Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.

The confirmation of this rapist was a complete sham. Hopefully, the FBI can do this one correctly. It's time to close in on this frat boy douche bag so we can impeach.
You are a liar and a coward who cannot provide evidence that he is a rapist
Kav is a Bushy swampy creepy inside the beltway creature

This is the only picture that matters. This is the endgame of a 40 year strategy. Rove’s quest for a “permanent Republican majority” can’t happen without the courts. It has to be Kavanaugh. He has been groomed for this position. Ds play checkers. Rs play chess.

Justin Kennedy signed off on Trump’s and Kushner’s loans at Deutsche Bank when no bank wanted to give them money. Justin‘s father is Justice Anthony Kennedy, who happened to retire abruptly to make way for Trump’s Brett Kavanaugh. I want a damn explanation for that shady shit.
Yep, more shoes to drop on Kavanaugh. He should be impeached.

Two New York Times reporters say they’ve uncovered a previously unreported account of sexual misconduct allegedly carried out by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was a student at Yale.

In an op-ed for the Times, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly said they learned of the alleged misconduct during a 10-month investigation of Kavanaugh’s life at prep-school and Yale, including the assault accusations, for their upcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”

Max Stier, Kavanaugh’s classmate at Yale, told the reporters that he once saw Kavanaugh with his pants down while his friends pushed his penis into the hands of a female student during a dorm party.

According to Pogrebin and Kelly, Stier reported his account to senators and the FBI, though the FBI didn’t investigate it. Pogrebin and Kelly said they “corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with” Stier.

What Stier said he witnessed is similar to an allegation lodged against Kavanaugh by his former classmate Deborah Ramirez, which was first reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow last September.

NYT Reporters Say They Uncovered New Sexual Misconduct Claim Against Kavanaugh
Total and complete has been revealed..The 'victim' has no recollection of any such incident and refused to be interviewed. The 'witnesses' refuse to give their names.

There is no story here..unless the story is about the desperation and hatred of some of the Democratic candidates..and the NYT.

Opinions | The New York Times’s travesty of journalistic ethics

"The recent fiasco at the New York Times, which last weekend published the latest uncorroborated sexual assault accusation against Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, was a monument to hearsay and a travesty of journalistic ethics.
The story, since modified to include crucial information, was an adapted excerpt from a book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh,” written by two Times staff writers, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly. In it, the authors reported allegations by a Yale classmate that Kavanaugh was at a “drunken dorm party” where “friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student.”
Setting aside the logistics of such a feat, more eye-popping was the omission from the original Times piece that the alleged victim refused to be interviewed for the book — and, according to friends, doesn’t remember any such incident .
Such an oversight is inexcusable.

The Times added these details to the story after they were flagged by the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, who had an advance copy of the book. The Times writers, who said the details had been in the excerpt’s initial draft, made media rounds Monday and Tuesday to explain the omission, and essentially blamed editors, who, they said, “in the haste” of trying to close out production, had deleted the reference.
The facts that the alleged victim refused to be interviewed by the authors, and apparently told friends that she doesn’t recall any such incident, amount to the very definition of a non-story. For the record, The Post learned of the accusation last year but declined to publish it because the alleged witnesses weren’t identified and the woman said to be involved refused to comment.
Indeed, the authors’ only sources for the claim were two unnamed officials who spoke to Washington attorney Max Stier, who last year apparently told the FBI and various senators that he witnessed the alleged incident. But Stier refused to talk to the Times writers himself.
Some Democratic contenders for the presidency immediately called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. They include Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Sen. Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Tex.) and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg."
Ha ha ha @ you leftists, you guys believe anything they tell you to. Say folks like Lakota, come clean, admit you've been had again, and you speak with deep prejudice.

I told you the left has no credibility. Cry Wolf progs, Cry Wolf
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
May well be true, eh? However, having said this does not constitute an admission of wrongdoing, now does it?
In this is clear that there is no credible evidence--at all--so it is just a rush to judgement by the NYT and anyone stupid enough to jump on the bandwagon.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
In truth..he hasn't really even been credibly accused..two 'witnesses' who refuse to give their names..state something happened that the 'victim' says never did.

The NYT has shit around their lips on this one..shame!
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
In truth..he hasn't really even been credibly accused..two 'witnesses' who refuse to give their names..state something happened that the 'victim' says never did.

