Help with: Professor's recommendation to an American university


Mar 15, 2013
Hello dear USmessageboard,

I'm a Danish college student, and about to apply to an American college for studying abroad at my 5'th semester.

In this process I need to write a letter of recommendation for my professors to sign, seeing as American english is not my mother tongue and I have no experience writing these sorts of recommendations. I was hoping a kind soul might help me out pointing minor, hopefully not any major, flaws, poor usage of sentences/words or if I should be more modest in my letter of recommendation.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


As a professor at Copenhagen Business school, CBS , I am honored to have had Alexander as a student in my courses, which includes; programming, development and design of IT systems. These courses are the technical part of the business administration and informationssystem studium, in which Alexander has made himself visible - in a positive way.

During the last three semesters I have become acquainted with Alexander, as a disciplined, dedicated and exemplary student. His skills in programming, technical propositions and understanding of IT architecture is, unquestionably, some of the finest I have yet seen. His remarkable imagination and rapid understanding of IT, enables him to create, invent and innovate, new as well as old, projects. I see him as a prodigy in the field of Information technology.

Our class holds well over a 100 students, with a wide array of interests and capabilities, with IT as one-fourth of the curriculum. Alexander has a positive attitude towards all assignments - including those which are not IT concerned - with learning being the main determinant and catalyst for his motivation. He has actively been seeking to encourage and assist the weaker students of the class as well as challenging the best intellectually and socially. I clearly recall many of my lectures, in which, he consistently, in an insisting manner, contributed his way of viewing things which let to a higher understanding of the curricula in the class. Furthermore, he explained the concept of Model-View-Controller - even as the concept wasn’t in the curriculum that semester - in an easy and understandable, yet challenging way, which led to several assignments projects written with this architectural model later that semester.

I sense that Alexander’s quick and sharp intellectual level, his creative imagination, enthusiasm and self-confidence, would enable him to flourish and prosper in any elite university, and yet, still challenge the classrooms he would participate in, but also be a great collaborator and facilitator for other students. Which is why, I believe, that he is one of the best suited candidates for any university he wishes to pursue.

Professor name

Professor and head of IT research department
Copenhagen Business School

Alexander completed course work with me in let each prof. indicate specifically what he taught you here leading up to his degree in YOUR major here in the business administration and information-systems at YYZ university

Alexander is an outstanding student.

During three semesters, I became personally acquainted with Alexander. He consistently exhibited the discipline and dedication that one would expect of an exemplary student.

His programming, technical propositions and understanding of IT architecture are both intuitive and remarkable.

His innovative approaches to problem solving in information technology enabled him to evaluate, innovate and create elegant IT solutions.

your name here will make an ideal student for more advanced education in Information technology.

Alexander was an asset in the lecture hall and to his fellow students. He encouraged and assisted this fellow students, challenging then to do their best best intellectually and helping them to attain a better understanding of the course work.

For example, your name here explained the concept of Model-View-Controller in an easy and understandable, yet, intellectually intriguing way - even though the concept wasn’t in the curriculum that semester.

His facility with Model-View-Controller issues was clearly evident in several projects written employing this architectural model.

Alexander’s quick grasp of concepts, his creative imagination, his enthusiasm and self-confidence, will enable him to flourish and prosper in any challenging academic environment,

Your name here is a highly qualified candidate for advanced education leading to a degree in information technology, one for whom I can give my unqualified recommendation.

Professor name

Professor and head of IT research department
Copenhagen Business School.

Hope that helps, mate.

I might have been more useful if I knew more about IT, but I think I speak educationalize fairly well.


My only advise is that you need to modify each letter to reflect what THAT prof says of you.

Good luck!
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