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Here we go...

I skipped ahead. Are you the same Coyote I knew when you were a moderator at LF.org, 2007, where Kizzume was, where I ran amok? I was gonna drop this intro stuff then PM you cause I scouted this site first but this thread had replies. I never not reply. Where skews13 at? Yes, I'm teacher. Do we have the @ thing here? Images? I go on.

Is that you, bro?
.....not sure...LF?
Welcome dude! Thanks for your service.

Eh. No wars during my service, 1981-1987 so I always cringe when someone says that to me. However you are exceedingly polite, I have free healthcare for life, the VA is balls with the doctors, meds and being on time.

You know how you go to the doctor with the appointment time at, say, 1:00 PM and you have sit in the big waiting room for a long time then you have to sit in the little room for longerer then you get to see the doctor?

Not at the VA. One time I had an appointment at 1:00 PM and the doctor came in at 1:01. I told him he was late. His eyes were so big. Then I told him the joke.

It's all good, Mr. Stashman, thank you for the welcome.
Eh. No wars during my service, 1981-1987 so I always cringe when someone says that to me. However you are exceedingly polite, I have free healthcare for life, the VA is balls with the doctors, meds and being on time.

You know how you go to the doctor with the appointment time at, say, 1:00 PM and you have sit in the big waiting room for a long time then you have to sit in the little room for longerer then you get to see the doctor?

Not at the VA. One time I had an appointment at 1:00 PM and the doctor came in at 1:01. I told him he was late. His eyes were so big. Then I told him the joke.

It's all good, Mr. Stashman, thank you for the welcome.
Try the @ then the screen name.

I figured but I'm new, still intro, thank you, still intro so I'm a tad reticent about bothering the powers that be.

I just want to be a member.

I desire a place where I get to type my thoughts. Do get me wrong, I'll stand to and defend my thoughts but intro thread is not where I goes full take on the site. This is not my first rodeo. I'm questioning the lay of the land. I need to know what this site deems as acceptable with many questions so I can work within that. If every thing goes according to plan I'll start a thread that is about me and what I think. Then we'll debate.
I figured but I'm new, still intro, thank you, still intro so I'm a tad reticent about bothering the powers that be.

I just want to be a member.

I desire a place where I get to type my thoughts. Do get me wrong, I'll stand to and defend my thoughts but intro thread is not where I goes full take on the site. This is not my first rodeo. I'm questioning the lay of the land. I need to know what this site deems as acceptable with many questions so I can work within that. If every thing goes according to plan I'll start a thread that is about me and what I think. Then we'll debate.
The powers that be ran out of lightning bolts during the pandemic.
What is the character limit for a post at this site?
Unlimited characters. . . the membership has generally an attention span for between 300 to 400 characters, depending on the formatting.

For videos. . . probably between two and three minutes long at most. Only about 15% will watch a video I estimate.

Visual media is appreciated by traditional conservatives and liberals, (especially if they bring levity to the conversation,) however they tend to drive leftists absolutely bonkers, not sure why they lack a sense of humor . . . . I would, however, use them judiciously in certain forum zones, and make sure they are on topic. . .

Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox?
For some reason. . . folks don't read as much as they used to. I blame technology and social media. Attention spans have dropped precipitously in the past several decades. Anyone with a smart device seems to have fallen victim.

I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under.
Ahh. . . now you are talking the forum language! You talk TEE VEE! USMB talk TEE VEE!


Welcome! :113:
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.
You get to rant forever.
ok...but...hell...thanks anyway (I suck at obedience)

Thank the *expletive* for me since I have him on ignore and that's the only thing I am grateful for out of him. I figured that as much as I wanted to name call I could get away with this much hopefully. XD

Thank you. I find myself very interesting. So does my Dear Mother. Until I don't live my life exactly as she says I should. I'm already having fun and I'm barely started. Little early for me to say this but it's gonna be me getting to other people. I think. And again, thank you. Thread title is "introduce yourself" or sumpin like that so cards on the table. I'm kinda a veteran of interweb political debate forums. Sorry I don't know this site's quotes and functions and the ins and outs of posting yet but I'll get there, in time. I've found that one's first foray into an interweb political debate forum is fairly impotent. By no means consider this introduction as anything but me saying hello. I've questions to ask in this thread about the rules before I get started. I shall be compliant! I STILL haven't cussed or insulted anyone. I haven't flamed or doxed or trolled or spammed or did a friggin thing other than introduce myself. I know about rules. Before I said Jack at this site I read the rules. I read the rules for the introducing thread. My rules questions in this thread are gonna be about the grey areas. There's always grey areas. I'm banned most every where. I've yet to so have a nice explanation as to what rules I broke. I'm being very careful here. Eh. See what I was saying about going on?

Hey Marchimedes, since you're new here here's a little friendly advice, when you type everything together like that it's really rather difficult to read so maybe you could separate it into different paragraphs so we don't have to squint to read it. Again, just a helpful hint. :)
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.
Welcome to USMB, Marchimedes. Hope you enjoy the boards. A little something to keep you sober when debating: :thup:
Okay. You do understand this is the "introduce one's self" sub-forum, correct?

That said where do you get your news from?

Oh man, this is going south quick.
Moonglow is our resident know-it-all wannabe troll who posts in EVERY THREAD some kind of idiotic hogwash just to get attention. Slap his sorry ass on ignore like most of us have already done unless you want a chew toy. He's good as one.

Welcome to USMB. So far..you seem alritghty with me!

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