Here is the question atheists can't answer...

easier to prove he is real than go to eternal torment - what if this is the truth and you never tried???
You’re just playing it safe. You want us to fake belief in order to make your god happy?

He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless

You too

Jesus reads your posts

You need to stop. You're not contributing you're trolling and it's childish and unproductive

I have read your has Jesus

Every time you make a post......Jesus sheds a tear
easier to prove he is real than go to eternal torment - what if this is the truth and you never tried???
You’re just playing it safe. You want us to fake belief in order to make your god happy?

He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless

You too

Jesus reads your posts

You need to stop. You're not contributing you're trolling and it's childish and unproductive

I have read your has Jesus

Every time you make a post......Jesus sheds a tear
considering he is the one helping me and we are laughing i would say y ou are way wrong...
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
I am also homeless. And you know what? I may not always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I have a warm, dry place to sleep, and I never go hungry. Well, I do go hungry sometimes, but not for long. and I have never been starving. What I need to do now, is get off my lazy ass, get a new photo ID, and apply for section 8 housing. Don't know why I haven't done it already.
I was in the same predictanment and i still dont know how i am being cared for it can only be God
God provides for the sparrow. So how would He not provide for us?
exactly ---
You’re just playing it safe. You want us to fake belief in order to make your god happy?

He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless

You too

Jesus reads your posts

You need to stop. You're not contributing you're trolling and it's childish and unproductive

I have read your has Jesus

Every time you make a post......Jesus sheds a tear
considering he is the one helping me and we are laughing i would say y ou are way wrong...

Jesus loves your posts

He is not happy with Sassy.....not very Christian
He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless

You too

Jesus reads your posts

You need to stop. You're not contributing you're trolling and it's childish and unproductive

I have read your has Jesus

Every time you make a post......Jesus sheds a tear
considering he is the one helping me and we are laughing i would say y ou are way wrong...

Jesus loves your posts

He is not happy with Sassy.....not very Christian
oh lol my apologies i cant tell when someone is talking to me?
Horseshit....if God wanted us to believe, God would compel us to believe using evidence.

Oh gawd....its you again
Well, what you said is pretty stupid. It doesn't matter if it's me or Jaysus himself pointing it out.

You and anything you have to say means little to me

Any thread you get involved on eventually turns into a flame fest. It's tiresome
Only because you religious people are hypersensitive. I call an idea ridiculous, you get personally offended and start flaming. Rinse, repeat.

I can't be offended because I don't care.

It's very simple to undetstand. I take no atheist serious and personally I consider them ill informed, irritating, annoying and pretty much a bunch of assholes who really need to live and let live
Bye then
How? An alien could “prove it” by messing with your mind.

Ok, what do I have to do?
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
I am also homeless. And you know what? I may not always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I have a warm, dry place to sleep, and I never go hungry. Well, I do go hungry sometimes, but not for long. and I have never been starving. What I need to do now, is get off my lazy ass, get a new photo ID, and apply for section 8 housing. Don't know why I haven't done it already.
I was in the same predictanment and i still dont know how i am being cared for it can only be God

False Cause: the fallacy committed when an argument mistakenly attempt to establish a causal connection. There are two basic interrelated kinds.

  1. Post hoc ergo propter hoc: (literally "after this, therefore because of this") the fallacy of arguing that one event was caused by another event merely because it occurred after that event.

False cause
Correlation is when two things occur together. Causation is when one thing causes another thing. To commit the false cause fallacy is to mistake correlation for causation. When A and B occur together, it’s certainly possible that A caused B, but it’s also possible that B caused A. Or that they were both caused by something else. Or that it’s a total coincidence that both A and B have been occurring together.
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
I am also homeless. And you know what? I may not always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I have a warm, dry place to sleep, and I never go hungry. Well, I do go hungry sometimes, but not for long. and I have never been starving. What I need to do now, is get off my lazy ass, get a new photo ID, and apply for section 8 housing. Don't know why I haven't done it already.
I was in the same predictanment and i still dont know how i am being cared for it can only be God

False Cause: the fallacy committed when an argument mistakenly attempt to establish a causal connection. There are two basic interrelated kinds.

  1. Post hoc ergo propter hoc: (literally "after this, therefore because of this") the fallacy of arguing that one event was caused by another event merely because it occurred after that event.

False cause
Correlation is when two things occur together. Causation is when one thing causes another thing. To commit the false cause fallacy is to mistake correlation for causation. When A and B occur together, it’s certainly possible that A caused B, but it’s also possible that B caused A. Or that they were both caused by something else. Or that it’s a total coincidence that both A and B have been occurring together.
he proves it...
How? An alien could “prove it” by messing with your mind.

Ok, what do I have to do?
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
I am also homeless. And you know what? I may not always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I have a warm, dry place to sleep, and I never go hungry. Well, I do go hungry sometimes, but not for long. and I have never been starving. What I need to do now, is get off my lazy ass, get a new photo ID, and apply for section 8 housing. Don't know why I haven't done it already.

Why don't you get off your ass and apply for a better job?

And as a Republican, how are you comfortable that the government is helping to pay your rent?

Let’s End Housing Vouchers

1.7 million households now get government vouchers that help pay their rent in the private market, at a cost of over $13 billion a year—a third of HUD's total budget.
he proves it...
How? An alien could “prove it” by messing with your mind.

