Here come the Pfizer "Covid Pills". The government is buying 10 million pills for $5.2 billion.

Go stand in line like a good little boy to get your 2-3 times a year certification to take part in the freedoms we all used to have for FREE. Cowards too afraid to risk anything without gobment approval, don't deserve to be a part of this nation. GFY, ace
Why don't you just get infected and die?
You’re not educated about it, and with your low IQ, you even gloss over the attachment physics, which an intelligent person at least will hesitate about. You don’t seem to claim enought rights for yourself: the right to contradict oneself is also a right.
Funny, I just had to teach you -- again -- about the importance of the concepts of in vivo and in vitro, because you yet again made a dishonest, stupid post that either glossed over those terms because of your own embarrassing ignorance (most likely scenario), or because you get a kick out of fooling your retarded fellows on the right.

Most likely, abject ignorance is the culprit.
Funny, I just had to teach you -- again -- about the importance of the concepts of in vivo and in vitro, because you yet again made a dishonest, stupid post that either glossed over those terms because of your own embarrassing ignorance (most likely scenario), or because you get a kick out of fooling your retarded fellows on the right.

Most likely, abject ignorance is the culprit.
Because badger is more educated about coronaviruses than you, there’s not that much concern about in vivo or in vitro parameters.
It should be remembered that when Pfizer flaps its lips about how paxlovid deactivates the communist viral enzyme, it is speaking in vitro. It does not have a snapshot of what happens with its pill in vivo.
So why search for some conspiracy here? Such absurd behavior. They found a treatment. How about showing half the respect and fervor for ACTUAL scientific triumphs as you did for the failures, like ivermectin and HQC? Just ass backwards.
STILL to stupid to understand that the vaccines arent stopping the virus? Really Crepitus?
To warn American prisoners to beware of vaxxed spit. This San Andreas Fault has been known to coronavirologists since at least 2008, when they admitted it, published it:
Dec 2021 Italy / Pfizer Vaccine Failure
'....but not in saliva, indicating that at least oral mucosal immunity is poorly activated by this vaccination protocol, thus failing in limiting virus acquisition upon its entry through this route.'
If Ivermectin and HQC are failures why are countries that use it doing better than we are?
All of them? Nope. And not because of those things. If so, you could show me the body of science that shows they work. Vey simple.

But you can't. Nobody can. Because the science shows they don't work. You have been fooled.
All of them? Nope. And not because of those things. If so, you could show me the body of science that shows they work. Vey simple.

But you can't. Nobody can. Because the science shows they don't work. You have been fooled.

Its easy. It has worked around the world. You should try reading instead of partisan hacking.

How much you want to bet Pfizer just put a candy coating on Ivermectin pills so they can charge $500 a pill and call it a "Covid-19" pill? What a scam.

Unfortunately, the unscrupulous current administration is aware that a lot of the population remains gullible and uninformed. Take an acquaintance of mine for instance. She is a “party before country” Democrat, and she’s even stated that she only votes D. So, she relayed that a friend of hers 6 year old daughter had a 106 degree temperature recently. She told me that I would not like to have heard the conversation she held with her friend about how she absolutely should’ve vaccinated her six-year-old daughter! The girl had been tested for Covid and the flu and tested negative for both, but this was still where her mind went! The girl most likely had the flu because it’s been going around the local area and probably had a false negative testing too early/immediately. Idk.

As long as a large number of non-readers/full believers of all things Biden believe everything stated by the corrupt administration, they will continue to lie. It pays off for them, but not enough thankfully! The tide will soon turn:)
Unfortunately, the unscrupulous current administration is aware that a lot of the population remains gullible and uninformed. Take an acquaintance of mine for instance. She is a “party before country” Democrat, and she’s even stated that she only votes D. So, she relayed that a friend of hers 6 year old daughter had a 106 degree temperature recently. She told me that I would not like to have heard the conversation she held with her friend about how she absolutely should’ve vaccinated her six-year-old daughter! The girl had been tested for Covid and the flu and tested negative for both, but this was still where her mind went! The girl most likely had the flu because it’s been going around the local area and probably had a false negative testing too early/immediately. Idk.

As long as a large number of non-readers/full believers of all things Biden believe everything stated by the corrupt administration, they will continue to lie. It pays off for them, but not enough thankfully! The tide will soon turn:)
I hope so, but it was really disturbing to see how easily the masses have been hoodwinked by the Covid Elite and BLM.
fortfon said:
What a freakish thought.

How do you people even feed yourselves

well where the hell have you been. All the left talks about is killing the unborn, now the birthed up to 28 weeks. March 10 in Alexandria is Hug Your Abortionist Day; The Left moans about Too many people in the world...they were working on this vaxx before 2016 if you'd put your brain muscle to work for you. We're seeing now that the vaxx is a killer time bomb waiting to happen for a lot of folk, especially kids and athletes. I know you're still in denial on that one and i can understand why.
The left used to say, 'Damn the Man' and 'Don't trust anyone over 30'. Look at you now!! L OLOLOL You can't wait to get your ass in line for whatever the gov't orders you to do. LOLOL

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