Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

President Trump calls for New York Times reporters to resign because their claims cannot be validated. The victim does not remember the contents of the false roomer, at all.

Its hilarious. With this allegation the alleged "victim" doesn't remember of it happening. The allegations were made by her "friends."

You can't make this stuff up.
Yep, more shoes to drop on Kavanaugh. He should be impeached.

Two New York Times reporters say they’ve uncovered a previously unreported account of sexual misconduct allegedly carried out by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was a student at Yale.

In an op-ed for the Times, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly said they learned of the alleged misconduct during a 10-month investigation of Kavanaugh’s life at prep-school and Yale, including the assault accusations, for their upcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”

Max Stier, Kavanaugh’s classmate at Yale, told the reporters that he once saw Kavanaugh with his pants down while his friends pushed his penis into the hands of a female student during a dorm party.

According to Pogrebin and Kelly, Stier reported his account to senators and the FBI, though the FBI didn’t investigate it. Pogrebin and Kelly said they “corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with” Stier.

What Stier said he witnessed is similar to an allegation lodged against Kavanaugh by his former classmate Deborah Ramirez, which was first reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow last September.

NYT Reporters Say They Uncovered New Sexual Misconduct Claim Against Kavanaugh

And why should he be impeached when the "victim" says she knows nothing of the allegations?
"As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health concerns continue to loom, liberals are trying to spook Speaker Mitch McConnell into swearing off confirmation hearings for any Trump appointee during an election year. At the same time, The New York Times and The New Yorker are trying to drive Brett Kavanaugh off the court with still more unsupported, second- or third-hand allegations. The spectacle is positively Orwellian."
Only the most imbecilic of imbeciles believe any of these baseless accusations about Justice Kavanaugh. Ruth Ginsburg even thinks they're ridiculous.
Only the most imbecilic of imbeciles believe any of these baseless accusations about Justice Kavanaugh. Ruth Ginsburg even thinks they're ridiculous.
Until consequences and laws apply to these political operatives who are out to destroy this country in these ways, then this bullcrap will just keep rolling on until people get tired of it all finally. I can't figure out how the nation ain't tired of it all yet. It's really amazing when one thinks about it.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.
There's not a shred of evidence. Ford's story was an obvious fabrication. Not one person could back up her story. Her friends and father admitted she made it up. She should be in jail and giving back the money she made off her lies.
The details of this latest story are just too strange and sketchy.
I'm inclined to think Justice Ginsberg isn't long for this world.
How much money did Ford make from her testimony? Give us a figure.
GoFundMe campaigns to support Christine Blasey Ford raise more than $700K
Every single day, i still believe Justice Christine Blasey Ford. Dr Kavanaugh is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court.
my friends, if somebody's gonna make something up, they dont make it with all these holes in the story. your memory is not bad if not reinforced by THE TRUTH!
my friends, if somebody's gonna make something up, they dont make it with all these holes in the story. your memory is not bad if not reinforced by THE TRUTH!

They ofgten do make up stories with massive holes.

That is how many criminals get caught
i am a voracious reader and researcher. i have combed through every single word that's available about Kavanaugh. and i have concluded he is...A PERV!
i am a voracious reader and researcher. i have combed through every single word that's available about Kavanaugh. and i have concluded he is...A PERV!

Everyone is a perv.

Perversion is normal
my condolences to Kav's wife for being married to A RAPIST!
Thats a slanderous accusations with no evidence.

Makes you a liar and coward
i have provided all the evidence in this thread. i'm a human being.
i am a voracious reader and researcher. i have combed through every single word that's available about Kavanaugh. and i have concluded he is...A PERV!

Everyone is a perv.

Perversion is normal
my condolences to Kav's wife for being married to A RAPIST!
Thats a slanderous accusations with no evidence.

Makes you a liar and coward
i have provided all the evidence in this thread. i'm a human being.

No you have not.

You have not cited posted or provided any evidence of any kind whatsoever. You are a liar and a coward

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