Here We Go - Biden's DOJ Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Legal

Why not? I and millions develop pancreas cancer. It's found that the vaccine is a major player in this epidemic. I had to get the shot against my will to keep my job. You bet my employer is responsible and I or my family would see it through the judicial process.
Vaccine was given emergency authorization by the government. They’re responsible for it’s safety. Not your employer.
The FDA is not forcing you to take it. If your employer does, he or she is liable for any adverse effects it may cause.
Employers can't force people to take it. Or do anything else for that matter. Paying someone to do something is not coercion. Liberals have been selling that schtick for years. The concept of "economic coercion" is just an attempt to cast ordinary collaboration and negotiation as inherently abusive. It's not.
Google this, courts rule corporation can require vaccines

A Texas federal judge on Saturday upheld a Houston hospital system’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for staff, in a decision that could offer clarity on the legal question of whether companies can require the shot.

But don’t expect the ruling to open the floodgates on more employers requiring COVID-19 vaccinations, experts said.

At a time when many bosses are already reluctant to force the issue, the court decision might nudge more health-care providers into requiring the COVID-19 vaccination, they said. But that could be it.

“A lot of employers have decided they don’t want the controversy,” said Kevin Troutman, a partner at Fisher Phillips representing management in employment law cases.
Not much of a surprise, businesses want the best employees, not to try and be their employees parents.

That are specific industries where this makes a lot of sense for them though like healthcare as you point out. Businesses with massive customer interactions as well like an amusement park.

most people simply do not care what risks you take.
Employers can't force people to take it. Or do anything else for that matter. Paying someone to do something is not coercion. Liberals have been selling that schtick for years. The concept of "economic coercion" is just an attempt to cast ordinary collaboration and negotiation as inherently abusive. It's not.

I think the courts will see it differently. People depend on their jobs for income. Threatening the income of an employee based on an experimental vaccine puts them in a liable situation. Now, an employer could create regulation that if your are not vaccinated, you must wear a mask while on the job, but that gives an employee an option they wouldn't have if an employer demands they take an experimental vaccine we don't know the end results of yet to keep their job.

People who don't want this vaccine have personal safety objections, political objections, perhaps religious objections.
hey genius, how long has the coronavirus been in the world?
Hey smartmouth punk, what is your point? Do you know ANYTHING about epidemiology? Could you pass a 5th-grade science test?

How long has COVID-19 been in the world, boy? And the Delta variant of it? And how many have died in the USA, at least half due to the negligence and irresponsibility of Trumpolini and his idiot minions...
I think the courts will see it differently. People depend on their jobs for income. Threatening the income of an employee based on an experimental vaccine puts them in a liable situation. Now, an employer could create regulation that if your are not vaccinated, you must wear a mask while on the job, but that gives an employee an option they wouldn't have if an employer demands they take an experimental vaccine we don't know the end results of yet to keep their job.

People who don't want this vaccine have personal safety objections, political objections, perhaps religious objections.
Suddenly Republicans are pretending to care about the rights of employees! That is hilarious! People working at "at-will employment" have no rights, and the Republicans do everything they can to keep it that way.

"Experimental" vaccine? Bullshit. You're behaving in a very Medieval fashion, and people are dying as a result. Cease and desist.
No they do not. The Declaration gives us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty is not forcing the public to take experimental vaccines like test rats in a cage.

Liberty is being free from a pandemic exacerbated by the ignorance of Republiscum who deny science and have already caused many deaths with their malfeasance.

You will have a vaccine and a mask if you come anywhere near me... or you'll be kept at bay, irresponsible virus-spewing terror-boy.
No, a vaccine introduces an attenuated wild virus which provides immunity. Someone who is vaccinated doesnt spread viruses and has immunity from viruses. This injection offers no such protection. We'll not listen to your lies and propaganda.
Take the vaccine and shut up. Your irresponsibility is murderous. YOU will be among many held responsible for all the ensuring death. Fortunately, it will be mostly Republicans dying, as they're the morons who won't get vaccinated... but unfortunately many of their children will die as well.

