here we go: Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

FHA yet another good idea politicized, corrupted and ruined by politicians. Is there any department of government which is not infested with political appointee hacks?
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
Wow, sworn in on Friday and the market responds to Trump by Monday. To think that after 8 years you still blame Bush for everything in the economy.
Go drink your coffee and wake up. Yes, markets respond to stupid admin actions.
Yet 8 years later nothing about the economy is the responsibility of Obama.
So your deflection fails, and you think it is a good think that the American home buyer is harmed.
I have no issue with making sure people can pay their loans.

Look what happened when Democrats gave loans to every shmuck on the street in 2007.
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
hey genius. If a potential buyer is adversely affected by forty bucks per month, they have NO BUSINESS attempting to buy a home....
you people look at the numbers. What you never stop to consider are the conditions. Ideally, one should have at least three to six months of cash reserves on hand in case of a sudden occurrence such as loss of employment, illness, etc....If $40 is a make or break, the that person has no cash reserves and should not be buying a home.
Hell WE should not have bought our home in 1998. We did not have the reserves. It was a stupid idea. We got very lucky. We got by. If something went off the rials we would have survived, but ended up in a pretty serious fiscal mess.
But that does not mean everyone should take that risk. Ya know what? I think everyone should be able to own their own place. As long as they can meet their obligations and not become a burden to the system....But this idea that the purchase of a home as an entitlement is moronic. That idea is precisely what put us in the recession of 2008
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
Wow, sworn in on Friday and the market responds to Trump by Monday. To think that after 8 years you still blame Bush for everything in the economy.
Go drink your coffee and wake up. Yes, markets respond to stupid admin actions.
Good thing the markets do not respond to your words.
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
Jesus go change your tampon stop acting like a pussy
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
The government should not be guaranteeing any loans so this is a good thing
Of course it should but not for you.

not for anyone
Nope, no 1920s for you!
If you can't afford to buy house without a government guaranteed loan then don't buy a house
Then no one but the super rich would own a home. Hell of a plan!
Mortgage applications have seasonal variation, don't they? Surely a dip in applications in winter is not unusual regardless of who is in the White House.
It was already winter when Trump was sworn in! Your apology doesn't float! The NYSE dropped 125 points yesterday and the word is that was caused by doubts and uncertainties regarding Trumps economic policies. Apologies don't impact trends only concrete actions can.
I wasn't apologizing. I was remarking. Thanks for the correction! So it's Obama's fault then. OK. Now I apologize for getting that wrong.
No, you were apologizing for Trump, alright. Also, work on your word needs a lots of polishing up to become even close to witty or even credible with those illogical leaps!
Wrong. I stated the obvious. Fewer people shop for houses in the winter. Naturally then, fewer people apply for mortgages in the winter.

You are so stuck on declaring that because of Donald Trump the sky is falling, you ignore reality. No word smithing is required for the sane to recognize that you are unhinged over Donald Trump. Obama's reign ushered in the winter, and you rationalize like an angry little snowflake.
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
/---- Meanwhile in totally unrelated news: Dateline New York City. City tax bid hits home

You think your money is yours, but New York City Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen begs to differ.

City Hall wants a new “mansion tax” of 2.5 percent on any house sale above $2 million. Asked if she thought the tax might crimp sales, Glen told the Wall Street Journal the criticism is ridiculous and added, “If you look at how much money we’ve left on the table for the past two years while this thing went sideways, it makes me nuts.”
No corollary at all there, cell: run along. The Deputy May answered any question you might have.
A big step to fixing Obama's broken economy!

Now that I have your attention.....

Homeownership is at the root of much of America's unemployment problem. A working person aspires to own a home. His friendly Democrats Party sets up low down payment mortgages at ever-so-sweet rates. Just low enough to such the poor sod into buying when it doesn't make sense. Then a job is lost as a business is destroyed through excessive regulation. The job is done but the worker still has the house. A house in which there is so much emotional investment that he/she/it (remember, by now it's a captive-crat) won't part with it. So clings bitterly to it and begs for food stamps and welfare. But won't move to where there are jobs!

Clever, you Democrats, why it's almost as good for you as owning slaves!
Fewer people shop for houses in the winter. Naturally then, fewer people apply for mortgages in the winter.
From the article in the OP, shit for brains;
Total mortgage applications fell 3.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Volume was 18 percent lower than the same week one year ago.
Those were seasonally adjusted week over and year over percentages and the former followed a Trump policy change. Where are your fucking data to back up your bogus bullshit?

