HERE WE GO: Biden Campaign Wants Fact Checkers For Presidential Debates Because Joe Biden Is Incapable Forming Coherent Arguments

One new detail included in the report, released April 18 by the US Department of Justice, highlighted the significance of the symbiotic relationship. On July 27, 2016, within five hours of then-candidate Trump's call for Russia to "find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing," officers of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) targeted Clinton's personal office for the first time, attempting to compromise 15 nonpublic accounts.

The second operation, conducted by Russia's intelligence service, focused on hacking the computers and e-mail accounts of various officials in the Clinton campaign. The operatives targeted "hundreds of e-mail accounts" and stole "hundreds of thousands of documents" from Clinton campaign officials, releasing them through online personas, such as "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0," and later WikiLeaks, according to the report. The operation began in March 2016; by April it had access to a variety of e-mail accounts and networks, including those of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Democratic National Committee.

Here you go.
Says who, the FBI? Yeah, we believe that. Mueller has never produced the documentation to support it.
The Russian stuff is 1-2 years ago yesterday’s news. Trump was found not guilty by Muller and other juries of YOUR peers.
Thanks for admitting he's skeered.

Are you "skeered" to put your wet finger into a light socket?
Says who, the FBI? Yeah, we believe that. Mueller has never produced the documentation to support it.

Absolutely wrong. The documentation is in the "redacted" portion of his report. How do I know? Because the footnotes point to entire blacked out pages.
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.


No, he wants them because tRump lies like a cheap rug.

Absolutely wrong. The documentation is in the "redacted" portion of his report. How do I know? Because the footnotes point to entire blacked out pages.
In other words, you can't produce the documentation. You have no clue what the redacted portion says.
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

Hey moron how would he do factchecking in real time by himself?
Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

Joe Biden for President.........political version of weekend at Bernie's.
Predictions about the future that turn out to be wrong are not lies, you brain-dead moron.

saying only last month that the virus ' is dying out ' when in fact cases are soaring & daily records have broken 9x in the past 17 days means that donny is full of poo.
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here: ...

& they obliged.

Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks By Jacqueline Thomsen - 04/18/19 02:12 PM EDT

Russian military officers targeted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with hacking attempts within hours of then-candidate Donald Trump suggesting Moscow should find Clinton’s emails, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday.

“Within approximately five hours of Trump's statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office,” the report reads, referring to Russia's military intelligence agency.

The Russian officers sent malicious links to 15 email accounts linked to the domain of Clinton’s personal office, and the “investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on this domain," according to the report.
Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks
Cases are soaring because states are testing more. Deaths are still declining.

no, stop the bullshit.
deaths are increasing. we are only 4% of the world's population but have 25% of the world's covid deaths.

AZ & texas have had to get freezer trucks because their fucking morgues are full.

Texas, Arizona bring in refrigerated trucks to store hundreds of bodies after coronavirus deaths surge
Health officials are describing the overwhelmed morgue capacity as a 'domino effect'
Texas, Arizona bring in refrigerated trucks to store hundreds of bodies after coronavirus deaths surge

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