Here is what the Democrat Party is up to.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
I'm posting this under Conspiracy Theories because that is what it is. It doesn't mean I'm not correct.

This theory explains several things that are happening right now:

1. Why the left is attacking Trump with vigor.
2. Why Elizabeth Warren decided not to run a race she quite possibly would have won.
3. Why no ranking Democrats have officially endorsed Hillary.

For quite a while now, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party has been propping up the economy, holding off interest rate hikes, pumping printed money into the markets, etc etc. all in an effort to protect Obama's legacy as POTUS.

The same goes with terrorism. The Obama Administration has made deals with terrorist supporting governments; Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Cuba, and others, in order to also protect Obama's POTUS legacy.

But the problem is that the economy is going to collapse, they cannot prop it up forever. The terrorists are very difficult to control, even by countries like Iran and governments like Hamas.

The plan is to allow a Republican to take office and sit back and watch as the economy crashes and the terrorists who are already here are turned loose. Not to mention terror groups like Code Pink, Black Lives Matter, and others who will be encouraged to riot and disrupt as much as possible.

When their plan comes together, they bieve that a Republican will never again hold any office of importance, and the democrats will enjoy the complete control they so intensely desire.

They are attacking Trump hard because they know that Hillary is likely to defeat him if he wins the GOP nomination. They do not want a democrat as POTUS when all this nastiness goes down. They know, as we do, that Hillary would lose to Rubio or Cruz.

Likely, because the average American voter is an idiot (the election of Obama twice being exhibit A), Elizabeth Warren would have won both the Democrat Nom and the presidency, they did not want her to run. She was most likely told that she would run and win in 2020 after the shit went down and would have Carte Blanche to inflict far left policies on a weary populace. The DNC always thinks of winning and always thinks long term.

Of course, no ranking member of the Democrat Party or Congress for that matter, wants to hitch his or her wagon to a loser, they are reluctant to endorse Hillary Clinton. They will say supportive things about her now and after the primaries some may end up doing so but it isn't their intention to have Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

Things aren't totally in their control, however. Trump for one, is screwing up their plans, and if Hillary ends up being POTUS, they will figure out a way to deal with it or spin the disaster, but that is not their ideal plan.

The Grand plan is to let a Republican win, pull out all the props, the plugs, tear off the band aids, turn loose those who intend to riot and destroy, then sit back, watch and point fingers at the White House. Then they win next time and we become a socialist third world country. After that, the rest of the world falls under their thumbs.

Remember people, you heard it here first.
Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.
Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.

Well think about it. It may not be entirely the Democrats fault that the economy is so fucked up but they are artificially propping it up. The democrats aren't exactly responsible for Muslim extremism but they have made deals with them to hold off a bit for another year. That isn't blaming them solely for the problem but it is calling them out for manipulating events to their advantage.
Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.

Well think about it. It may not be entirely the Democrats fault that the economy is so ducked up

Doesn't matter whose fault it is. As long as they can continue to believe what they hear on right wing radio and fox, and they can blame democrats, that's all that matters.
I'm posting this under Conspiracy Theories because that is what it is. It doesn't mean I'm not correct.

This theory explains several things that are happening right now:

1. Why the left is attacking Trump with vigor.
2. Why Elizabeth Warren decided not to run a race she quite possibly would have won.
3. Why no ranking Democrats have officially endorsed Hillary.

For quite a while now, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party has been propping up the economy, holding off interest rate hikes, pumping printed money into the markets, etc etc. all in an effort to protect Obama's legacy as POTUS.

The same goes with terrorism. The Obama Administration has made deals with terrorist supporting governments; Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Cuba, and others, in order to also protect Obama's POTUS legacy.

But the problem is that the economy is going to collapse, they cannot prop it up forever. The terrorists are very difficult to control, even by countries like Iran and governments like Hamas.

The plan is to allow a Republican to take office and sit back and watch as the economy crashes and the terrorists who are already here are turned loose. Not to mention terror groups like Code Pink, Black Lives Matter, and others who will be encouraged to riot and disrupt as much as possible.

When their plan comes together, they bieve that a Republican will never again hold any office of importance, and the democrats will enjoy the complete control they so intensely desire.

They are attacking Trump hard because they know that Hillary is likely to defeat him if he wins the GOP nomination. They do not want a democrat as POTUS when all this nastiness goes down. They know, as we do, that Hillary would lose to Rubio or Cruz.

Likely, because the average American voter is an idiot (the election of Obama twice being exhibit A), Elizabeth Warren would have won both the Democrat Nom and the presidency, they did not want her to run. She was most likely told that she would run and win in 2020 after the shit went down and would have Carte Blanche to inflict far left policies on a weary populace. The DNC always thinks of winning and always thinks long term.