Ok, what do I have to do?
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
I am also homeless. And you know what? I may not always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I have a warm, dry place to sleep, and I never go hungry. Well, I do go hungry sometimes, but not for long. and I have never been starving. What I need to do now, is get off my lazy ass, get a new photo ID, and apply for section 8 housing. Don't know why I haven't done it already.

Trump’s housing budget is a mass eviction notice for the poor

America’s systems for helping vulnerable families keep a roof overhead are already woefully underfunded, leaving about 15 million deserving households to fend for themselves when the rent is due.

President Donald Trump’s budget chooses to make that problem worse. If cuts proposed in his Housing and Urban Development budget become law, he will put hundreds of thousands of families currently receiving rent support on the road to eviction
How did we get here?
Apparently you have never heard of evolution, nor abiogenesis?

Furthermore, even were you to simply dismiss both of those theories, the fact is that theists can't answer that question, either; at lest, not with any answer that includes objective evidence. Theists can certainly answer the question with, "God did it," however, when asked for the objective evidence to support this claim, they have none.
Last edited:
what is wrong with a little magic in your life
Answer your own told me nothing could ever realluly be, you suddenly know things are true. You're not coherent.
i have no idea what you are talking about plz explain
In response to established knowledge, you say, "Nothing can truly be known." Then you proceed to make authoritative, extraordinary claims as fact, one after another. This is incoherent. And, more importantly for you, it's convenient.
what is wrong with a little magic in your life
Answer your own told me nothing could ever realluly be, you suddenly know things are true. You're not coherent.
i have no idea what you are talking about plz explain
In response to established knowledge, you say, "Nothing can truly be known." Then you proceed to make authoritative, extraordinary claims as fact, one after another. This is incoherent. And, more importantly for you, it's convenient.
She’s claiming Jesus has visited her. If that’s true nothing we say is going to change her but she’s got to realize no one is going to believe that she really met Jesus.

Then she talks about hell. So now Jesus has verified to her that people who don’t believe in him go to hell.

It’s insulting if it weren’t so stupid
You’re just playing it safe. You want us to fake belief in order to make your god happy?

He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless
Of course. So what do you want us to do if we just don’t believe? What does your god want?

He wants you to believe but if you don't that's your free will at work. Entirely your choice
You think it cares? That’s petty human man made up religion talk. So obvious in the Ten Commandments 1. Don’t believe any other gods but me.

Right off the bat I’m suspicious unless god tells me these Ten Commandments. Reveal it in my head oh lord
pretty simple - follow Jesus instructions and he will reveal himself to you
Soooo...believe that Jesus actually existed, and did the things the Bible attributed to him, do what he said to do, and he will demonstrate that He actually existed, and did the things that the Bible attributed to him. And you honestly don't see the problem with this advice, do you?
He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless
Of course. So what do you want us to do if we just don’t believe? What does your god want?

He wants you to believe but if you don't that's your free will at work. Entirely your choice
You think it cares? That’s petty human man made up religion talk. So obvious in the Ten Commandments 1. Don’t believe any other gods but me.

Right off the bat I’m suspicious unless god tells me these Ten Commandments. Reveal it in my head oh lord
pretty simple - follow Jesus instructions and he will reveal himself to you
Soooo...believe that Jesus actually existed, and did the things the Bible attributed to him, do what he said to do, and he will demonstrate that He actually existed, and did the things that the Bible attributed to him. And you honestly don't see the problem with this advice, do you?
You would have to believe the unbelievable first.

And I even did believe but even as a small child I had a problem with the god story. Perhaps I was born too intelligent to truly believe. I think they call us devil children. So I sort of didn’t question it too much and for years was indoctrinated into Christianity. When I was a young adult like Joseph Smith and daisy common sense told me all religions were man made so I made up my own religion of one.

Then I realized if all religions are made up then so too is the god they invented.

I don’t cherry pick from any religions
Of course. So what do you want us to do if we just don’t believe? What does your god want?

He wants you to believe but if you don't that's your free will at work. Entirely your choice
You think it cares? That’s petty human man made up religion talk. So obvious in the Ten Commandments 1. Don’t believe any other gods but me.

Right off the bat I’m suspicious unless god tells me these Ten Commandments. Reveal it in my head oh lord
pretty simple - follow Jesus instructions and he will reveal himself to you
Soooo...believe that Jesus actually existed, and did the things the Bible attributed to him, do what he said to do, and he will demonstrate that He actually existed, and did the things that the Bible attributed to him. And you honestly don't see the problem with this advice, do you?
You would have to believe the unbelievable first.
It's faith...only a Christian understands it. It's way over you
easier to prove he is real than go to eternal torment - what if this is the truth and you never tried???
You’re just playing it safe. You want us to fake belief in order to make your god happy?

He'd know you're faking you dopes are clueless

You too

Jesus reads your posts

You need to stop. You're not contributing you're trolling and it's childish and unproductive

I have read your has Jesus

Every time you make a post......Jesus sheds a tear

If I’m a Jew Muslim or atheist what do I care what Jesus thinks? He’s just a good man.

Every time you post Mohammad poops, Joseph Smith burps and Juju does a happy dance

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