Here we go, Day 3 of the SCOTUS hearing

The Dem Senators should just walk in with Executioner's hoods on, and covered in blood, since the only thing they are concerned about it keeping Planed Parenthood Extermination Centers open so they may exterminate the black race.

The heart of the Democrat Party is Genocide and Slavery, and they have never departed from that philosophy. If they can not kill your children, they will rape them and defile them. If they cannot get their hands on them, they will poison their minds with Marxism, Communism, Atheism, and Muslimism.

They will teach them to hate America, teach them revised and false History. The most expensive education system in the World, does not teach Math, Science and English. They teach Earth Worship, Rebellion, and Hatred of America. Then they teach them ungodly sex acts as soon as Kindergarten, and telling them that sex with their teachers and other adults is perfectly normal and healthy, and if your gym teacher knocks you up, the greatest thing you can do for your baby is kill it.

That's how disgusting Democrats-DemNazis are.
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My girlfriend Hirono is up now. She is dumber than something that is really dumb
How did Hawaiians vote this dumb bitch into office? Shes not even Hawaiian native, she is Japanese.
Cory Booker went to YALE????? WTF??????

Did he walk across campus once and they gave him a degree?

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