Of course, no ranking member of the Democrat Party or Congress for that matter, wants to hitch his or her wagon to a loser, they are reluctant to endorse Hillary Clinton. They will say supportive things about her now and after the primaries some may end up doing so but it isn't their intention to have Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

Things aren't totally in their control, however. Trump for one, is screwing up their plans, and if Hillary ends up being POTUS, they will figure out a way to deal with it or spin the disaster, but that is not their ideal plan.

The Grand plan is to let a Republican win, pull out all the props, the plugs, tear off the band aids, turn loose those who intend to riot and destroy, then sit back, watch and point fingers at the White House. Then they win next time and we become a socialist third world country. After that, the rest of the world falls under their thumbs.

Remember people, you heard it here first.

That's an interesting imaginary party you've created, and in the perfect forum for it, too, considering that there is no such thing as the "Democrat party."
Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.

Well think about it. It may not be entirely the Democrats fault that the economy is so ducked up

Doesn't matter whose fault it is. As long as they can continue to believe what they hear on right wing radio and fox, and they can blame democrats, that's all that matters.

I dare you to find this conspiracy anywhere on any right wing radio show or FOX. It is entirely mine.
I'm posting this under Conspiracy Theories because that is what it is. It doesn't mean I'm not correct.

This theory explains several things that are happening right now:

1. Why the left is attacking Trump with vigor.
2. Why Elizabeth Warren decided not to run a race she quite possibly would have won.
3. Why no ranking Democrats have officially endorsed Hillary.

For quite a while now, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party has been propping up the economy, holding off interest rate hikes, pumping printed money into the markets, etc etc. all in an effort to protect Obama's legacy as POTUS.

The same goes with terrorism. The Obama Administration has made deals with terrorist supporting governments; Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Cuba, and others, in order to also protect Obama's POTUS legacy.

But the problem is that the economy is going to collapse, they cannot prop it up forever. The terrorists are very difficult to control, even by countries like Iran and governments like Hamas.

The plan is to allow a Republican to take office and sit back and watch as the economy crashes and the terrorists who are already here are turned loose. Not to mention terror groups like Code Pink, Black Lives Matter, and others who will be encouraged to riot and disrupt as much as possible.

When their plan comes together, they bieve that a Republican will never again hold any office of importance, and the democrats will enjoy the complete control they so intensely desire.

They are attacking Trump hard because they know that Hillary is likely to defeat him if he wins the GOP nomination. They do not want a democrat as POTUS when all this nastiness goes down. They know, as we do, that Hillary would lose to Rubio or Cruz.

Likely, because the average American voter is an idiot (the election of Obama twice being exhibit A), Elizabeth Warren would have won both the Democrat Nom and the presidency, they did not want her to run. She was most likely told that she would run and win in 2020 after the shit went down and would have Carte Blanche to inflict far left policies on a weary populace. The DNC always thinks of winning and always thinks long term.

Of course, no ranking member of the Democrat Party or Congress for that matter, wants to hitch his or her wagon to a loser, they are reluctant to endorse Hillary Clinton. They will say supportive things about her now and after the primaries some may end up doing so but it isn't their intention to have Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

Things aren't totally in their control, however. Trump for one, is screwing up their plans, and if Hillary ends up being POTUS, they will figure out a way to deal with it or spin the disaster, but that is not their ideal plan.

The Grand plan is to let a Republican win, pull out all the props, the plugs, tear off the band aids, turn loose those who intend to riot and destroy, then sit back, watch and point fingers at the White House. Then they win next time and we become a socialist third world country. After that, the rest of the world falls under their thumbs.

Remember people, you heard it here first.

That's an interesting imaginary party you've created, and in the perfect forum for it, too, considering that there is no such thing as the "Democrat party."

We have ready done that argument to death, and I won't debate it here.
Explain to me then why Elizabeth Warren, who would likely have trounced Hillary, who has no significant scandals attached to her, and who likely would have been POTUS, suddenly decides to not run?
Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.

Well think about it. It may not be entirely the Democrats fault that the economy is so ducked up

Doesn't matter whose fault it is. As long as they can continue to believe what they hear on right wing radio and fox, and they can blame democrats, that's all that matters.

I dare you to find this conspiracy anywhere on any right wing radio show or FOX. It is entirely mine.

Of course you deserve the credit. I just said it has the advantage of blending with existing right wing crap. It wouldn't work as well if it didn't.
I'm posting this under Conspiracy Theories because that is what it is. It doesn't mean I'm not correct.

This theory explains several things that are happening right now:

1. Why the left is attacking Trump with vigor.
2. Why Elizabeth Warren decided not to run a race she quite possibly would have won.
3. Why no ranking Democrats have officially endorsed Hillary.

