Here It Is! Newly Discovered Hunter Biden Maltese Bank Account Is Linked to the $10 Million Burisma Official’s Bribe

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Finally! Here's the smoking gun, the evidence linking the bribe money.

The Biden bribe from Burisma was deposited in a Maltese bank account opened by Burisma Executive Vadym Pozharskyi.

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The Gateway Pundit isn't a credible source.

They outright make shit up.

You're a fucking idiot too. The Pundit didn't write the story. They're just reporting a story that broke on Twitter, a story that has documented proof.

Apparently you're so ignorant and behind the times that you don't know that most all of the news is coming from social media now, as it happens in real time. Are you so stupid that you think news organizations like AP, CNN, and MSNBC actually has reporters wandering around in the field, looking for a story to cover?

What a dumbfuck. :laughing0301:
Finally! Here's the smoking gun, the evidence linking the bribe money.

The Biden bribe from Burisma was deposited in a Maltese bank account opened by Burisma Executive Vadym Pozharskyi.

It makes you wonder how many more hidden bank accounts the Biden Crime Family had or still has.
Finally! Here's the smoking gun, the evidence linking the bribe money.

The Biden bribe from Burisma was deposited in a Maltese bank account opened by Burisma Executive Vadym Pozharskyi.

FAKE NEWS. But you'll believe anything.
Rudy says everyone is dead now….
Rudy Colludy.
Finally! Here's the smoking gun, the evidence linking the bribe money.

The Biden bribe from Burisma was deposited in a Maltese bank account opened by Burisma Executive Vadym Pozharskyi.

Biden’s DOJ and FBI will just go on ignoring any and all evidence.

Their main mission is to GET TRUMP.

They win and we lose.

Life sucks and then you die.

Teach your children or grandchildren Mandarin Chinese. The Chinese will rule the world in the not so far off future. They will just buy out all the politicians and bureaucrats In Washington D.C.

If you are black, you will be out of luck. The Chinese will not give a rats ass that you are victims of white oppression. You will slave for the Chinese in the not so far off future.

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