The NYT has shit around their lips on this one..shame!
There's all kinds of accusations in the book, including that kav shared emails of naked women looking like cows. i suggest you read the book, assess the facts, then make a judgement.

that's what every american has a duty to do!
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
Nothing is proven in the book. She first said she was too drunk to remember at the time and now her former friends say she is lying.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
In truth..he hasn't really even been credibly accused..two 'witnesses' who refuse to give their names..state something happened that the 'victim' says never did.

The NYT has shit around their lips on this one..shame!
There's all kinds of accusations in the book, including that kav shared emails of naked women looking like cows. i suggest you read the book, assess the facts, then make a judgement.

that's what every american has a duty to do!
Here is my take..I don't care about his juvenile sexual peccadilloes in his salad days...absent child molestation or Rape. I doubt that most of us could stand the scrutiny or the false standards that are applied today by partisans eager to discredit their 'enemy'.

Accusations are not facts..nor should they be treated as such.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
In truth..he hasn't really even been credibly accused..two 'witnesses' who refuse to give their names..state something happened that the 'victim' says never did.

The NYT has shit around their lips on this one..shame!
There's all kinds of accusations in the book, including that kav shared emails of naked women looking like cows. i suggest you read the book, assess the facts, then make a judgement.

that's what every american has a duty to do!
The only facts are that these are all unsubstantiated accusations and the NYT has turned into a big gossip column.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
Nothing is proven in the book. She first said she was too drunk to remember at the time and now her former friends say she is lying.
there's about 1,000 allegations of sexual misconduct against Kav in the book, including everything from watching women skydiving naked "to watch their boobs flap in the wind" (Kavanaugh's words) to ALL KINDSA OTHER STUFF!!! that i wont repeat here
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
Nothing is proven in the book. She first said she was too drunk to remember at the time and now her former friends say she is lying.
Actually..she has told her friends that she remembers nothing...and, in fact, she has never made any sort of accusation. Her friends back her that she has always told them that she does not recall any such incident. The author's 'Witnesses' are anonymous..and have no proof. It is crazy that anyone would give credence to this bullshit.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
Nothing is proven in the book. She first said she was too drunk to remember at the time and now her former friends say she is lying.
there's about 1,000 allegations of sexual misconduct against Kav in the book, including everything from watching women skydiving naked "to watch their boobs flap in the wind" (Kavanaugh's words) to ALL KINDSA OTHER STUFF!!! that i wont repeat here
Is that 'misconduct'? I like boobs that bad? Naked skydiving..who knew?? WoW! Guys like boobs...breaking news!!!

Once again..allegations are not an offer of proof..and most of it is of the 'so what' category. IMO.

This is just smearing for a buck---and yes..I've read some of it--hard to get it is not very well written and has zero offer of proof.
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
Nothing is proven in the book. She first said she was too drunk to remember at the time and now her former friends say she is lying.
there's about 1,000 allegations of sexual misconduct against Kav in the book, including everything from watching women skydiving naked "to watch their boobs flap in the wind" (Kavanaugh's words) to ALL KINDSA OTHER STUFF!!! that i wont repeat here
Is that 'misconduct'? I like boobs that bad? Naked skydiving..who knew?? WoW! Guys like boobs...breaking news!!!

Once again..allegations are not an offer of proof..and most of it is of the 'so what' category. IMO.

This is just smearing for a buck---and yes..I've read some of it--hard to get it is not very well written and has zero offer of proof.
look, Kavanaugh is a liberal republican...more bush than reagan or trump...he never got into ideological debates. even though i agree with Kavanaugh's rulings, i oppose him being on the supreme court because he's a doggone pervert, my friends!
"Being a judge means you never have to say you're can get away with anything in american politics, including in the judicial branch...ESPECIALLY in the judicial branch" - Brett M Kavanaugh, as recounted in the new book, "The Education of Brett Kavanaugh"
So what you are trying to say is he has been accused so he must be guilty.
he said those words verbatim. VERBATIIIIIIM!

its all proven in the book. READ THE DOGGONE BOOK!
Nothing is proven in the book. She first said she was too drunk to remember at the time and now her former friends say she is lying.
there's about 1,000 allegations of sexual misconduct against Kav in the book, including everything from watching women skydiving naked "to watch their boobs flap in the wind" (Kavanaugh's words) to ALL KINDSA OTHER STUFF!!! that i wont repeat here
---------------------------------- [chuckle] watching for floppers eh [more chuckle] !!

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