Here We Go Again.....Philly Poll Monitor Prevented From Entering Polling location....

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Philadelphia Poll Watcher
Prevented from Entering Polling Place (VIDEO)

'Nothing to see here, Mr. Poll Watcher....move along.'

That's yet another election based lawsuit being kicked off.
It doesn't have to. If the Democrat 'Bouncers' at this polling location would obey the law and allow monitors inside there would not have to be any lawsuit. What are they hiding by imitating Obama's promised, yet never delivered, 'transparency'?!
Leftists are the true fundamentalist believers and what they believe in is a Socialist authoritarian future for America.

Quoted for truth.

They know what they support, but not why they support it. They value lock-step conformity over reason. They can see something with their very own eyes, but deny it in order to stay part of their group.

They are unquestioning by nature, authoritarian by application and utterly replaceable as members of the hive.

That's fundamentalism in action there, folks.
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
It is not required that YOU know anything lol.

Good grief
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
It is not required that YOU know anything lol.

Good grief

How did you come up with this one? It isn't required that either me or you know anything. What counts is that the certificate be reviewed by the proper election authorities. As I said, this guy is asserting that his certificate entitles him to go anywhere in the city. He said so several times. But the certificate has a specific preprinted line to designate "ward," and the contents of this line have been blacked out. I doubt that election laws in Philly would allow a party official to give someone a certificate that would allow him to roam around anywhere he wants to go. What are you so angry about?
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
It is not required that YOU know anything lol.

Good grief

How did you come up with this one? It isn't required that either me or you know anything. What counts is that the certificate be reviewed by the proper election authorities. As I said, this guy is asserting that his certificate entitles him to go anywhere in the city. He said so several times. But the certificate has a specific preprinted line to designate "ward," and the contents of this line have been blacked out. I doubt that election laws in Philly would allow a party official to give someone a certificate that would allow him to roam around anywhere he wants to go. What are you so angry about?
Why would I be angry? Your blind beliefs have no impact on my life.
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
It is not required that YOU know anything lol.

Good grief

How did you come up with this one? It isn't required that either me or you know anything. What counts is that the certificate be reviewed by the proper election authorities. As I said, this guy is asserting that his certificate entitles him to go anywhere in the city. He said so several times. But the certificate has a specific preprinted line to designate "ward," and the contents of this line have been blacked out. I doubt that election laws in Philly would allow a party official to give someone a certificate that would allow him to roam around anywhere he wants to go. What are you so angry about?
Why would I be angry? Your blind beliefs have no impact on my life.
:rolleyes: I see that you have no response to the potential flaw that I pointed out. Interesting. Typical.

You can be a lemming if you wish.
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
It is not required that YOU know anything lol.

Good grief

How did you come up with this one? It isn't required that either me or you know anything. What counts is that the certificate be reviewed by the proper election authorities. As I said, this guy is asserting that his certificate entitles him to go anywhere in the city. He said so several times. But the certificate has a specific preprinted line to designate "ward," and the contents of this line have been blacked out. I doubt that election laws in Philly would allow a party official to give someone a certificate that would allow him to roam around anywhere he wants to go. What are you so angry about?
Why would I be angry? Your blind beliefs have no impact on my life.
:rolleyes: I see that you have no response to the potential flaw that I pointed out. Interesting. Typical.

You can be a lemming if you wish.
Correct. I have no response to the list of manufactured bullshit you made up. Go peddle your lies elsewhere
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.
He apparently had his credentials. Can any of you asshats read? WTF
This remains to be seen. I don't know whether the credentials he has are legitimate, I don't know if they apply to any and every polling place, I don't know how many certified poll watchers are already inside, and I don't regard Gateway Pundit as a reliable source. Notice that the ward designation (the word "ward" being printed on the form) has been blacked out on the certification, while this guy is contending that it is good citywide. I am sure that Philly has election judges at every polling place and the original certificate will be reviewed.

There is no need to call me names and insult me. Can't you conduct yourself with a bit of dignity?
It is not required that YOU know anything lol.

