HERE WE GO: Biden Campaign Wants Fact Checkers For Presidential Debates Because Joe Biden Is Incapable Forming Coherent Arguments

Biden is walking a tightrope. On the one hand, he needs to increase voter enthusiasm and convince the Democratic Party’s liberal base that he can be their candidate. But on the other, Biden needs the support of the working class, whose members turned out for Trump in 2016 and might do so again.
Russia Russia Russia is now hacking hacking hacking the companies working on a vaccine vaccine vaccine.
In other words, more TDS moron hysteria. So what if the Russians get our knowledge about vaccines? How does that hurt us?
You're spouting DNC talking points. Trump did not ask the Russians to find Hillary's emails, dumbass.
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here: ...

Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

If I were a conservative, I would hate fact-checkers too.
ISays a guy who plans to vote from a criminal senile pedophile.

You'd best hope the atheists are right, otherwise you're in for a toasty afterlife. After all, Satan is the Lord of Lies, and being his willing tool carries a penalty.

Think about it. All the liberals up in heaven will be pwning you for eternity. That's a long time. You'll be begging for Hillary Clinton to bring you a cup of water, but there is a great abyss between heaven and hell, and she will be unable to cross and help you out.

Is the fascist tingle you get up your leg really worth that?
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here: ...

What part of "it was a joke" didn't you understand?

Shit like that is why I don't waste my time trying to have a debate with TDS morons like you. Verbal abuse is all you're good for.
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

Why not save yourself the trouble, go ahead and admit that Trump is done for and will take the Senate down with him. And, nobody did it to him, not Joe Biden or anyone but Trump and his extreme, aggressive, over the top incompetence. Look at the virus that is running amuck and kicking his ass. Look at suburban women, Latinos and blacks, all of whom hate his sorry white nationalist ass. He has bent over backwards to do Putin's bidding because of Putin's hold on him. It's over trumpanzees; a new PROGRESSIVE government is on the way with control of the Senate and House. Bigly!!!
How would they fact check what Biden spews?

“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.” -Crazy Joe Biden
You're spouting DNC talking points. Trump did not ask the Russians to find Hillary's emails, dumbass. That was a joke, but all you TDS morons are too witless and stupid to understand that. Everything you post are the same lies TDS morons have been spouting for 3 1/2 years, and they have all been discredited 10,000 times.
How's that Trump Kool Aid taste? How many times will Trump say something only to later walk it back as a joke, sarcasm, or a slip of the tongue, before you wise up?
How's that Trump Kool Aid taste? How many times will Trump say something only to later walk it back as a joke, sarcasm, or a slip of the tongue, before you wise up?
Why don't you ask Biden how many times turds like you will make excuses for his dementia?

Only the brain damaged thought Trump was serious about that, and even few believed that constituted some kind of "collusion."
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

What's Impeached Trump afraid of?
You're spouting DNC talking points. Trump did not ask the Russians to find Hillary's emails, dumbass. That was a joke, but all you TDS morons are too witless and stupid to understand that. Everything you post are the same lies TDS morons have been spouting for 3 1/2 years, and they have all been discredited 10,000 times.

Fucking moron, the Russians didn't take it as a joke as they tried to hack Hillary right after Impeached Trump encouraged them to do so.
Just to keep the Democrats from losing there minds, I have a solution that insures Joe Biden wins the debate...have Joe Biden debate Joe Biden!

Biden: Trump's Wuhan Virus travel ban is rasist, xenophobic and won't work.

Biden: No! Only a fool would say such a thing. The travel ban should have been instituted EARLIER.

Biden: You can't speak to ME like that...I'm Joe Biden's husband, Joe Biden!

Biden: I'm wondering what you're doing here...aren't you running for Senate?

Biden: I won six Senate elections and served 35 years...I could do it again. 1974 was a rough election year. None of the big donors would buy my support. But I prevailed. Let's have a pushup contest you dog faced pony soldier.

Biden: You're I'll chose the venue. Either Home Depot or Katie's Restaraunt. I was just there last week.

I'll smack you down like a Ukrainian prosecutor.

Moderator: Thank you gentleman, I think America has seen enough...Joe Biden wins the says so right here in this memo I received last week.
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Fucking moron, the Russians didn't take it as a joke as they tried to hack Hillary right after Impeached Trump encouraged them to do so.
Well then, Putin isn't very smart since Trump made that crack 3 years after her private server was destroyed, and unable to be hacked any longer.


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