For quite a while now, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party has been propping up the economy, holding off interest rate hikes, pumping printed money into the markets, etc etc. all in an effort to protect Obama's legacy as POTUS.

The same goes with terrorism. The Obama Administration has made deals with terrorist supporting governments; Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Cuba, and others, in order to also protect Obama's POTUS legacy.

But the problem is that the economy is going to collapse, they cannot prop it up forever. The terrorists are very difficult to control, even by countries like Iran and governments like Hamas.

The plan is to allow a Republican to take office and sit back and watch as the economy crashes and the terrorists who are already here are turned loose. Not to mention terror groups like Code Pink, Black Lives Matter, and others who will be encouraged to riot and disrupt as much as possible.

When their plan comes together, they bieve that a Republican will never again hold any office of importance, and the democrats will enjoy the complete control they so intensely desire.

They are attacking Trump hard because they know that Hillary is likely to defeat him if he wins the GOP nomination. They do not want a democrat as POTUS when all this nastiness goes down. They know, as we do, that Hillary would lose to Rubio or Cruz.

Likely, because the average American voter is an idiot (the election of Obama twice being exhibit A), Elizabeth Warren would have won both the Democrat Nom and the presidency, they did not want her to run. She was most likely told that she would run and win in 2020 after the shit went down and would have Carte Blanche to inflict far left policies on a weary populace. The DNC always thinks of winning and always thinks long term.

Of course, no ranking member of the Democrat Party or Congress for that matter, wants to hitch his or her wagon to a loser, they are reluctant to endorse Hillary Clinton. They will say supportive things about her now and after the primaries some may end up doing so but it isn't their intention to have Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

Things aren't totally in their control, however. Trump for one, is screwing up their plans, and if Hillary ends up being POTUS, they will figure out a way to deal with it or spin the disaster, but that is not their ideal plan.

The Grand plan is to let a Republican win, pull out all the props, the plugs, tear off the band aids, turn loose those who intend to riot and destroy, then sit back, watch and point fingers at the White House. Then they win next time and we become a socialist third world country. After that, the rest of the world falls under their thumbs.

Remember people, you heard it here first.

That's an interesting imaginary party you've created, and in the perfect forum for it, too, considering that there is no such thing as the "Democrat party."

We have ready done that argument to death, and I won't debate it here.

It's not an "argument"; it's a fact. There is no "Democrat party" in the United States of America where real people live. If you want to create an imaginary scenario around an imaginary party, there's nothing wrong with that. Go for it.
Man, you found us out. We only throw in a Republican when we want the economy to crash on his watch. :)

I know you are being facetious, but this perfect storm has not happened before.

So, you're saying that it was not the grand plan to let Bush Jr win. He simply took a good economy and trashed it?

1. Bush had nothing to do with it.
2. We don't have a good economy now.
3. With Bush, we saw how the Democrat Party effectively blamed the sitting POTUS. Either they planned it that way or that is where they learned they could do it and get away with it.

Anyway, that is the kind of thing that the DNC is hoping to do again, only this time it won't be just the economy. It will be domestic unrest, and Islamic terrorism as well.
Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.

Well think about it. It may not be entirely the Democrats fault that the economy is so ducked up

Doesn't matter whose fault it is. As long as they can continue to believe what they hear on right wing radio and fox, and they can blame democrats, that's all that matters.

I dare you to find this conspiracy anywhere on any right wing radio show or FOX. It is entirely mine.

Of course you deserve the credit. I just said it has the advantage of blending with existing right wing crap. It wouldn't work as well if it didn't.

Call it crap all you want to. It won't change anything at all.
I'm posting this under Conspiracy Theories because that is what it is. It doesn't mean I'm not correct.

This theory explains several things that are happening right now:

1. Why the left is attacking Trump with vigor.
2. Why Elizabeth Warren decided not to run a race she quite possibly would have won.
3. Why no ranking Democrats have officially endorsed Hillary.

For quite a while now, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party has been propping up the economy, holding off interest rate hikes, pumping printed money into the markets, etc etc. all in an effort to protect Obama's legacy as POTUS.

The same goes with terrorism. The Obama Administration has made deals with terrorist supporting governments; Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Cuba, and others, in order to also protect Obama's POTUS legacy.

But the problem is that the economy is going to collapse, they cannot prop it up forever. The terrorists are very difficult to control, even by countries like Iran and governments like Hamas.

The plan is to allow a Republican to take office and sit back and watch as the economy crashes and the terrorists who are already here are turned loose. Not to mention terror groups like Code Pink, Black Lives Matter, and others who will be encouraged to riot and disrupt as much as possible.

When their plan comes together, they bieve that a Republican will never again hold any office of importance, and the democrats will enjoy the complete control they so intensely desire.

