HERE WE GO: Biden Campaign Wants Fact Checkers For Presidential Debates Because Joe Biden Is Incapable Forming Coherent Arguments

Lol.....who didn't see this coming? This is more proof that mentally ill Quid Pro Quo Joe is not fit to serve as president. They know Trump will rip him to shreds in the debates.

His campaign ads make it clear he has dementia.
And notice he keeps touching whoever he’s talking to in his ads.

Trump can’t even string a cohesive sentence together. He had no plans, no ability to manage the country, and he doesn’t read.

The rest of America isn’t dumb enough to fall for his bullshit again.
Does everything you post have to be a lie?
FACT #3: Biden never had foreign policy success.
Neither did 45.
Barry didn't either.
That's true. But I didn't vote for him and Mooch.
Trump does have foreign policy successes. When was the last time you heard anything about ISIS in the news?

Man, it sure is fun watching you try to give Obama the credit for everything Trump does.

Remember when Obama refused to bomb convoys of oil trucks because Obama didn't want to kill those nice ISIS people who were driving them? That's the reason ISIS was still going strong after 8 years of the Obama administration. ISIS ended because Trump changed the rules of engagement.

The claim that Trump "stabbed the Kurds in the back" is fake news.
Fox News(?) has no fact checkers, apparently: So now widely known, they cut off Donald John Trump from making further remarks. They have time and expense issues to confront. Fox News barely edges out the other cable newscasts in the ratings, so far mid-year. Their principal news star, however, is not Hannity--but will be out of office: Donald John Trump.

Fox already knows, and likely agrees with the Biden--on the need for a fact-checker. Even Trump's niece has noted the "Cheating as a Way Of Life" Dementia. The pathological liar in the extreme: Is unable to fit in with a well-known context, like the Rose Garden That is now shown to "The Base."

That sector is about to disappear, end of ad revenues at Fox News(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, not too widely regarded itself, even!)
The last thing we need in this election is some Dim propagandists "fact checking" anything.
Fact-checking is an internet way of life, apparently to be abolished at all the Republican Policy Meetings--never to make the news, even at Jacksonville, FL, convention.

"Make America 2016 Again," is the mantra.

Then there is the recent stimulus: Plagiarized from the Obama-Biden, RNC caused, "Great Recession" Bail-Outs.

$3.0 tril. of facts have recently been welcomed in REAL-USA!

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(See even markets and investments friendly, Matthew 20: 1-16, aka $1200 checks for everyone. There are no Runs on the banks underway, even this weekend.)
Both Trump and Biden are pathological liars with only a fleeting familiarity with the truth. The only real question is, which one lies more? The answer to that is easy for anyone with a modicum of honesty...

To add "fact checkers" to the debate process would be fine provided you could find absolutely impartial checkers and add about an hour and a half to the circus...
Trump of the pathological liar dementia--plagiarizer of the Obama-Biden Stimulus, hyper-self-defensive--has already surpassed 19,000 lies on public record while in office. That's up from more than 16,000 January 1. Six more months are left--but maybe 1000 new lies per debate: Now looms, three thousand of them(?)!

Biden's call for a fact-checker shows comparative coherence.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(One thing about "Make America 2016 Again:" The Obama-Biden Bailout had already happened!)
Trump of the pathological liar dementia--plagiarizer of the Obama-Biden Stimulus, hyper-self-defensive--has already surpassed 19,000 lies on public record while in office. That's up from more than 16,000 January 1. Six more months are left--but maybe 1000 new lies per debate: Now looms, three thousand of them(?)!

Biden's call for a fact-checker shows comparative coherence.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(One thing about "Make America 2016 Again:" The Obama-Biden Bailout had already happened!)

Biden ain't calling for fact checkers! His handlers are.
Biden and MSM will make demand that Trump will blow off and Biden /MSM will declare Trump is withholding information they need to “assure fairness for the American public” and in light of Trumps action and Covid the debates will not occur.
Biden and MSM will make demand that Trump will blow off and Biden /MSM will declare Trump is withholding information they need to “assure fairness for the American public” and in light of Trumps action and Covid the debates will not occur.

Biden's handlers seem to be prepping it that way...
Donald John Trump's, pathological liar dementia--hyper self-defensive--is not just a "Handler's" issue. It already seems about to become a more mainstream campaign issue. Ratings matter at Fox TV. Fox TV saw reason to cut off Donald John Trump remarks, and instead do a fact-check report.

