Here we go... and it ain't going to be pretty (for those who love our country)

Did you know all Satanists, Atheists and Muslims go To Hell? So do people who say they pray for others while trying to plunge a dagger in to their backs. Come Judgment Day The Democrat Party is going to be one hot as Hell place to be.
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Bed wetting pieces of shit like you hate this country and everything it stands for.

When the swamp of elitist pigs gets drained and people start getting prosecuted, the democrook party will suffer the most casualties. The republicrats have plenty of swine in the muck, but they all eat leftist shit and say thank you like Romney for the opportunity.

By the time Trump is done, I hope reasonable people can have faith DC isn't a shit hole of corruption.

I'm not holding a lot of faith, but it would be nice to believe there is some integrity left in government, and the more we purge democrooks, the better that possibility will emerge.

In the mean time eat rye shit and die you fucking commie puke.

You've been warned, Donald Trump and his band of cronies are above the law, and will do anything to keep the power no matter who they harm:

Treasury Department sent information on Hunter Biden to expanding GOP Senate inquiry

Sooo, Lessee now, Fly Snatcher, Hunter Biden is now why you love your country?


Just remember, after Hunter, we're coming after you and your little dog Toto, too.
You've been warned, Donald Trump and his band of cronies are above the law, and will do anything to keep the power no matter who they harm:

Treasury Department sent information on Hunter Biden to expanding GOP Senate inquiry
Trump already defiled the prayer breakfast that has been going on since 1953.
The more Republicans except Trump the dirtier they become as a party. They may think they’re riding high now but when the fall comes they’re going to crawl away back under the rock in total embarrassment.
You've been warned, Donald Trump and his band of cronies are above the law, and will do anything to keep the power no matter who they harm:

Treasury Department sent information on Hunter Biden to expanding GOP Senate inquiry
Trump already defiled the prayer breakfast that has been going on since 1953.
The more Republicans except Trump the dirtier they become as a party. They may think they’re riding high now but when the fall comes they’re going to crawl away back under the rock in total embarrassment.
I'd bookmark this and show you when Trump wins re-election, but you lack the self-awareness to be embarrassed by it.
You've been warned, Donald Trump and his band of cronies are above the law, and will do anything to keep the power no matter who they harm:

Treasury Department sent information on Hunter Biden to expanding GOP Senate inquiry

What did you expect, Rye? The Goobers have made witch hunts (on the taxpayers' dime) their preferred method of campaigning while in power since Whitewater, and they continued in that vein during the interminable Benghazi!!! "investigations", all seven of them. You didn't really think they could keep their hoofs out of the government-sponsored honey pots, did you?

And that's while the clearest cases of nepotism would be Trump's spawn working senior posts at Trump's White House, while also acquiring business advantages overseas, licenses, financing, and whatnot.

What we do know, and could have predicted with near-certainty, our Trumpletons won't give a rat's posterior. Sure, Hunter cashing in on dad's name is odious, and it should be pointed out, a crime it is not. So, decide the Trumpletons, let the witch hunt begin - it worked like a charm the last time we tried.

A population stupid enough to fall for such hamfisted plots deserve whatever they get out of it.

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