Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Journalism, what is that?

Pj Media

Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years



The “deranged” Russian spy in the White House told the Ukraine president to drink Clorox and refuses to leave his “illegal” office until every blue mailbox filled with secret messages to “very fine” white supremacists in Prague is removed by incontinent hookers…

… and other whoppers the media trolled Donald Trump with for the past four-plus years. Speaking of trolls, so-called “fact” checkers are advised that this is satire. That is “protected speech.” Look it up.

The Left and their media wingmen have decided that after four years of believing Russian Facebook ads interfered with the 2016 election, that it’s absolutely a “deranged conspiracy theory” for the president to question the odd results of the 2020 election and the way they were produced. If the shoe had been on the other foot, the media’s candidate, Joe Biden, would be lauded for his patriotism and fortitude between his ever-diminishing bouts of clarity.

When the media turned on the big-talking and sometimes bellicose New Yorker (see Andrew Cuomo) and began reporting that he was a suspected Russian secret agent, Trump flipped it right back, dismissing them as Fake News. They rewarded the big-talking candidate with – what do they like to say now? – oh, yes, giving agency to some of the biggest whoppers ever conceived of by reporters and their buddies over at the Lincoln Project, Hillary Clinton’s rumor-factory, and the DNC.

Let’s take a rambling trip down the memory lane of the Steele Dossier fever dreams, “highly placed sources,” and Rick Wilson’s fantasies, shall we? These are the 10 Biggest Conspiracy Theories leveled against Trump. These are not in any particular order.

1. Trump Is a Russian Spy

Journalism, what is that?

Pj Media

Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years



The “deranged” Russian spy in the White House told the Ukraine president to drink Clorox and refuses to leave his “illegal” office until every blue mailbox filled with secret messages to “very fine” white supremacists in Prague is removed by incontinent hookers…

… and other whoppers the media trolled Donald Trump with for the past four-plus years. Speaking of trolls, so-called “fact” checkers are advised that this is satire. That is “protected speech.” Look it up.

The Left and their media wingmen have decided that after four years of believing Russian Facebook ads interfered with the 2016 election, that it’s absolutely a “deranged conspiracy theory” for the president to question the odd results of the 2020 election and the way they were produced. If the shoe had been on the other foot, the media’s candidate, Joe Biden, would be lauded for his patriotism and fortitude between his ever-diminishing bouts of clarity.

When the media turned on the big-talking and sometimes bellicose New Yorker (see Andrew Cuomo) and began reporting that he was a suspected Russian secret agent, Trump flipped it right back, dismissing them as Fake News. They rewarded the big-talking candidate with – what do they like to say now? – oh, yes, giving agency to some of the biggest whoppers ever conceived of by reporters and their buddies over at the Lincoln Project, Hillary Clinton’s rumor-factory, and the DNC.

Let’s take a rambling trip down the memory lane of the Steele Dossier fever dreams, “highly placed sources,” and Rick Wilson’s fantasies, shall we? These are the 10 Biggest Conspiracy Theories leveled against Trump. These are not in any particular order.

1. Trump Is a Russian Spy

Strawman fallacy.
Journalism, what is that?

Pj Media

Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years



The “deranged” Russian spy in the White House told the Ukraine president to drink Clorox and refuses to leave his “illegal” office until every blue mailbox filled with secret messages to “very fine” white supremacists in Prague is removed by incontinent hookers…

… and other whoppers the media trolled Donald Trump with for the past four-plus years. Speaking of trolls, so-called “fact” checkers are advised that this is satire. That is “protected speech.” Look it up.

The Left and their media wingmen have decided that after four years of believing Russian Facebook ads interfered with the 2016 election, that it’s absolutely a “deranged conspiracy theory” for the president to question the odd results of the 2020 election and the way they were produced. If the shoe had been on the other foot, the media’s candidate, Joe Biden, would be lauded for his patriotism and fortitude between his ever-diminishing bouts of clarity.

When the media turned on the big-talking and sometimes bellicose New Yorker (see Andrew Cuomo) and began reporting that he was a suspected Russian secret agent, Trump flipped it right back, dismissing them as Fake News. They rewarded the big-talking candidate with – what do they like to say now? – oh, yes, giving agency to some of the biggest whoppers ever conceived of by reporters and their buddies over at the Lincoln Project, Hillary Clinton’s rumor-factory, and the DNC.

Let’s take a rambling trip down the memory lane of the Steele Dossier fever dreams, “highly placed sources,” and Rick Wilson’s fantasies, shall we? These are the 10 Biggest Conspiracy Theories leveled against Trump. These are not in any particular order.