Audience ratings are heavily contingent on credibility. CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera and on and on--know about this.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20 is not about foreign aid! With that news organizations all seem to have a problem in common!)
Fact-checking is an internet way of life, apparently to be abolished at all the Republican Policy Meetings--never to make the news, even at Jacksonville, FL, convention.

"Make America 2016 Again," is the mantra.

Then there is the recent stimulus: Plagiarized from the Obama-Biden, RNC caused, "Great Recession" Bail-Outs.

$3.0 tril. of facts have recently been welcomed in REAL-USA!

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(See even markets and investments friendly, Matthew 20: 1-16, aka $1200 checks for everyone. There are no Runs on the banks underway, even this weekend.)
So-called "fact checking" is a con. Voters became aware that the fake news companies were nothing but propaganda outlets for the Democrat party, so they created another level of truth gate keepers. Anyone with a brain quickly learned that this new layer was nothing more than an extension of the old layer. They are controlled by the same people as the old layer.
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here: ...

& they obliged.

Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks By Jacqueline Thomsen - 04/18/19 02:12 PM EDT

Russian military officers targeted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with hacking attempts within hours of then-candidate Donald Trump suggesting Moscow should find Clinton’s emails, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday.

“Within approximately five hours of Trump's statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office,” the report reads, referring to Russia's military intelligence agency.

The Russian officers sent malicious links to 15 email accounts linked to the domain of Clinton’s personal office, and the “investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on this domain," according to the report.
Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks

Where's the documentation to prove this claim, idiot?
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here: ...

& they obliged.

Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks By Jacqueline Thomsen - 04/18/19 02:12 PM EDT

Russian military officers targeted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with hacking attempts within hours of then-candidate Donald Trump suggesting Moscow should find Clinton’s emails, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday.

“Within approximately five hours of Trump's statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office,” the report reads, referring to Russia's military intelligence agency.

The Russian officers sent malicious links to 15 email accounts linked to the domain of Clinton’s personal office, and the “investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on this domain," according to the report.
Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks

Where's the documentation to prove this claim, idiot?

the arrest & imprisonment of guccifer is all that is needed to prove that, dummy.
Says who, the FBI? Yeah, we believe that. Mueller has never produced the documentation to support it.

lol ... even better:

The infamous hacker who exposed Clinton's email server is going to prison for 4 years
Paul Szoldra Sep 1, 2016, 12:49 PM
The infamous hacker who exposed Clinton's email server is going to prison for 4 years

No evidence that he hacked Hillary's server:
"He claimed in May that he accessed Clinton's private email server twice — a charge the Clinton campaign has denied and that has not been verified by the FBI, which investigated the use of the server — but found the contents "not interesting" at the time."
Donald Trump: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing." Watch the complete video here: ...

& they obliged.

Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks By Jacqueline Thomsen - 04/18/19 02:12 PM EDT

Russian military officers targeted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with hacking attempts within hours of then-candidate Donald Trump suggesting Moscow should find Clinton’s emails, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday.

“Within approximately five hours of Trump's statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office,” the report reads, referring to Russia's military intelligence agency.

The Russian officers sent malicious links to 15 email accounts linked to the domain of Clinton’s personal office, and the “investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on this domain," according to the report.
Mueller: Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks

Where's the documentation to prove this claim, idiot?

the arrest & imprisonment of guccifer is all that is needed to prove that, dummy.

Wrong again, turd.
Says who, the FBI? Yeah, we believe that. Mueller has never produced the documentation to support it.

lol ... even better:

The infamous hacker who exposed Clinton's email server is going to prison for 4 years
Paul Szoldra Sep 1, 2016, 12:49 PM
The infamous hacker who exposed Clinton's email server is going to prison for 4 years

No evidence that he hacked Hillary's server:
"He claimed in May that he accessed Clinton's private email server twice — a charge the Clinton campaign has denied and that has not been verified by the FBI, which investigated the use of the server — but found the contents "not interesting" at the time."

another ' innocent ' associated with trump goes to prison.
Says who, the FBI? Yeah, we believe that. Mueller has never produced the documentation to support it.

lol ... even better:

The infamous hacker who exposed Clinton's email server is going to prison for 4 years
Paul Szoldra Sep 1, 2016, 12:49 PM
The infamous hacker who exposed Clinton's email server is going to prison for 4 years

No evidence that he hacked Hillary's server:
"He claimed in May that he accessed Clinton's private email server twice — a charge the Clinton campaign has denied and that has not been verified by the FBI, which investigated the use of the server — but found the contents "not interesting" at the time."

another ' innocent ' associated with trump goes to prison.
He's not a Trump associate, douchebag.

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