Also from the OP article you didn't fucking read was this, dimwit;
Most notable was a 13 percent drop in FHA applications — a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration.
How are you going to blame that on the winter, dummy!
The government should not be guaranteeing any loans so this is a good thing
Of course it should but not for you.

not for anyone
Nope, no 1920s for you!
If you can't afford to buy house without a government guaranteed loan then don't buy a house
Then no one but the super rich would own a home. Hell of a plan!
Ahh, that's bullshit. We had our down payment and stellar credit. And we are by no means "rich"....Jeez.
BTW, check New Jersey. Home of the million dollar foreclosure.. Yeah, RICH people buying homes they could not afford to keep in a rainy day situation...The amount of income is immaterial relative to the value of the property they wish to buy. Meaning,. a person who has the finances to buy a $200k home but barely can squeeze out a $300k home and does the latter, is unable able to afford that home and by that should not have bought said home.
Obama waded into FHA and cut the mortgage insurance premium. Trump wants time to examine the FHA program which is a reasonable thing to do, especially given that the crash of 2008 was attributed directly to under-qualified buyers getting mortgages and then defaulting in large numbers.
Trump already suspends Obama-era FHA mortgage insurance cut
why would he change something he hadn't had enough time to examine yet?
What makes you think he hadn't had enough time to examine it?
Mortgage applications have seasonal variation, don't they? Surely a dip in applications in winter is not unusual regardless of who is in the White House.
Application rates dipped in direct response to the increase in the Prime Rate. A move by the Fed as purely political. The Fed artificially held down interest rates until 2015. Then quietly slid in minute increases. No doubt in deference to the former POTUS Obama. Then conveniently right at the end of the Term, the Fed announces a 1/4 point increase in the Prime Rate. I call bullshit on that one.
Anyway, the mortgage markets reacted swiftly.
Obama waded into FHA and cut the mortgage insurance premium. Trump wants time to examine the FHA program which is a reasonable thing to do, especially given that the crash of 2008 was attributed directly to under-qualified buyers getting mortgages and then defaulting in large numbers.
Trump already suspends Obama-era FHA mortgage insurance cut
why would he change something he hadn't had enough time to examine yet?
What makes you think he hadn't had enough time to examine it?
I don't have time to respond to that whiner.
An Obama order just before he left office. Yeah, right. It had not even gone into effect. If indeed it was needed then why did he not issue it long before the end of his term? Let's look at the truth behind the whole matter-
The Mortgage Insurance Premium Battle Shows Democrats Learned Nothing From Financial Crisis

The Mortgage Insurance Premium Battle Shows Democrats Learned Nothing From Financial Crisis

Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
The government should not be guaranteeing any loans so this is a good thing
Well. The federal government does have a few good programs. Such as the VA loan program. My parents were able to buy their first home in 1962 because of the so called GI Bill.
We bought our home in 1998 on an FHA loan which allowed us to make just a 3% down payment. Without it, we'd have been renting for a number of years until we could build up the traditional 20% down payment.
Trump's people have put the FHA on hold, and mortgages dropped 3.2% because of the hold on government-insured loans. Will they put VA loans on hold as well. And volume dropped 18% from the same week the year before. This occured as "a direct result of the Trump administration reversing a cut in the FHA's annual mortgage insurance premium just hours after the inauguration", ending the "the last major policy act of the Obama administration and would have decreased monthly payments for thousands of new, lower-income borrowers"

The result obviously must the desire of Trump's people to have home owners pay higher interest rates to the banks.

Trump’s first housing move tanks mortgage applications 3.2%

Such evil people.
Wow, sworn in on Friday and the market responds to Trump by Monday. To think that after 8 years you still blame Bush for everything in the economy.
Go drink your coffee and wake up. Yes, markets respond to stupid admin actions.
Yet 8 years later nothing about the economy is the responsibility of Obama.
So your deflection fails, and you think it is a good think that the American home buyer is harmed.
NO ONE is being harmed. They just have to work a little bit ($40 per month) harder to get to a house payment.
And the Alt Right obstructions are all for hurting home buyers.

You know better than that, spoon.

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