Here We Go Again.....Philly Poll Monitor Prevented From Entering Polling location....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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The permit is for any poll site or just in a district, because the cert says both.
How are they blocking this poll watcher from doing his job?

Remember when we caught a shipment of Fake IDs made in China?

I watched a report last night that there may be millions of them and they were matched with paper ballots and were already mailed in. Others will be manufactured with fake post marks to make up deficits in the areas they are behind.

But we'll see what really happens.
And if it’s the guy on the right he isn’t wearing a mask.

Probably just another set-up from gateway pundit.
He had a mask that he could've used if necessary but they didn't ask that. They just prevented a poll watcher with what appeared to be proper credentials from entering an election facility. He showed them his credentials & they illegally denied his authority to enter and monitor the situation.
Why would they do that?
Massive cheating is the only way Beijing Biden wins & they know it. You know it too, you just don't care
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Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out these false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
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These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
LIES are all these Leftist Extremist have.

They truly are just that pathetic.

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