HERE WE GO: Biden Campaign Wants Fact Checkers For Presidential Debates Because Joe Biden Is Incapable Forming Coherent Arguments

He got more votes than Hillary.
There were millions of illegal votes cast
He had the biggest inauguration in history
Everybody who needed a test got a test.

There is nothing Trump says that approaches the truth, and like the PT Barnum reality TV con-man, he knows there were 60 million suckers, and how to push their buttons.
If that were true, one would imagnie that a lying douchebag like you would support him.
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

They will need a fact check for all the bullshit Trump will sling.
How do you debate someone who will just make stuff up to support his position? If there are no fact-checkers Biden will spend all his time doing the fact-checking and Trump will just make up new stuff as he does.

You do understand that has happened in every debate since debates began right?
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

Ok, but only on condition Biden agrees to wear a dunce cap and Pinnochio nose throughout the debate for all his fantastic stories about pinning a Medal of Honor on a soldier and being arrested while trying to visit Mandela.
Here’s how it plays out as I have said for last 3 weeks
Incapacitated Joe Biden and his MSM will issue a series of compliance requirements for Trump and the debate
Trump will tell him quite naturally that is does not work that way
MSM and Biden will then accuse Trump of hiding and withholding and since he “is” and combined with Covid that ther will be No debate.
It’s his only option because as soon as Trump started rapid fire on him, Biden would fall apart.
So, no debate and All The Blame will be laid at the feet of Trump as described above
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Was Trump telling the truth that the virus was soon going down to zero cases. And that it would disappear in April when the weather got warm.
Predictions about the future that turn out to be wrong are not lies, you brain-dead moron.
When they are "wishes" and not based on any previous cases, they're lies. How many pandemics just "disappear" on their own?

Answer: None

But Trump said the coronavirus would.
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FACT #2: Biden used his office to enrich his family via China and Ukraine.
There is far more to his family enrichment that just those two.

There's also >>>

James Biden - Hill$tone & Hill International

Frank Biden - $un Fund Americas

Valerie Biden - Joe $lade White & Co.

Howard Krein/Ashley Biden Krein - $tartUp Health

All in the $$$Family$$$


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A week ago, the Trump cultists were all telling us Biden wouldn't debate. Now they're flipflopping, like they always do.

They'll deny it, of course. After all, these are Trump cultists. One of the primary benefits of being in the Trump cult is the way it liberates a person from the curse of long term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is reshaped every day to whatever TheParty says it should be.

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