Y'all are a pack of sick raving morons.
Take the vaccine and shut up. Your irresponsibility is murderous. YOU will be among many held responsible for all the ensuring death. Fortunately, it will be mostly Republicans dying, as they're the morons who won't get vaccinated... but unfortunately many of their children will die as well.

Y'all are a pack of sick raving morons.

I, nor my family, will take this dangerous experimental injection and will continue to warn people against its dangers.
Liberty is being free from a pandemic exacerbated by the ignorance of Republiscum who deny science and have already caused many deaths with their malfeasance.

You will have a vaccine and a mask if you come anywhere near me... or you'll be kept at bay, irresponsible virus-spewing terror-boy.

This experimental injection hasn't been through proper clinical trials. No one wants to be around you anyway. Don't flatter yourself.
I, nor my family, will take this dangerous experimental injection and will continue to warn people against its dangers.
Then you are criminally endangering others, and when your kids start dying of COVID you come back in here and spew your arrogant entitled nonsense. This vaccine is not dangerous, and no more experimental than a vaccine usually is. YOU however are a dupe of a lot of bigoted and fearful thinking inculcated by evil propaganda forces who desire you to be a compliant little corporate drone, and like the halfwit you are, you're VERY cooperative.

You better keep your idiotic unvaccinated ass away from me, boy. I have zero tolerance for spoiled brats who endanger others' lives mindlessly. Capisci, sciocco?
This experimental injection hasn't been through proper clinical trials. No one wants to be around you anyway. Don't flatter yourself.
You'll not come around me with impunity, boy. You cowardly traitor, angry little dysfunctional misfit, you are endangering others' lives. You are scum and so is anyone who refuses this vaccine. You know no science. You're just another brainwashed Trumpoid fascist traitor. Get the fuck out of my country, asshole.
Tell us why the CDC is trying to cover up their lies.

No! No ! No! I am not dealing with this. It is not a response to my question. First you lied about the vax spereading the virus and you have not been able to dig out from under that . Then you accused me of lying but cannot actually state what I lied about . So now you are trying to distract from all of that with some irrelevant crap. Chanhging the subject will not save you .WHAT THE FUCK DID I LIE ABOUT! You are a pathetic and sorry mess
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Liberty is being free from a pandemic exacerbated by the ignorance of Republiscum who deny science and have already caused many deaths with their malfeasance.

You will have a vaccine and a mask if you come anywhere near me... or you'll be kept at bay, irresponsible virus-spewing terror-boy.

I hate when we get new trolls on this forum.
Doubt it. Employers aren’t forcing anyone to take it either!

They are if they are threatening your job if you don't get the vaccine.

Your sister is 52 years old and works for a company that has a vaccine mandate. She is totally against the vaccine, but if she loses her job, likely won't be able to replace it at her age. She has 25 years with the company and she's just a blue collar worker with skills she can't take anywhere else. She takes the vax, and three years down the road they find out the vaccine causes kidney damage. She suffers through various treatments but dies at the age of 57 all because of the vaccine. You mean to tell me you or a member of your family won't hold the company responsible? If not for their demand of taking the vaccine, your sister would still be alive today. Nobody should pay for that?
They are if they are threatening your job if you don't get the vaccine.

Your sister is 52 years old and works for a company that has a vaccine mandate. She is totally against the vaccine, but if she loses her job, likely won't be able to replace it at her age. She has 25 years with the company and she's just a blue collar worker with skills she can't take anywhere else. She takes the vax, and three years down the road they find out the vaccine causes kidney damage. She suffers through various treatments but dies at the age of 57 all because of the vaccine. You mean to tell me you or a member of your family won't hold the company responsible? If not for their demand of taking the vaccine, your sister would still be alive today. Nobody should pay for that?
Threatening your job isn't forcing anything on anyone. You have a choice to walk away.

If I'm a physician and I prescribe a medication that is FDA approved, and they don't get to sue me when later it is discovered to have a side effect.

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