Here is a fact about Oil production that disproves totally the Republican accusations about Biden being against "Fossil Fuels"


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2024

United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever

The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d.


Lies, misinformation, and the unfair degrading of Biden and the Democrats is what Trump and all his minions do constantly.

Data, statistics and facts do not exist for Trumpers. It is simply, "one huge con job"!
View attachment 1008263

Lies, misinformation, and the unfair degrading of Biden and the Democrats is what Trump and all his minions do constantly.

do not exist for Trumpers. It is simply, "one huge con job"!
YOU are lying and blabbering misinformation right here. OF COURSE Biden is against fossil fuels. That was shown in the 2020 debate, when Biden loudly proclaimed his promise to "TRANSITION AWAY FROM FOSSIL FUELS"

Nothing disproves the "Republican accusations about Biden being against "Fossil Fuels". Biden further proved his opposition to fossil fuels, when he signed EOs cancelling oil leases/drilling on his first day in office. He cancelled more of them after that too. That is what got production down, until it started getting closer to the 2024 election and Biden then increased the production to keep the optics politically convenient.

Contrary to YOUR "CON JOB", here are the "data, statistics, and facts" posted before the distortions of the optic, political theater of Biden's pre-election oil production boosts.

The following report is from near the end of 2022, before Biden began to ramp up for the ELECTION year >>

Biden's production was a major reduction from what Trump's production was, and even much more major, when we extrapolate Trump's rising line to January 2023, if he had retained the presidency.

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to Dec. 2022 if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million Barrels/month - HUNDREDS of Barrels/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo Sure, because that was right after Biden issued EOs cancelling oil leases

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases

Biden said he was going to put oil companies out of business, dumbass.
Wow, another Trumper using insults and degrading to make his point. It is the MO of the Trumpers. They cannot see facts!

So the facts mean nothing to you? Words are what counts right? Biden "said" is what is important, not what he actually did, right?
Wow, another Trumper using insults and degrading to make his point. It is the MO of the Trumpers.

So the facts mean nothing to you? Words are what counts right? Biden "said" is what is important, not what he actually did, right?
What did Tater do to increase production Luckyone
More evidence that the OP is The Wanker's sock puppet: Nobody -but NOBODY- drove down more blind alleys, like this one, than that numbskull. :rofl:
YOU are lying and blabbering misinformation right here. OF COURSE Biden is against fossil fuels. That was shown in the 2020 debate, when Biden loudly proclaimed his promise to "TRANSITION AWAY FROM FOSSIL FUELS"

Nothing disproves the "Republican accusations about Biden being against "Fossil Fuels". Biden further proved his opposition to fossil fuels, when he signed EOs cancelling oil leases/drilling on his first day in office. He cancelled more of them after that too. That is what got production down, until it started getting closer to the 2024 election and Biden then increased the production to keep the optics politically convenient.

Contrary to YOUR "CON JOB", here are the "data, statistics, and facts" posted before the distortions of the optic, political theater of Biden's pre-election oil production boosts.

The following report is from near the end of 2022, before Biden began to ramp up for the ELECTION year >>

Biden's production was a major reduction from what Trump's production was, and even much more major, when we extrapolate Trump's rising line to January 2023, if he had retained the presidency.

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to Dec. 2022 if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million Barrels/month - HUNDREDS of Barrels/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo Sure, because that was right after Biden issued EOs cancelling oil leases

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases

First of all and in trying to respond to your long-winded post, I never said that Biden was not against Fossil Fuels. I support his objective. Nonetheless, one thing is to have an objective and the other is to implement it in an intelligent way.

We should ultimately get away from fossil fuels and adopt clean energy (the word clean is the key word) but there is a process that needs to occur. The world is presently dependent on fossil fuels and cutting them off right now would be a disaster. As such, we continue to go forward trying to cut the use of fossil fuels as long as it does not hurt our economy and standard of living. It also needs to be mentioned that we have been in a pandemic and that has made some things (such as moving away from fossil fuels) not realistic at THIS TIME.

As far as the numbers I provide in the OP, they are correct. You gave the numbers for 2021 and 2022 but you failed to supply the numbers for 2023 and for 2024 (so far).

In 2023, crude oil production reached a record-high 12.9 million b/d in the United States, a 9% (1.0 million b/d) increase from 2022

How many barrels of oil were produced in the US in 2023?

In 2023, oil production in the United States reached 19.4 million barrels per day, the highest value within the period of consideration.

Here below are the specifics month by month.

2021 11,152 9,938 11,372 11,353 11,423 11,394 11,416 11,314 10,957 11,637 11,867 11,752
2022 11,442 11,467 11,875 11,812 11,742 11,913 11,992 12,123 12,439 12,431 12,467 12,175
2023 12,611 12,591 12,815 12,680 12,730 12,866 12,935 13,047 13,177 13,149 13,281 13,308

Having said all of the above, I applaud Biden and hopefully now Harris for having the objective of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. It is a world climate killer.
2024 12,554 13,102 13,171 13,249 13,189 13,214
First of all and in trying to respond to your long-winded post, I never said that Biden was not against Fossil Fuels. I support his objective. Nonetheless, one thing is to have an objective and the other is to implement it in an intelligent way.

We should ultimately get away from fossil fuels and adopt clean energy (the word clean is the key word) but there is a process that needs to occur. The world is presently dependent on fossil fuels and cutting them off right now would be a disaster. As such, we continue to go forward trying to cut the use of fossil fuels as long as it does not hurt our economy and standard of living. It also needs to be mentioned that we have been in a pandemic and that has made some things (such as moving away from fossil fuels) not realistic at THIS TIME.

As far as the numbers I provide in the OP, they are correct. You gave the numbers for 2021 and 2022 but you failed to supply the numbers for 2023 and for 2024 (so far).

In 2023, crude oil production reached a record-high 12.9 million b/d in the United States, a 9% (1.0 million b/d) increase from 2022

How many barrels of oil were produced in the US in 2023?

In 2023, oil production in the United States reached 19.4 million barrels per day, the highest value within the period of consideration.

Here below are the specifics month by month.

2021 11,152 9,938 11,372 11,353 11,423 11,394 11,416 11,314 10,957 11,637 11,867 11,752
2022 11,442 11,467 11,875 11,812 11,742 11,913 11,992 12,123 12,439 12,431 12,467 12,175
2023 12,611 12,591 12,815 12,680 12,730 12,866 12,935 13,047 13,177 13,149 13,281 13,308

Having said all of the above, I applaud Biden and hopefully now Harris for having the objective of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. It is a world climate killer.
2024 12,554 13,102 13,171 13,249 13,189 13,214
What did Biden do to increase production Luckyone
Wow! Then everyone who voted for a Green Energy Agenda was lied to by Biden and Harris, good information.
No, not lied to. They simply did what was the SMART thing to do during the pandemic. Their long term objectives remain the same.

You do want smart people as leaders, don't you?
Wow, another Trumper using insults and degrading to make his point. It is the MO of the Trumpers. They cannot see facts!

So the facts mean nothing to you? Words are what counts right? Biden "said" is what is important, not what he actually did, right?
He obviously isn't keeping up with demand, his policies are to be rid of oil by 2030.

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