Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

She did say "indelible in my hippocampus."

I don't know if that's credible or not and have no fucking idea what she meant, but it has a nice ring to it.
I think she meant, it's really something I want to be true and could have happened, so therefor I think we can all assume it did happen.

Sounds like you average everyday liberal who still believes that Trump is a "Russian agent." and hired some Russian skanks to pee in a bed that Obama slept on.

It's "indelible in their hippocampses." Or hippocampi. Or whatever.

They'll go to their graves believing that.
Don't know, you'll have to go ask Kavanaughs accusers that one I guess, because that is also your implication in such a thing.

Wasn't Bill proven guilty, and yet Kavanaugh has not been proven guilty ??

Why so quick to condemn this man, I mean other than for political reason's or purpose's ??
it's a nothing burger.... but why did kavanaugh lie under oath about it, and a number of other things too?

Simple, he didn't.

that lying is what disqualified him imo, not his striptease act at parties or forcing his ''junk'' in to party goers hands, or locking girls in rooms where he tries to undress them, or his being so drunk that he passed out frequently or threw up everywhere.... he was in college.. kids do crazy things when young and drunk....

the lying under oath and saint routine,claiming these women were just liars, he was innocent, never did any of those things, he was always a Saint blah blah blah....when HE WAS THE ONE that was lying, is what bothers me....

The liars are you and your fellow Communists. Kavanaugh told no lies at the hearing.
"Max Stier, the man behind a new sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, was not only a former classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Yale but also a foe during the Bill Clinton impeachment trial.

Stier, 53, served on the team defending Clinton, while Kavanaugh served on Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr’s team that was investigating Clinton. As Yale Daily News put it: “In 1994, Kavanaugh joined the legal team, led by Kenneth Starr, that was looking into President Bill Clinton’s real estate dealings as part of the Whitewater investigation. Later that decade, Kavanaugh co-wrote the Starr Report, which established broad grounds for Clinton’s impeachment."
"Dick Durbin called out lawmakers for attempting to impeach Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday, telling them to "Get real." Senator Durbin, D-Ill., went on to say, "If that’s how we are identified in Congress, as the impeachment Congress, we run the risk that people will feel we’re ignoring the issues that mean a lot to them as families.”"
Sexual misconduct is socially engineered to divert the public eye from REAL political issues

Remember what Slick Willy got away with, when the media was all over that intern's blue dress?

If so, you didn't buy into it

Kavanaugh was described by his female friends from high school as the opposite of what Ford described. he would talk with them on the phone, help them with their homework.

"he was like a gay friend that you would feel comfortable going out with, except he isn't gay," - one woman bellowed!
Kavanaugh declined to answer when he 1st slept with his wife.

that's suspicious! THAT'S SUSPICIOUS!
Kavanaugh declined to answer when he 1st slept with his wife.

that's suspicious! THAT'S SUSPICIOUS!

It’s none of your fucking business when he first slept with his wife. Your witch hunt failed and failed miserably. Now we get to replace RBG’s double Can’t wait. Let’s see what the Demtards will try to lie about on his selection.

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Kavanaugh declined to answer when he 1st slept with his wife.

that's suspicious! THAT'S SUSPICIOUS!

It’s none of your fucking business when he first slept with his wife. Your witch hunt failed and failed miserably. Now we get to replace RBG’s double Can’t wait. Let’s see what the Demtards will try to lie about on his selection.

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its still suspicious, even if its none of my damn business!
I knew the Pussy Hat brigade would pull this vicious crap.

The real question is what triggered this?
I'm guessing some very bad news has filtered into the back rooms of the New York times regarding Ginsburg's health.

Nobody will tell us anything until the old bag keels over.

Innocent or proven guilty, that man is tainted. For life.

Rarely is anyone found innocent, clearly Kavanaugh was not deemed innocent by the Senate. He was not found to be not guilty or guilty; I suspect every Senator would not have trusted Kavanaugh alone with their teenage daughter.

The investigations found no merit to any of the allegations which makes him innocent you ignorant dunce

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