Here We Go Again: Dominion Machines Breaking Down in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told Workers Will Scan Ballots LATER


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down
in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told
Workers Will Scan Ballots Later

"Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state’s runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later."

"First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County, “Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner."

Dominion election machines not working in MULTIPLE COUNTIES have been reported...

This is what happens when election machines built in Socialist Venezuela, machines owned by a company who was paid $400 million by the CCP in October, that were proven to have connected to the web and changed votes during the last election, are again used in the Ga run-off.

Nothing short of a clean, flawless, transparent Ga run-off was required to eliminate the concerns of over 40% of the US population that believe massive election fraud occurred in the last election.

I’ve HAD IT!

How much more of this Dominion stuff do we need to take?
All loyal, Trump loving Republicans should refuse to vote as long as Georgia is using Dominion machines
Should just double up the observers from both sides at these precincts when this incompetent shit happens, problem solved.
Oh, and nobody goes home until every ballot is counted and verified. I can live with that
I’ve HAD IT!

How much more of this Dominion stuff do we need to take?
All loyal, Trump loving Republicans should refuse to vote as long as Georgia is using Dominion machines
Sounds like voting has become futile anyway. Time for war.
Do them Democrats think we are STUPID?

Republicans know better than to vote where Dominion voting machines are used? Do they think we were born yesterday?
Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down
in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told
Workers Will Scan Ballots Later

"Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state’s runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later."

"First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County, “Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner."

Dominion election machines not working in MULTIPLE COUNTIES have been reported...

This is what happens when election machines built in Socialist Venezuela, machines owned by a company who was paid $400 million by the CCP in October, that were proven to have connected to the web and changed votes during the last election, are again used in the Ga run-off.

Nothing short of a clean, flawless, transparent Ga run-off was required to eliminate the concerns of over 40% of the US population that believe massive election fraud occurred in the last election.

Pay no attention to any of these distractions, Easy! This has been the most upright election in the history of Cuba and Venezuela! I'm sure that all of the machines will work just fine in all of the democrat precincts, that the media will report it all as just one more explainable, normal irregularity, that Obumma will pop up to remind us our election system is irreproachable, and they will just keep counting and counting until finally the democrats come out winning with a 120 vote lead somehow.

Pay no attention to any of this and just go back to your normal routine.

I’ve HAD IT!

How much more of this Dominion stuff do we need to take?
All loyal, Trump loving Republicans should refuse to vote as long as Georgia is using Dominion machines
Should just double up the observers from both sides at these precincts when this incompetent shit happens, problem solved.
Oh, and nobody goes home until every ballot is counted and verified. I can live with that
Even a blind squirrel...
I’ve HAD IT!

How much more of this Dominion stuff do we need to take?
All loyal, Trump loving Republicans should refuse to vote as long as Georgia is using Dominion machines
Sounds like voting has become futile anyway. Time for war.
You first. Go shoot up a shopping mall. I'm sure your buddies are right behind you.
so what yourer saying is you cant think of a way to prove this isnt happening so you ,,well act like a fucking idiot again,,,

Why are conservative judges dismissing the court cases for lack of evidence?
The Chinese have been buying politicians in both parties for decades while the libs have been out destroying anyone who stands up with them by cancel culture and sending their BRown Shirts out aka anti-fa and blm for violent attacks.

Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down
in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told
Workers Will Scan Ballots Later

"Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state’s runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later."

"First hand claim posted to Twitter by a voter in the city of Covington in Newton County, “Just voted in Newton County Georgia. Heavy republican district.. When I went to place my printed ballot into the dominion machine, the poll worked said the scanner was broken and someone was coming to fix it, I placed it in the machine slot but not in the scanner."

Dominion election machines not working in MULTIPLE COUNTIES have been reported...

This is what happens when election machines built in Socialist Venezuela, machines owned by a company who was paid $400 million by the CCP in October, that were proven to have connected to the web and changed votes during the last election, are again used in the Ga run-off.

Nothing short of a clean, flawless, transparent Ga run-off was required to eliminate the concerns of over 40% of the US population that believe massive election fraud occurred in the last election.

so what yourer saying is you cant think of a way to prove this isnt happening so you ,,well act like a fucking idiot again,,,

Why are conservative judges dismissing the court cases for lack of evidence?
that hasnt happened,,, and stick to the topic please..
It's now happened 61 times. TR☭MP is 1-61 in court cases, covering 90 different judges nominated by Trump, Obama, Bush.

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