HERE COMES THE FLOOD: Biden Regime Boasts “Full Steam Ahead” on Terminating Title 42, Welcoming 30,000 Illegal Aliens EVERY DAY

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
You uppity white proles need to be crushed and accept that the elites hate you and want you dead or starved into submission. OF course, they think brown and black people will be grateful and kiss their asses, but it never works out that way ....
We need a hard, very hard, coup d'état.....With a deep cleansing of the leftists afterwards.

I really don't care what direction it comes from either as long as it's internal.....The .mil, patriotic rebels, or a general uprising by the sane citizenry.

We can sort out the details later. I'm weary of leftists hiding behind their version of "democracy" with no thought at all towards the Republic except how to further it's demise.
Let the total browning of America commence. Biden should be impeached over this. This is basically White genocide about to take place.

White genocide?! Are you completely retarded?
America needs Biden dead, both Biden & Harris have to be made to go, Biden is literally demonic, the perfect opportunity for that is the 1st of the year when both can be eliminated and then the speaker of the house assumes the office, do not delude selves that serious people are not weighing those options right this very minute!

At just one border checkpoint in Texas they are, and have been for the last 16 months, been encountering 2,000 illegals every single day, just the one checkpoint. That is 730,000 illegals every year at that one checkpoint, which does not include the got-aways which is likely an even higher figure!

Just do the fucking math......

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