Here is the Ferguson Story had Brown been Armed

Finally St Louis residents are seeing through the libtard bullshit and rally to support officer Wilson.

St. Louis Community Rallies for Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson with Surprising Fundraising Results

The libtards have jumped the shark on this issue, and are about to jump the shark on immigration and they are too stupid to realize it.
Every 53 hours, an officer is killed in the line of duty...

A sad fact most people have no damned clue about.
Every 53 minutes a feral negro is killed.:beer:
Storm front is missing its village idiot. Get back to where you belong, boy.
Finally St Louis residents are seeing through the libtard bullshit and rally to support officer Wilson.

St. Louis Community Rallies for Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson with Surprising Fundraising Results

The libtards have jumped the shark on this issue, and are about to jump the shark on immigration and they are too stupid to realize it.
Every 53 hours, an officer is killed in the line of duty...

A sad fact most people have no damned clue about.
Every 53 minutes a feral negro is killed.:beer:
Storm front is missing its village idiot. Get back to where you belong, boy.

More lies from a libtard. I have visited Stormfront on occasion, but it has been years till I went there last week. One thing I noticed was that all the swastikas that used to be a motif for that sight are all gone. I looked at several pages and didn't see a one, but they still defend Hitler, deny the holocaust and that sort of thing. All of which I disagree with except for getting rid of the swastikas, though the presence of such was more honest, it seems to me.

I don't agree with them, have little to no respect for them (except in the broadest sense of respect for human beings) and were I running that sight I would change a whole bunch of things.

But you, a typical libtard, you don't see any difference between me and the goose steppers on Stormfront because I disagree with you. roflmao.

And to top it all off, the far left has jettisoned internationalism in practice as the nationalistic Chicoms now dominate the funding of the far left, along with Soros. And they have also rejected collectivism in favor of corporate capitalism. All of which amounts to little damned difference between them and the Fascists in all but symbology. And you know what? They will be changing that too. Have you noticed that some are trying to rehabilitate the Swastika? lol By 2030, the far left will unite with the far right and resurrect the entire ideology of Fascism, restore Hitler to the ranks of respectable tyrants and in the US, start goose stepping along with their Chicom masters who have been goose stepping for the last 80 years anyway.

And you will be snapping your heels and 'Seig Heiling' right along with the rest of them.

Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.

Totally irrelevant. Brown assaulted the cop with a friend and that alone constitutes a lethal threat that justifies a lethal response in most states.

It is hilarious that libtards pretend that the only way to kill someone is with a weapon of some type. right.

Totally irrelevant? Then why did you ask the question in the first place? Oh you were just race baiting. You didn't want a challenge. Got it. Fuck off, asswipe.

Lol, The point is that Brown was not armed with a weapon but with a buddy backing him up, but had he been armed with a gun, officer Wilson would have likely died, and libtard idiots like you would have been much happier, and then forgotten the whole thing.
Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.
Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.
You would of liked it better if he was. All you Brown supporters would rather he beat the peace officer to death.
No, not even close. Try again.

Bulshit, your anger in this thread tells the truth more than your words; you are pissed that a white cop lived and a minority criminal died. All because you hate white people and any bad news for whites makes you party.
Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.
Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.
You would of liked it better if he was. All you Brown supporters would rather he beat the peace officer to death.

Yeah, these PoS lefties deny that they would be any happier that Brown had lived and Wilson died, as though they think we believe that they would have protested and thrown a looting party for a week had Wilson died.

Lefties don't loot when good white people die or even attend their funerals out of respect, like Thatcher or that general that was killed in Afghanistan. So if they are not as made when a white person dies, then obviously the death of a white person makes them happier than when a minority dies. That is the simple TRUTH of this whole situation from the lefts perspective; white dies good or ignore, a minority dies protest and/or loot and throw a hissy fit on every internet forum you can get on to..
Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.
Your thread........crickets

Brown wasn't armed. True story.
You would of liked it better if he was. All you Brown supporters would rather he beat the peace officer to death.
No, not even close. Try again.

Bulshit, your anger in this thread tells the truth more than your words; you are pissed that a white cop lived and a minority criminal died. All because you hate white people and any bad news for whites makes you party.
I AM white, you fucking idiot. No, I would not cheer if a police officer lost his life. Nobody should have lost their life in that situation. That is the issue. Cops are too quick to pull the trigger and ask questions later. Thus isn't a left/right issue. Get your head out of your ass for once in your miserable life.

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