Good grief

How did you come up with this one? It isn't required that either me or you know anything. What counts is that the certificate be reviewed by the proper election authorities. As I said, this guy is asserting that his certificate entitles him to go anywhere in the city. He said so several times. But the certificate has a specific preprinted line to designate "ward," and the contents of this line have been blacked out. I doubt that election laws in Philly would allow a party official to give someone a certificate that would allow him to roam around anywhere he wants to go. What are you so angry about?
Why would I be angry? Your blind beliefs have no impact on my life.
:rolleyes: I see that you have no response to the potential flaw that I pointed out. Interesting. Typical.

You can be a lemming if you wish.
Correct. I have no response to the list of manufactured bullshit you made up. Go peddle your lies elsewhere
I was looking directly at the certificate as published in the linked article when I wrote my comments, which also were based on what a poll watcher can do in Pa.

What Pennsylvania Poll Watchers Can (and Can’t) Do on Election Day

What was "manufactured" or a "lie" or was "made up"?
As expected, the Trump cultists are already making excuses for losing big.

Even the Trump cultists know they've lost. Call it a night.
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
Politifact is a worthless DNC apologist / 'shield'. They have been caught too often making shit up for the Democrats.

That being said, I don't care if Biden called for a 'Jihad' against the US. The Fact that after receiving $1.5 billion from China Joe has been defending them, saying they are 'nice people', blaming Trump for the virus it has been proven China created and unleashed on the world, and telling everyone they are not competition or a threat to the US worries me more.
Fake news.
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
One story? You think that equals 50%? No wonder you all don't know anything about running an economy, you don't know math.
Should I show you all the lies told by CNN since DT was elected? How about all of MSM? You all live on Pravda & delusions
You asked for an example, I provided one. Now you provide one where they told the truth.
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
One story? You think that equals 50%? No wonder you all don't know anything about running an economy, you don't know math.
Should I show you all the lies told by CNN since DT was elected? How about all of MSM? You all live on Pravda & delusions
You asked for an example, I provided one. Now you provide one where they told the truth.
You know damn well you will not accept anything. It's what you chinamen/traitors do.
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
One story? You think that equals 50%? No wonder you all don't know anything about running an economy, you don't know math.
Should I show you all the lies told by CNN since DT was elected? How about all of MSM? You all live on Pravda & delusions
You asked for an example, I provided one. Now you provide one where they told the truth.
You know damn well you will not accept anything. It's what you chinamen/traitors do.
Go ahead, post up one of their stories that is verifiably true.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath, this could take a while.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Philadelphia Poll Watcher
Prevented from Entering Polling Place (VIDEO)

'Nothing to see here, Mr. Poll Watcher....move along.'

Good stuff.

Trump's thugs aren't being allowed to intimidate voters.
Poll watchers are allowed to watch voting to make to report any discrepancies forever........just not so much abiding by rules in 'DNC run hell holes....................

Both parties are supposed to have watchers ........denying it to the other party is voter intimidation.
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
One story? You think that equals 50%? No wonder you all don't know anything about running an economy, you don't know math.
Should I show you all the lies told by CNN since DT was elected? How about all of MSM? You all live on Pravda & delusions
You asked for an example, I provided one. Now you provide one where they told the truth.
You know damn well you will not accept anything. It's what you chinamen/traitors do.
Go ahead, post up one of their stories that is verifiably true.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath, this could take a while.
I've told all you traitors I will rarely EVER post anything for you. It's a waste of time. You see, I've done this for a long time and it's pointless to try to have an honest debate with the vast majority of you vermin.
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
One story? You think that equals 50%? No wonder you all don't know anything about running an economy, you don't know math.
Should I show you all the lies told by CNN since DT was elected? How about all of MSM? You all live on Pravda & delusions
You asked for an example, I provided one. Now you provide one where they told the truth.
You know damn well you will not accept anything. It's what you chinamen/traitors do.
Go ahead, post up one of their stories that is verifiably true.

I'll wait.

But I won't hold my breath, this could take a while.
I've told all you traitors I will rarely EVER post anything for you. It's a waste of time. You see, I've done this for a long time and it's pointless to try to have an honest debate with the vast majority of you vermin.
Lol, you can't find one.

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