They are attacking Trump hard because they know that Hillary is likely to defeat him if he wins the GOP nomination. They do not want a democrat as POTUS when all this nastiness goes down. They know, as we do, that Hillary would lose to Rubio or Cruz.

Likely, because the average American voter is an idiot (the election of Obama twice being exhibit A), Elizabeth Warren would have won both the Democrat Nom and the presidency, they did not want her to run. She was most likely told that she would run and win in 2020 after the shit went down and would have Carte Blanche to inflict far left policies on a weary populace. The DNC always thinks of winning and always thinks long term.

Of course, no ranking member of the Democrat Party or Congress for that matter, wants to hitch his or her wagon to a loser, they are reluctant to endorse Hillary Clinton. They will say supportive things about her now and after the primaries some may end up doing so but it isn't their intention to have Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

Things aren't totally in their control, however. Trump for one, is screwing up their plans, and if Hillary ends up being POTUS, they will figure out a way to deal with it or spin the disaster, but that is not their ideal plan.

The Grand plan is to let a Republican win, pull out all the props, the plugs, tear off the band aids, turn loose those who intend to riot and destroy, then sit back, watch and point fingers at the White House. Then they win next time and we become a socialist third world country. After that, the rest of the world falls under their thumbs.

Remember people, you heard it here first.

That's an interesting imaginary party you've created, and in the perfect forum for it, too, considering that there is no such thing as the "Democrat party."

We have ready done that argument to death, and I won't debate it here.

It's not an "argument"; it's a fact. There is no "Democrat party" in the United States of America where real people live. If you want to create an imaginary scenario around an imaginary party, there's nothing wrong with that. Go for it.

I'm posting this under Conspiracy Theories because that is what it is. It doesn't mean I'm not correct.

This theory explains several things that are happening right now:

1. Why the left is attacking Trump with vigor.
2. Why Elizabeth Warren decided not to run a race she quite possibly would have won.
3. Why no ranking Democrats have officially endorsed Hillary.

For quite a while now, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party has been propping up the economy, holding off interest rate hikes, pumping printed money into the markets, etc etc. all in an effort to protect Obama's legacy as POTUS.

The same goes with terrorism. The Obama Administration has made deals with terrorist supporting governments; Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Cuba, and others, in order to also protect Obama's POTUS legacy.

But the problem is that the economy is going to collapse, they cannot prop it up forever. The terrorists are very difficult to control, even by countries like Iran and governments like Hamas.

The plan is to allow a Republican to take office and sit back and watch as the economy crashes and the terrorists who are already here are turned loose. Not to mention terror groups like Code Pink, Black Lives Matter, and others who will be encouraged to riot and disrupt as much as possible.

When their plan comes together, they bieve that a Republican will never again hold any office of importance, and the democrats will enjoy the complete control they so intensely desire.

They are attacking Trump hard because they know that Hillary is likely to defeat him if he wins the GOP nomination. They do not want a democrat as POTUS when all this nastiness goes down. They know, as we do, that Hillary would lose to Rubio or Cruz.

Likely, because the average American voter is an idiot (the election of Obama twice being exhibit A), Elizabeth Warren would have won both the Democrat Nom and the presidency, they did not want her to run. She was most likely told that she would run and win in 2020 after the shit went down and would have Carte Blanche to inflict far left policies on a weary populace. The DNC always thinks of winning and always thinks long term.

Of course, no ranking member of the Democrat Party or Congress for that matter, wants to hitch his or her wagon to a loser, they are reluctant to endorse Hillary Clinton. They will say supportive things about her now and after the primaries some may end up doing so but it isn't their intention to have Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

Things aren't totally in their control, however. Trump for one, is screwing up their plans, and if Hillary ends up being POTUS, they will figure out a way to deal with it or spin the disaster, but that is not their ideal plan.

The Grand plan is to let a Republican win, pull out all the props, the plugs, tear off the band aids, turn loose those who intend to riot and destroy, then sit back, watch and point fingers at the White House. Then they win next time and we become a socialist third world country. After that, the rest of the world falls under their thumbs.

Remember people, you heard it here first.
This is hilarious. And sad. Sad that the OP's mind is so weak as to believe such nonsense.
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Great conspiracy theory. It has everything. If blames Democrats for all the crap that will probably happen if repubs were lucky enough to win, while still painting them as evil now. I'm sure lots of teabaggers will buy this one pretty quickly.

Well think about it. It may not be entirely the Democrats fault that the economy is so fucked up but they are artificially propping it up. The democrats aren't exactly responsible for Muslim extremism but they have made deals with them to hold off a bit for another year. That isn't blaming them solely for the problem but it is calling them out for manipulating events to their advantage.
The economy isn't fucked up. The US and UK economies are recovering better and stronger than the other economies in the world. If you were based in reality, you'd know that. But you are a nut case based in la la land.

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