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Here we go...

I'm dyin' to see when Emily meets March. Imagine how long each post will be twixt the two of 'em. Keep the scroll finger limber...we will all need it to read those two chitchatting.:lol:

I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.
What brand of toilet paper do you use? You've covered everything else

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Evelyn Woodhead's Speed Reading Course was very popular in the 1970-1980s you should try it sometime. I used it to read law when I was a law student.
LOLOL................So you were a stripper that payed your way through law schools
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.
George?...is that you?....
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.

Condolences. Hopefully you will get over all that soon. And welcome, just step over the drunks, the cleaning staff all quit to do daytrading after reading all the lies in the stock market forum.

And, why do people always mispell 'Libertine'?
Oh look, a thread about me. What are the odds?

Sorry about the XX chromosome mistake, I'm quite sure that's never going away. I always get those mixed up. That and wax/wane, flotsam/jetsam, imply/infer, shalom/shalom, last call/get the f out...

Why does everybody keep apologizing for Moonie? There's even some sort of banner at the top of this thread about that. Can everyone see that or just me? Seems like ganging up to me. Lemme buck the trend...

All Hail Moonie!

So far ya'll have comported yourselves quite well, very polite and welcoming, pretty sure that's gonna change when I show my true colors. Like I said I'm a Libertarian (my introducing myself now continues. What, ya'll thought I was done?) and I say there are least three(3) sorts of libertarians. There's the anarchist libertarians, no roads/borders/military/police/fire pretty much zero Mother government at all. I guess these folks just want to watch the world burn. They do well calling for zero Mother government until they chop their thumb off on a table saw but then I guess this crew has never owned/used a table saw. One can only be so hurt in Mother's basement by a Playstation. Then there's the hippie libertarian. All they want is their drug of choice legalized. The only thing libertarian about Bill Mayer is him and his weed. I'm what I saw defined at Wiki decades ago as a Consequential Libertarain. I call it a common sense Libertarian. A Neal Boortz (show of hands, who knows who that is?) Libertarain. A Perfect Libertarain. While I vote Republican (true color, let the hate begin!) I have plenty of problems with the far-right. But that shall be for a thread I start. It shall be the only thread, besides this one that I start here. I'm an "eggs in one(1) basket" sorta bloke. That way for the most part I only have to look at my thread when I show up. "Enough about me" would be thing I've never said.
Gee March, you have all the markings to be a terrible Bidenista democrat but a lot of potential as a human being.

Did I answer this one the other day? I don't think so. I could be wrong but I had gotten into the hooch. My bad. Also I have once again gotten into the hooch. Ya'll shall note this is a recuring theme with me. I almost NEVER post sober. I'm trying very hard to correct this. My goal is to ONLY post when I been drinking. Then I'm ALWALYS witty and good looking.

From my OP where do you get the idea that I would be a Bidenista democrat? Did I black out and blame America's economic woes on Putin? Did I say January 6 was an insurrection by a couple hundred of jerks that occupied a building for a couple hours almost broke democracy? Did I call for higher taxes? Really, Mr. freak, I ask. I'm a big fan of cause and effect, the mechanics of things, the logic trail of getting from hither to yon or are you just a Chevy guy?
And then you end up right here talking chit. Change sites, you are learning nothing.

You do understand you can just scroll right on by Moonglow, correct? Perhaps there is an ignore function at this site? Are you suggesting that Mr. glow cancel his self? If he is so insulting to the fact that the both of you exist on God's Green Earth/this site howz about you get busy following him around and destroying every thing he posts with witty, logical texts until he no longer dares show his face here? This is an interweb political debate forum where text is boss, is it not?

I blame you that Mr. Glow is still a member. Up your game!
Why waste knowledge on the braindead?

The thing I just said to Paleman doesn't that all apply to you? I exceed my authority but then text. Way I look at it this is my thread. Text is boss. Get used to this! So in my thread I have you two(2) fine... humans getting after each other. I haven't seen a cogent argument. F me running I just showed up. So far it's two(2) trolls. This is so not how an introduction thread is supposed to go but here we go.

Moving along...
This is confusfying. So when I reply to a post it stays at the bottom of that page but in the long run that is not where is goes? I get it, I see it, just not what I'm used to so forgive me if I get a tad off track now and again. I don't know if I'm done with the 1st page or if it's Chicken Wings time.
Last week I showed up drinking. This week I showed up drinking. Between when I last showed up and a few hours ago I drank a bunch. I promise ya'll every time I show up I'm gonna have been drinking. Imagine me sober. Still introducing, correct?
Last week I showed up drinking. This week I showed up drinking. Between when I last showed up and a few hours ago I drank a bunch. I promise ya'll every time I show up I'm gonna have been drinking. Imagine me sober. Still introducing, correct?
My old dog had an earache once.
.....not sure...LF?

Yes. You and I and Kizzume. You are boss here? I remember it all. Do you? Do you remember when I posted at LF 15 years ago and you accused me of being a teacher in the Tampa area because my screen name was teacher and you were a mod and had IP address search powers and you accused me of actually being a teacher in that county and I pointed out to you that all libraries then had the same IP address and that was just my screen name? Here we go. Sure, Coyote, I'm that same guy. You know what's coming. Nuttin has changed. I guess you and I have a thing right now. I'm mf'ing teacher. You have to ban me right now or I'm gonna own this site when it comes to political debate. I'll find all of your best and ask questions. I'm gonna start a thread that breaks this site's view records. Are you 1st amendment or are you Jack Dorsey? I know, huh? This is a moment for you. I'll f this site up when it comes to political debate, I'll show up once the week or so with sumpin the world has never thought or, LF went down so I need a place to land, I know you know me. There's nuttin you can do to keep me from having my way other than banning me. And then wouldn't that be telling? Then, also all you have to do is delete/hide this thread. All that being said I'm quite sure you are much cooler now than then. Know what cool is? So far I'm introduce thread and barely trying. Lemme run amok, I'll show this site what cool is.

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