Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

The conservatives supported a scumbag for the SCOTUS, because they saw him as their "abortion fairy".

There's really not anything more to this. Stop wasting everyone's time with this idiotic dog and pony show.

Link to something proving him to be a "scumbag"?
No, that's okay. You know he is a scumbag. In fact, I'm certain it's one reasons you like him. Furthermore, I'm not trying to convince you he is a scumbag. You can't convince a crazy person that they are crazy. And you are a Grade A nutsack.

In other words, you have nothing. Again. As usual. Just more egg on your face for swallowing more phony accusations.
What is really disgusting if not surprising is the number of democrats that say it doesn't matter. The falsity of the report is disregarded and Kavanaugh impeached anyway.
"The New York Times is at its lowest point in its long and storied history. Not only is it losing a lot of money, but it is a journalistic disaster, being laughed at even in the most liberal of enclaves. It has become a very sad joke all all over the World. Witch Hunt hurt them.

I call for the Resignation of everybody at The New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh SMEAR story, and while you’re at it, the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is just as phony! They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation

She can never recover, and will never return to Greatness, under current Management. The Times is DEAD, long live The New York Times!" - President Trump
How you know the latest Kavanaugh fake crisis is winding down ...

What is really disgusting if not surprising is the number of democrats that say it doesn't matter. The falsity of the report is disregarded and Kavanaugh impeached anyway.
Hands up don't shoot... Nothing surprises me anymore.
The confirmation of this rapist was a complete sham. Hopefully, the FBI can do this one correctly. It's time to close in on this frat boy douche bag so we can impeach.
Go ahead and lay out the actual evidence against Kavanaugh. Don't wet your pants when there actually is none.

Of course you are likely to do that no matter what...infants are like that.
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.

The confirmation of this rapist was a complete sham. Hopefully, the FBI can do this one correctly. It's time to close in on this frat boy douche bag so we can impeach.

The only sham here is the battery of psychotic bullshit spewing from a middle aged drunken slut bag.

Fortunately false accusations, which are a dime a dozen don't mean a damn thing in the real world

Now shut the fuck up and go feed your unicorn.... Or better yet go play 69 with a lion.

Kamala Harris Calls For Kavanaugh Impeachment, Says ‘The Fact That Something Has Not Been Proven Doesn’t Mean It Didn’t Occur’
We are looking for a somewhat higher standard of proof than It could have happened, Ms. Harris.

That's probably why she put so many black folks in prison, while she was a prosecutor.

Just because there's no proof that they committed a crime, doesn't mean she can't have them locked up.
She did say "indelible in my hippocampus."

I don't know if that's credible or not and have no fucking idea what she meant, but it has a nice ring to it.
I think she meant, it's really something I want to be true and could have happened, so therefor I think we can all assume it did happen.

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