Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.
Ben Nelson? Who the hell is Ben Nelson?
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.
I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Obama took care of that....

He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

followed by

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

I'm just gonna venture a guess that you voted for Scrub in 2000 because he promised to cut taxes, increase defense spending and still protect the surplus....

And then, after he vaporized the surplus, and failed to get Usama, you voted for him again in 2004....

If the humiliation is too much to bear, you can just nod....
It is doubtful in the extreme that Jeb Bush is at 18% anywhere.

Jeb!, through his skeevy minions at Right to Rise, has been flooding the state of NH with mailers detailing the perfidies and shortcomings of his opponents....don't underestimate the readiness of rubes to flock to a shiny object....
Another example of the idiocy of politics by opinion polls.

Here's a radical idea: let's wait until voters have actually voted and the primaries are underway before we start talking about 'winners' and who is 'ahead.'
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

ben nelson.jpg

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

you saw that the poll is an outlier, performed by a group that isn't well-respected, right?

i wouldn't put my money on this one.
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

View attachment 61377

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
IIRC, he was or is a senator from a midwestern state and was "bribed" into passing an Omnibus plan or something. Obama was giving sweet deals (bribes) to get votes to pass his damn stimulus packages.
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

View attachment 61377

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
IIRC, he was or is a senator from a midwestern state and was "bribed" into passing an Omnibus plan or something. Obama was giving sweet deals (bribes) to get votes to pass his damn stimulus packages.

I was wrong. He was the key vote for Obamacare. There wouldn't be Obamacare if it hadn't been for his vote. And he got plenty of pennies for that bribe.
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

View attachment 61377

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
IIRC, he was or is a senator from a midwestern state and was "bribed" into passing an Omnibus plan or something. Obama was giving sweet deals (bribes) to get votes to pass his damn stimulus packages.
So, what's so funny, Carla?
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

View attachment 61377

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
IIRC, he was or is a senator from a midwestern state and was "bribed" into passing an Omnibus plan or something. Obama was giving sweet deals (bribes) to get votes to pass his damn stimulus packages.
So, what's so funny, Carla?

Any chance that you are a Beneficiary of National Socialist Health Care Against National Socialist Health Care?

Think about it.....that would be pretty funny....
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.

Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

View attachment 61377

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
IIRC, he was or is a senator from a midwestern state and was "bribed" into passing an Omnibus plan or something. Obama was giving sweet deals (bribes) to get votes to pass his damn stimulus packages.
So, what's so funny, Carla?

Any chance that you are a Beneficiary of National Socialist Health Care Against National Socialist Health Care?

Think about it.....that would be pretty funny....
I corrected myself on Ben Nelson. I knew he was bribed, but it was for his vote to Obamacare not the stimulus packages. I feel kind of bad because I am not affected by the boondoggle of the mess. I was one who got a the right union! The most I ever pay for any Dr. visit with blood work, xrays and other tests just costs $20. Hospital, 100% coverage for everything but my phone and $1000 prescription drugs for $30, just as it has always been. I pay $189 for my premiums and the company is not trying to dumps me or refuse to let me go to my doctor I have had for years.
Who is Ben Nelson?

I looked him up.

View attachment 61377

Yea, I still don't know who the hell he is.
IIRC, he was or is a senator from a midwestern state and was "bribed" into passing an Omnibus plan or something. Obama was giving sweet deals (bribes) to get votes to pass his damn stimulus packages.
So, what's so funny, Carla?

Any chance that you are a Beneficiary of National Socialist Health Care Against National Socialist Health Care?

Think about it.....that would be pretty funny....
I corrected myself on Ben Nelson. I knew he was bribed, but it was for his vote to Obamacare not the stimulus packages. I feel kind of bad because I am not affected by the boondoggle of the mess. I was one who got a the right union! The most I ever pay for any Dr. visit with blood work, xrays and other tests just costs $20. Hospital, 100% coverage for everything but my phone and $1000 prescription drugs for $30, just as it has always been. I pay $189 for my premiums and the company is not trying to dumps me or refuse to let me go to my doctor I have had for years.
Who is picking up the 970 spread between the price of your medication and your cost?

The Supply Side Fairy?
Ben Nelson is Ben Carson, he's trying a new strategy.

18% for Jeb? Is he polling that high in Bush family polls?

Can it be November already?
Here we go: New poll of New Hampshire has … Jeb Bush in second with 18%

I do not like Jeb Bush, he is a moderate RINO and everyone knows it, but he is a sane and competent person who could navigate our nation away from the chaos Obama has put us in. He has promised to take the fight to ISIS and destroy them.

If Trump is elected, the chaos will continue, and he will keep using executive orders since Obama has set the precedentt.

I am ready to forgive Chris Christie because he is the only candidate who still remembers 9/11 and wants to get the bastards who did it.

Ted Cruz is a bomb thrower, which I like in a Senator, but a bomb throwing President is just asking for trouble.

Ben Nelson is medical doctor, he'd be a great Surgeon General, but an incompetent President.
Wow, well put.

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