is still in compliance with the Israel-Syria General Armistice Agreement. Withdrawal is contingent on a Peace Treaty. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 12 September 2005; but, it neither lead to a Treaty or Peace. In June 2007, shortly after HAMAS seized government power in Gaza, both Egypt and Israel put in place a blockade (air, land and sea). HAMAS was a designed terrorist organization. The West Bank falls under the Oslo Accords and the permanent status of negotiation (Article V).​
  • He said that Israel's stance reminds him of traditional view that cowboys and Europe had the right to conquer because they believed they were right.

    Nothing to be said here. People are entitled to their view.​
  • Putin's view of the world is similar to Israel. He is right and can do what he wants and could care less about truth or facts.

    • The Hostile Arab Palestinians can attack and lose as many time as they can afford, an there will always be people that feel sorry for them. They are the perfect perpetual victims. Yet if Israel loses just one war, it will spell the end of the Jewish National Home. The facts are what they are. You are entitled to believe and support all those brave Palestinians that perpetrated such heroic events as the Olympic Massacre, or the piracy of the MS Achille Lauro when they killed and threw a American in a wheelchair overboard, the hijacking of Trans World Airlines Flight 847 where they killed an American Sailor and tossed his body on the tarmac, or deaths of:
      • Gila Sara Kessler, 19, whose family came from New York, was killed in a bombing at a bus stop.
      • Five were U.S. citizens: Janis Ruth Coulter, 36, of MA; Marla Bennet, 24, of San Diego, CA; David Gritz (also a French citizen), 24, of Peru, MA; Benjamin Blutstein, 25, of Susquehanna Township, PA; and Dina Carter, 37, of NC. Israelis David Ladovsky, 29, and Levina Shapira, 53 also died in the bombing at the main cafeteria at the Hebrew University's Mount Scopus campus.
      • Bus bombing in Jerusalem. U.S. citizens killed: Alan Beer, 47, who grew up in Cleveland. U.S. citizens injured: Sarri Singer, 27, daughter of New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer.
      • Bombing at the Rosh Ha'ir restaurant in Tel Aviv: Daniel Wultz, 16, of Weston, Florida, died one month after receiving his wounds in this bombing.

Most Respectfully,
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RoccoR said:
The years was 1967. The countries of Israel and Egypt were observing an "Armistice;" an agreement between opposing armies to suspend hostilities which started on 15 May 1948, when the Arab Armies attacked Israel and attempted to prevent the establishment of the Jewish State.

Of course nobody has ever proven that allegation to be true.
RoccoR said:
The years was 1967. The countries of Israel and Egypt were observing an "Armistice;" an agreement between opposing armies to suspend hostilities which started on 15 May 1948, when the Arab Armies attacked Israel and attempted to prevent the establishment of the Jewish State.

Of course nobody has ever proven that allegation to be true.

huh Mr tin? there was no armistice in 1948?
RoccoR said:
Israel is still in compliance with the Israel-Syria General Armistice Agreement. Withdrawal is contingent on a Peace Treaty. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 12 September 2005; but, it neither lead to a Treaty or Peace. In June 2007, shortly after HAMAS seized government power in Gaza, both Egypt and Israel put in place a blockade (air, land and sea). HAMAS was a designed terrorist organization. The West Bank falls under the Oslo Accords and the permanent status of negotiation (Article V).

This one always crack me up. Hamas was the elected government in office. Hamas won the 2006 elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority.
RoccoR said:
The years was 1967. The countries of Israel and Egypt were observing an "Armistice;" an agreement between opposing armies to suspend hostilities which started on 15 May 1948, when the Arab Armies attacked Israel and attempted to prevent the establishment of the Jewish State.

Of course nobody has ever proven that allegation to be true.

huh Mr tin? there was no armistice in 1948?

Actually they were in 1949. interesting read.

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

The Avalon Project : Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, March 23, 1949

The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949

The Avalon Project : Israeli-Syrian General Armistice Agreement, July 20, 1949

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