1. Trump Is a Russian Spy


Just cause I had time. :)

1) Trump isn't smart enough to be a Russian spy. There's no way any self respecting GRU agent would trust a big mouth and security leak like Trump with anything approaching a secret. Now as a foil or dupe..sure. LOL.
2) Sorry. This one is true..for his campaign. Again, I don't think Trump is smart enough to do it himself. But yeah, that Trump Tower meeting was about adoption and not getting your hands on hacked emails. :)
3) He was legally elected. While I question the sanity of the people that voted for him and want to smack the people that stayed home, unlike his devoted followers this year, there was nothing illegitimate about his election.
4) That's not a conspiracy theory. That was requested right out in the open. It's on tape. LOL.
5) While this is salacious, I know this tape exists. It's got Trump written all over it. Exactly something he'd do. He was absolutely incensed that Obama embarrassed him at the 2011 WH Correspondent's dinner. He's been seeing red ever since when it comes to Obama. That tape is in someone's safe right now being used as leverage. You'll see it someday. Hopefully they won't make it pay-per-view. :auiqs.jpg:
6) TBD. Maybe, maybe not. Cohen has no reason to lie at this point unless it means more jail time for him. So, to be sporting, I'll put this one in the non-true corner.
7) Not in those exact words but his issue is one of optics. He said there were "very fine people on both sides", implying that he approved of the white supremacists. One of the pitfalls of not being a politician and not listening to people around you.
8) Actually he did. At the press conference, he turned to Dr Birx (who looked like she wanted to crawl under her chair) and said "He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"
9) Again, Pfizer was NOT part of Warp Speed. They received a 2.5 million payment from the government for distribution of an eventual vaccine.
10) Trump was not spied on.

But my favorite Trump moment has to be on the day of the press conference where he intimated injecting disinfectants into the body, he said something else immediately after that was almost lost in the WTF moment...

Trump made the remark after Bill Bryan, who leads the Department of Homeland Security's science and technology division, gave a presentation on research his team has conducted that shows that the virus doesn't live as long in warmer and more humid temperatures. Bryan said, "The virus dies quickest in sunlight," leaving Trump to wonder whether you could bring the light "inside the body."
"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it's ultraviolet or just a very powerful light — and I think you said that hasn't been checked because of the testing," Trump said, speaking to Bryan during the briefing. "And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that, too."

In some other way.....the epitaph of the Trump administration! :auiqs.jpg:
Journalism, what is that?

Pj Media

Here Are Just 10 of the Wild Conspiracy Theories the Left (and Media) Have Tarred Trump With for More Than 4 Years



The “deranged” Russian spy in the White House told the Ukraine president to drink Clorox and refuses to leave his “illegal” office until every blue mailbox filled with secret messages to “very fine” white supremacists in Prague is removed by incontinent hookers…

… and other whoppers the media trolled Donald Trump with for the past four-plus years. Speaking of trolls, so-called “fact” checkers are advised that this is satire. That is “protected speech.” Look it up.

The Left and their media wingmen have decided that after four years of believing Russian Facebook ads interfered with the 2016 election, that it’s absolutely a “deranged conspiracy theory” for the president to question the odd results of the 2020 election and the way they were produced. If the shoe had been on the other foot, the media’s candidate, Joe Biden, would be lauded for his patriotism and fortitude between his ever-diminishing bouts of clarity.

When the media turned on the big-talking and sometimes bellicose New Yorker (see Andrew Cuomo) and began reporting that he was a suspected Russian secret agent, Trump flipped it right back, dismissing them as Fake News. They rewarded the big-talking candidate with – what do they like to say now? – oh, yes, giving agency to some of the biggest whoppers ever conceived of by reporters and their buddies over at the Lincoln Project, Hillary Clinton’s rumor-factory, and the DNC.

Let’s take a rambling trip down the memory lane of the Steele Dossier fever dreams, “highly placed sources,” and Rick Wilson’s fantasies, shall we? These are the 10 Biggest Conspiracy Theories leveled against Trump. These are not in any particular order.

1. Trump Is a Russian Spy


No one ever said Trump was a spy. He's much too stupid and can't keep his mouth shut.
No one ever said Trump was a spy. He's much too stupid and can't keep his mouth shut.
You ASSHOLES spent three fucking YEARS claiming Trump was a Russian asset and Putin's puppet.
Who the FUCK do you think you're fooling here; yourself????????


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