Here We Go Again.....Philly Poll Monitor Prevented From Entering Polling location....

Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
And if it’s the guy on the right he isn’t wearing a mask.

Probably just another set-up from gateway pundit.
Bu the had a mask that he could've used if necessary but they didn't ask that. They just prevented a poll watcher with what appeared to be proper credentials from entering an election facility. He showed them his credentials & they illegally denied his authority to enter and monitor the situation.
Why would they do that?
Massive cheating is the only way Beijing Biden wins & they know it. You know it too, you just don't care
Payback’s a bitch. :laugh:
Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
Politifact is a worthless DNC apologist / 'shield'. They have been caught too often making shit up for the Democrats.

That being said, I don't care if Biden called for a 'Jihad' against the US. The Fact that after receiving $1.5 billion from China Joe has been defending them, saying they are 'nice people', blaming Trump for the virus it has been proven China created and unleashed on the world, and telling everyone they are not competition or a threat to the US worries me more.
And if it’s the guy on the right he isn’t wearing a mask.

Probably just another set-up from gateway pundit.
Bu the had a mask that he could've used if necessary but they didn't ask that. They just prevented a poll watcher with what appeared to be proper credentials from entering an election facility. He showed them his credentials & they illegally denied his authority to enter and monitor the situation.
Why would they do that?
Massive cheating is the only way Beijing Biden wins & they know it. You know it too, you just don't care
Payback’s a bitch. :laugh:
From the bowels of the worst ghettos in cities comes the massive fraudulent votes.
Politifact is a worthless DNC apologist / 'shield'.
Until you cite them for saying something positive about Trump.

Nope. Since they have been proven repeatedly to report BS, being caught covering for the Democratic party again and again, I don't even pay attention to them. There is no need to. They destroyed their credibility.
I don't know about Pennsylvania law, but in my state, poll watchers must have specific credentials, and the number from each party allowed inside is restricted. This incident needs factual context.

I think ours is similar. Also, in some areas they have to be local, you can't ship in out of area "poll watchers".
Paybacks a bitch.

Payback for WHAT? Oh yeah, defeating Hillary in 2016. Don't blame Republicans / Conservatives for that treasonous, stupid bitch being unable to win a rigged election.

It’s now starting to come out. This morning:


Bwuhahahaha....talking about surrogate political bitches....Twitter is now useless as well because they have also destroyed their credibility. 'Twitter' should just go ahead and change its name to 'The Official Communiqué of The Socialist Democrat Party'.

Yeah, not every jerk can just claim to be a poll watcher and stroll on in.
Plus the source has about a 50/50 average on their stories being true.
You’re too kind. More like 10/90.
These are both lies. Point out the false stories from the source. I'll wait.
This is exactly what you do, make false allegations with no facts to back them up.
If you're side is actually wanting an honest election, why do you get busted cheating so much?
Here's a recent one.

Now admit you're wrong.
One story? You think that equals 50%? No wonder you all don't know anything about running an economy, you don't know math.
Should I show you all the lies told by CNN since DT was elected? How about all of MSM? You all live on Pravda & delusions
And if it’s the guy on the right he isn’t wearing a mask.

Probably just another set-up from gateway pundit.
Bu the had a mask that he could've used if necessary but they didn't ask that. They just prevented a poll watcher with what appeared to be proper credentials from entering an election facility. He showed them his credentials & they illegally denied his authority to enter and monitor the situation.
Why would they do that?
Massive cheating is the only way Beijing Biden wins & they know it. You know it too, you just don't care
Payback’s a bitch. :laugh:
Because he kicked your ass last election, this gives you the right to cheat? Typical lefty logic of moral bankruptcy.
Get out you security blanket & Depends, gonna be a rough one for you when DT is able to declare victory tonight.
:aargh: :aargh: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Is there so much as one, single leftist in this forum who ISN'T an utter fascist who believes the ends justify the means when it comes to establishing their rule and so supports anything and everything in order to install the globalist agenda?

Bwuhahahaha....talking about surrogate political bitches....Twitter is now useless as well because they have also destroyed their credibility. 'Twitter' should just go ahead and change its name to 'The Official Communiqué of The Socialist Democrat Party'.
Twitter said it. I believe it. That settles it!

You used to see these bumper stickers (with "the bible" replacing Twitter) on the backs of old pick ups
in rural bible belt locations.
Leftists are the true fundamentalist believers and what they believe in is a Socialist authoritarian future for America.
No Al. Nobody cares abut your touchdowns at Polk High School any more.

I've read about these spontaneous TDS-based delusional fits, but I have never witnessed one myself. Thanks for that, bulldog!


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