Here We Go Again: Dominion Machines Breaking Down in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told Workers Will Scan Ballots LATER

LOL!!! CNN just showed a voting precinct. One guy voting.
So because THE Fake News Network - who paid out an undisclosed ass-load of cash to Sandman for bogus reporting - showed you a picture of 1 person voting in 1 precinct this is evidence to you that the reports made by dozens of voters of Dominion machines not working is false?

Show me any evidence that CNN paid out a single dime.
easyt65 is just crying because I blew his thread out of the water.

Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down
in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told
Workers Will Scan Ballots Later

"Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state’s runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later."

"First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County, “Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner."

Dominion election machines not working in MULTIPLE COUNTIES have been reported...

This is what happens when election machines built in Socialist Venezuela, machines owned by a company who was paid $400 million by the CCP in October, that were proven to have connected to the web and changed votes during the last election, are again used in the Ga run-off.

Nothing short of a clean, flawless, transparent Ga run-off was required to eliminate the concerns of over 40% of the US population that believe massive election fraud occurred in the last election.

ELECTIONSGeorgia officials say Senate runoffs 'running smoothly' after Trump tweet about machines not working
An issue had forced people to use paper ballots in Columbia County early this morning.

COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ga. — Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger said the Senate runoff election was "running smoothly" across the state on Tuesday, after President Donald Trump tweeted about Dominion machines "not working" in reference to an issue in Columbia County that had been resolved this morning.
Voters in the Augusta-area district were forced to use paper ballots for a time early in the morning when systems had to be re-initiated due to a programming error in the security keys given to poll workers to start up the ballot scanners, Augusta NBC affiliate WRDW reported.
It's not Trump's tweet about election machines having problems that caught my attention, it was reports from actual voters who reported earlier this morning voting machines were down....but I understand the irrational hate-driven motivation driving snowflakes to focus on what Trump says, since they hang on his every word.
I posted what was reported, what you posted is hearsay...
The Chinese have been buying politicians in both parties for decades while the libs have been out destroying anyone who stands up with them by cancel culture and sending their BRown Shirts out aka anti-fa and blm for violent attacks.

So it's all a Chinese conspiracy? What can be done?
Show me any evidence that CNN paid out a single dime.

Gladly......thanks for proving you are an idiot:

According to CNN:
OK - show me the sentence that discloses the amount paid.
OK - show me the sentence that discloses the amount paid.

Holy shit you are embarrassing yourself and continuing to shred your own credibility.

1st you claimed CNN did NOT have to pay Sandman for the intentionally fake news hit piece they ran on him. You get proven to be a fake news-defending / ignorant snowflake. NOW you are trying to salvage any self-respect / credibility you ,may have left by demanding to know HOW MUCH they paid out?

Bwuhahahaha....go away, snowflake. Go back to the children's table and let the grown-ups talk.

Wow, the voting centers are dead.

...based on 1 report by the proven 4-year 'Russian Collusion Propaganda-Pushing' fake news agency that paid out money to Sandman for intentionally pushing a false hit piece against him?

OK - show me the sentence that discloses the amount paid.

Holy shit you are embarrassing yourself and continuing to shred your own credibility.

1st you claimed CNN did NOT have to pay Sandman for the intentionally fake news hit piece they ran on him. You get proven to be a fake news-defending / ignorant snowflake. NOW you are trying to salvage any self-respect / credibility you ,may have left by demanding to know HOW MUCH they paid out?

Bwuhahahaha....go away, snowflake. Go back to the children's table and let the grown-ups talk.

So you can't point to the part that discloses the amount paid, and you were lying the whole time?

So you can't point to the part that discloses the amount paid, and you were lying the whole time?

I don't need to. You proclaimed CNN never settled the lawsuit by paying Sandman. I then posted CNN's own news article saying they paid Sandman.

You have been proven to be ignorant, a liar, or both. You have demonstrated there is no more reason to talk / listen to you.

Go away, slimy, lying, fake-news, reality-denying snowflake. Go back to the kids table where these childish games impress the other snowflake children, and let the adults talk.
Wow, the voting centers are dead.
What's the point. Because nobody has any balls...why waste your time.
What it appears is that the same crooked assholes that were running the general election are still running the run-off election.
Only this time....the non-biased whistle-blowers have been terminated and now we can't find out as much about the election fraud that is taking place in the Georgia run-off election.
Last night at 9:30 pm both Republicans were leading by huge margins after every Red County was reporting 87% of the essentially the crooked Democrat knew how many votes they had to manufacture in DeCaulb and Fulton county which was only reporting 42% of their precincts. They held back reporting their counts....just like I was saying the Republicans should have been doing....and waited till most of the other counties had reported.
All of the sudden over 90% of the vote in DeKalb went to the Democrats. I can see 60% but not over 90%.

What they need to do is change the election process and make it illegal to release vote counts till all of them have been counted. That would make sure that at least the Democrats wouldn't know what they needed and have a chance to manufacture extra votes in the dead of night. They would be releasing 100% of the vote count all at once. Then nobody would have anything to bitch about.
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Republicans are running the election. :laugh:
Oh really?
Are you sure?
Why are so many thanking Stacy Abrams for her service in Georgia today?
Why does her website say she's governor of Georgia?
It says "Stacy Abrams...Governor" Not Stacy Abrams for Governor.

Republicans are running the election. :laugh:
Oh really?
Are you sure?
Why are so many thanking Stacy Abrams for her service in Georgia today?
Why does her website say she's governor of Georgia?
It says "Stacy Abrams...Governor" Not Stacy Abrams for Governor.

View attachment 438092
Because Abrams got the vote out. Her group found unregistered voters who probably didn't care about politics, got them registered and got them to the polls, either figuratively or sometimes literally, providing rides to polling places.

Governor - Republican
Secretary of State - Republican

They are the two who oversee this election. No Democrats.

Dry your eyes.

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