Henry Louis Mencken speaks from beyond the grave

Sorry, but I think Mencken is a sorry example for anything - I never could get past his bigotry toward Jewish people.

Sorry, but I think Mencken is a sorry example for anything - I never could get past his bigotry toward Jewish people.


:laugh2: get over yourself, most all of Menckens Jewish friends never saw anything of the kind. That said HLM was a product of his times and upbringing...I guess you could never get past the bigotry and support of holding humanbeings in slavery enshrined in the US Constitution.

Sad, it your intolerance keeps you from appreciating facets of larger pictures. :confused:

Name one instance of anti semitic behaviour on HLMs part. We'll wait... :eusa_whistle:

Dante said:
get over yourself, most all of Menckens Jewish friends never saw anything of the kind. That said HLM was a product of his times and upbringing...I guess you could never get past the bigotry and support of holding humanbeings in slavery enshrined in the US Constitution.

That's a stretch dude - how could you possibly know what I am a fan of, given I've posted maybe five times here? I'll clue you in though - I'm not a fan of ANYTHING that says someone is inherently inferior based on their genetics or religion, etc.

Sad, it your intolerance keeps you from appreciating facets of larger pictures.

You are writing about Mencken and calling ME intolerant? LMAO, that's pretty funny.

Name one instance of anti semitic behaviour on HLMs part. We'll wait..

Given we are talking about Mencken, you don't have to wait long. You've read his personal diary he published, haven't you? There is your example. And by the way - you say he is a product of his times, yet that diary was written far past his other materials - so I guess we come back to the idea that at heart the guy was bigoted.

I didn't intend to take away from your original point of posting - I just gave my reason why I wouldn't consider it worthwhile to see anything about Menckin.

I've read about 4 bios of HLM, read many of his collected works, collecter American Mercury mags...read what youbtefer too,,,,like I said, product of times and upbringing.

Try judging people more on how they act as oopposed to what they think or say.

Mencken's criticisms are well worth reading and for entertainment value few beat them. Like Henry, I take people warts and all and suffer fools not.

Fuck off loser. :lol:
I've read about 4 bios of HLM, read many of his collected works, collecter American Mercury mags...read what youbtefer too,,,,like I said, product of times and upbringing.

Try judging people more on how they act as oopposed to what they think or say.

Mencken's criticisms are well worth reading and for entertainment value few beat them. Like Henry, I take people warts and all and suffer fools not.

Fuck off loser. :lol:

I've read a lot of his stuff too - but my question was whether you have read the diary he published.

You say judge people on how they act, not what they think or say. Hmmm. Where do you think actions come from, if not from thoughts?

So I make a comment you disagree with and its fuck off? Yet you are saying I am intolerant?
That's ironic.

I would like to find out something, though - given you say you have read a lot of Mencken, what is your opinion on the best thing he has written and what part of his style do you like the best?

I've read about 4 bios of HLM, read many of his collected works, collecter American Mercury mags...read what youbtefer too,,,,like I said, product of times and upbringing.

Try judging people more on how they act as oopposed to what they think or say.

Mencken's criticisms are well worth reading and for entertainment value few beat them. Like Henry, I take people warts and all and suffer fools not.

Fuck off loser. :lol:

I've read a lot of his stuff too - but my question was whether you have read the diary he published.

You say judge people on how they act, not what they think or say. Hmmm. Where do you think actions come from, if not from thoughts?

So I make a comment you disagree with and its fuck off? Yet you are saying I am intolerant?
That's ironic.

I would like to find out something, though - given you say you have read a lot of Mencken, what is your opinion on the best thing he has written and what part of his style do you like the best?


People think many things they do not act upon...it is what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. Murder? People have confessed to thinking of killing others, yet no sane, rational judge would call them murderers. .I guess in your small mind thoughts equal actions.
[MENTION=45151]loa[/MENTION] You write "I would like to find out something, though - given you say you have read a lot of Mencken, what is your opinion on the best thing he has written and what part of his style do you like the best?"

The best thing Mencken wrote? Silly question. If I wanted to pretend intellectualism I'd say his Tomes on the English Language. But one ofy favorite pieces is Sahara of the Bozarts. :cool:

His style? Clear, concise, flawless...I started collecting his works in early Eighties before it all got republished. It's ability to seem to refer to mid-late 70s and early-mid 80s cultural and political struggles was eerily entertaining.

Mencken is most unfortunately quoted by misanthropic troglodytes and whacky libertarians and other misfits. What they all do is quote out of context. Mencken was full of life and unlikeAmbrose Bierce, he was charming and not mean as a person. He was friends with Christian ministers and others...he was tolerant of opposing views while beinf critical...if it seemed worth his time . In that respect I found a soul mate early on...we do not suffer fools gladly

I probably would not have liked meeting him in person unless it was through a strong mutualinterest other than himself
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Sahara of the Bozarts....

Nice choice.

It is said that little thing prodded Southerners into defending and nurturing a new emerging culture which sprang upon the scene in the early 20th century. Mencken and Nathan gave the culture life.
he was a little extreme from some of the things he said.. but I agree with a lot of it..
a cynic for the most part
paraphrase"the biggest danger to a govt, is a person that can think for themselves"
love that one
he was a little extreme from some of the things he said.. but I agree with a lot of it..
a cynic for the most part
paraphrase"the biggest danger to a govt, is a person that can think for themselves"
love that one

I would not use the term extreme.

Cynic yes, more of a skeptic as well as also a critical observer of people and their nature.

His distrust and dislike of government would only be surpassed today by contempt and horror of most who quote him...maybe even myself. lol

In my not so humble opinion .. He would probably detest and crucify the small frauds and kooks who push small government today.
he was a little extreme from some of the things he said.. but I agree with a lot of it..
a cynic for the most part
paraphrase"the biggest danger to a govt, is a person that can think for themselves"
love that one

I would not use the term extreme.

Cynic yes, more of a skeptic as well as also a critical observer of people and their nature.

His distrust and dislike of government would only be surpassed today by contempt and horror of most who quote him...maybe even myself. lol

In my not so humble opinion .. He would probably detest and crucify the small frauds and kooks who push small government today.

extreme is very subjective bro
frauds was the key word
he was a little extreme from some of the things he said.. but I agree with a lot of it..
a cynic for the most part
paraphrase"the biggest danger to a govt, is a person that can think for themselves"
love that one

I would not use the term extreme.

Cynic yes, more of a skeptic as well as also a critical observer of people and their nature.

His distrust and dislike of government would only be surpassed today by contempt and horror of most who quote him...maybe even myself. lol

In my not so humble opinion .. He would probably detest and crucify the small frauds and kooks who push small government today.

extreme is very subjective bro
frauds was the key word

Well some of Mencken's stuff were Extreme, like Sahara of the Bozart, that one and a few other pieces had Maryland Shore folks wanting to seriously lynch or tar and feather HLM.

But Mencken himself was no extremist. He was very conservative in his famuly life and parts of his social life. He was also very liberal in many things.

He was a priduct of his time and upbringing, yet he transcended his time. His stuff is televant today.
idk think he was an extremist, just said some extreme things
like you said earlier, people say things but act another way

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