Another Poll Has Haley Within 4 Points of Trump in New Hampshire

A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

Don't trust any poll, but the possibility of this being so is interesting.
Haley and DeSantis are to the right of Trump. MAGA thinks anybody to the left of Hitler is a Commie.
Donald Trump is an anti-war candidate that is more concerned about our country's prosperity rather than getting involved in needless foreign military conflicts.
A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

She's losing her own state by double...


New England...the most liberal states in the nation love a RINO and her own state where she was governor wants President Trump by a landslide.

When is the last time New Hampshire went Republican in a Presidential election???

It wasn't RINO McCain.

It wasn't RINO Romney.

It wasn't Bush against John Kerry.

It was Bush vs. Al Gore in 2000.
If you think about it, Democrats have effectively nixed their own primaries. So many Dems will likely cross party lines in support of Haley. Several states permit the electorate to change their affiliation all the way up to election day, irrelevant of whether they're open primaries. They'd have to change parties, of course, given that the GOP primaries are typically closed primaries.

And that strategy is being promoted in the mainstream.

For example...

Liberals In Open Primary States Should Vote For Nikki Haley


The reality is that a Haley administration wouldn't be any different than a Biden administration. Yeah, maybe there are some trivial social differences aimed at trustees in cable tv news entertainment programming to mediate perception and to create the illusion of difference, but that's about it. She's basically the worst candidate in the GOP offering, in terms of critical policy.

I think Dems view Haley being a good alternative to Biden, given that she's basically a mirror image of Hillary Clinton. That's compounded by the fact that many Republicans will lend them the assist in the endeavor.

Once it gets to South Carolina in the land of warmongering neo-cons who keep electing the likes of Lindsey Graham, they'll try to seal the deal and get her installed.
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A new poll out today from American Research Group has Nikki Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire. The momentum in New Hampshire is real. Additionally, DeSantis has a huge ground game in Iowa that dwarves Trump's. We may see a realistic scenario in which DeSantis wins Iowa and Haley wins New Hampshire.

Trump will beat Desantis in Iowa by a longshot, despite your fantasies.
Trump will beat Desantis in Iowa by a longshot, despite your fantasies.

Perhaps. But that is, in my view, a reflection of the electorate's inability to recognize the better candidate. Which is DiSantis.

Which, unfortunately, lends to the credence of the cult moniker.
Perhaps. But that is, in my view, a reflection of the electorate's inability to recognize the better candidate. Which is DiSantis.

Which, unfortunately, lends to the credence of the cult moniker.
If you are going to run being a Trump then voters realize there is no better Trump than Trump himself.
Really, the more I think about it, the more I don't even wanna participate in this Mickey Mousery.
This is unfreakin’believeable.

Nikki could get that close to Trump in the crucial primary state of NH?!

Sound all the alarums, sirrah!!!!!
Well the talking heads on my idiot box just called it for Trump.

10 point spread at the moment. Could reach as much as 15.

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