Here is a super cut of all the times Trump has called for violence

One thing I will say since the campaign. Notice how troublemakers stopped attending Trump rallies afterwards?

A strong enough deterrent works every time it's used.
Who are you going to believe? Right wing talking points, or your own eyes and ears?
I believe my eyes and ears..

So, can you tell the class where he ever called for the initiation of any aggressive act?

The OP has been unable/unwilling to do so....Bring it.

If you refuse to see it in that video, I'm not qualified to help you. Ask your therapist.
Of course we all know a video of leftwingers saying things like kick them, if you see them in public harrass them, there can be no civility till we have power just to name a few could be put together as well.
Of course we all know a video of leftwingers saying things like kick them, if you see them in public harrass them, there can be no civility till we have power just to name a few could be put together as well.

Then do it/
Of course we all know a video of leftwingers saying things like kick them, if you see them in public harrass them, there can be no civility till we have power just to name a few could be put together as well.

Then do it/
To what point? You and the other left wing partisans along with your right wing counterparts don’t give a shit about facts, honesty or context everyone just wants to push whatever talking point that pushes their preconceived belief.
I can’t defend him on this one
Sure you can....He never argued for or urged the initiation of aggression....He was only speaking of terms in defense or reciprocal action.

True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo

I disagree. Doing things like that is one of the reasons he was elected. He doesn't study each word or sentence. He says what he feels which is something most of us never seen in our lifetime for a politician. More importantly, he backs up what he says.

I don't see the comparison to what the Democrats do. They out and out instruct their followers to harass and bother politicians on the right. Trump never did that.

So some assholes come to his events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. How do you protect them when they got exactly what they came for?

Republicans crave violence. He gives it to you. Look at your avatar.
I can’t defend him on this one
Sure you can....He never argued for or urged the initiation of aggression....He was only speaking of terms in defense or reciprocal action.

True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo

I disagree. Doing things like that is one of the reasons he was elected. He doesn't study each word or sentence. He says what he feels which is something most of us never seen in our lifetime for a politician. More importantly, he backs up what he says.

I don't see the comparison to what the Democrats do. They out and out instruct their followers to harass and bother politicians on the right. Trump never did that.

So some assholes come to his events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. How do you protect them when they got exactly what they came for?

Republicans crave violence. He gives it to you. Look at your avatar.

No need to be scared, it's only a picture.
I can’t defend him on this one
Sure you can....He never argued for or urged the initiation of aggression....He was only speaking of terms in defense or reciprocal action.

True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo

I disagree. Doing things like that is one of the reasons he was elected. He doesn't study each word or sentence. He says what he feels which is something most of us never seen in our lifetime for a politician. More importantly, he backs up what he says.

I don't see the comparison to what the Democrats do. They out and out instruct their followers to harass and bother politicians on the right. Trump never did that.

So some assholes come to his events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. How do you protect them when they got exactly what they came for?

Republicans crave violence. He gives it to you. Look at your avatar.

What's wrong with my avatar? It's a picture of a person holding a gun which I believe is the right of most Americans.

When have you seen the Tea Party rip up a neighborhood? When have the Republicans ever started riots? When have you seen Republicans jumping up and down on police cars or trying to start a store on fire that they just robbed?

Trump said give the troublemakers trouble, and you compare that with Waters saying seek Republicans out, harass them at gas stations, restaurants, wherever you see them?

You seem to not know the difference between reacting to trouble and starting trouble.

Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

Do you seriously want to start comparing each side and the number of threats? The left wins when it comes to inciting violence.

I think the bomb hoax was a desperate attempt to make people on the right look as violent as the people on the left. Not working.

Look at the number of people attacked by antifa, BLM, race rioters and look at the number of dead cops because of the rhetoric on the left.

On the right, there are some inappropriate comments. On the left, there is a trail of dead bodies, injured people and destroyed neighborhoods. Actions count way more than words.

Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

Out of context. Those were all responses to leftwing thugs disrupting his rallies. Using force against illegal trespassers is considered to be self defense.

Illegal trespassers huh? It is illegal for someone of one political persuasion to go to a rally of another? Hell only a couple of those even involved the bullshit you are talking about.
Republicans crave violence. He gives it to you. Look at your avatar.

Then you're saying that Sen. Bernie Sanders is responsible for the shooter at the Republican baseball practice. The shooter intended on killing as many Republicans as possible. He critically wounded Congressman Scalise before he was brought down by good people with guns.

Then recently we have Maxine Waters calling for Democrats to assault anyone who supports President Donald Trump.

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Billy you get 000 points because your thread is stupid misleading propaganda. Apples and Bananas, the Maxine Waters type of inciting unhinged mob violence is surely bananas. Trump is not advocating harassment of innocent people going about their daily activities. The Democrats have used speech to incite mob violence. Repeatedly. This video of yours is highly edited Billy and the fault lies in the fake news outlet you got it from that has duped you. Trump is not responsible for any mob violence, not responsible for lone violence, nor responsible for defective bomb scares. End of story.
Even faced with overwhelming evidence, right wingers on the USMB have an unrelenting determined ignorance. They just can't snap out of it.
I can’t defend him on this one
Sure you can....He never argued for or urged the initiation of aggression....He was only speaking of terms in defense or reciprocal action.

True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo

I disagree. Doing things like that is one of the reasons he was elected. He doesn't study each word or sentence. He says what he feels which is something most of us never seen in our lifetime for a politician. More importantly, he backs up what he says.

I don't see the comparison to what the Democrats do. They out and out instruct their followers to harass and bother politicians on the right. Trump never did that.

So some assholes come to his events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. How do you protect them when they got exactly what they came for?

Republicans crave violence. He gives it to you. Look at your avatar.

What's wrong with my avatar? It's a picture of a person holding a gun which I believe is the right of most Americans.

When have you seen the Tea Party rip up a neighborhood? When have the Republicans ever started riots? When have you seen Republicans jumping up and down on police cars or trying to start a store on fire that they just robbed?

Trump said give the troublemakers trouble, and you compare that with Waters saying seek Republicans out, harass them at gas stations, restaurants, wherever you see them?

You seem to not know the difference between reacting to trouble and starting trouble.

Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

Ah the power of drastic editing. What ya got there is useless partisan red meat. Have NO IDEA what the context or topics are. It's a waste of time to form any discussion about that POS vid...

Hmm so what context, specifically, is missing?

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