Here's a good idea: Black Freshmen Orientation

All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

Not anymore.
Not in the era of identity politics. It's the opposite.
Keep people divided by as many differences you can create to keep them weak.

I remember a terrible day in 2001. Sept. 11th.
But the aftermath was also a good time. Meaning how people everywhere dropped the petty, inconsequential differences and just became Americans. It was truly a sight to see. But it didn't last.
Common bonds create unity. But the ruling ideology in America is individualism. So people look for common bonds elsewhere because, like it or not, people are social beings.

If you don't like identity politics try creating a more inclusive society instead of whining incessantly and pretending like you can't understand why it happens.
Democrats don’t really want inclusivity. That’s why they insist on segregation and division. The loudest alleged proponents of alleged inclusivity are white democrats who live in all white, all democrat neighborhoods.
Ignorant hypocrites.
Partisan politics are the epitome of identity politics. You should stop trying to divide the country.
All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

Not anymore.
Not in the era of identity politics. It's the opposite.
Keep people divided by as many differences you can create to keep them weak.

I remember a terrible day in 2001. Sept. 11th.
But the aftermath was also a good time. Meaning how people everywhere dropped the petty, inconsequential differences and just became Americans. It was truly a sight to see. But it didn't last.
Common bonds create unity. But the ruling ideology in America is individualism. So people look for common bonds elsewhere because, like it or not, people are social beings.

If you don't like identity politics try creating a more inclusive society instead of whining incessantly and pretending like you can't understand why it happens.
Democrats don’t really want inclusivity. That’s why they insist on segregation and division. The loudest alleged proponents of alleged inclusivity are white democrats who live in all white, all democrat neighborhoods.
Ignorant hypocrites.
Partisan politics are the epitome of identity politics. You should stop trying to divide the country.
I’m a registered independent, you segregationist.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Hey dim wit, why does it have to be for blacks only? That is the point idiot.
All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

Not anymore.
Not in the era of identity politics. It's the opposite.
Keep people divided by as many differences you can create to keep them weak.

I remember a terrible day in 2001. Sept. 11th.
But the aftermath was also a good time. Meaning how people everywhere dropped the petty, inconsequential differences and just became Americans. It was truly a sight to see. But it didn't last.
Common bonds create unity. But the ruling ideology in America is individualism. So people look for common bonds elsewhere because, like it or not, people are social beings.

If you don't like identity politics try creating a more inclusive society instead of whining incessantly and pretending like you can't understand why it happens.
Democrats don’t really want inclusivity. That’s why they insist on segregation and division. The loudest alleged proponents of alleged inclusivity are white democrats who live in all white, all democrat neighborhoods.
Ignorant hypocrites.
Partisan politics are the epitome of identity politics. You should stop trying to divide the country.
I’m a registered independent, you segregationist.
As am I, registered independent. Yet, you still play the partisan game.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Hey dim wit, why does it have to be for blacks only? That is the point idiot.
The invitation doesn't say it is for blacks only. It says it is for freshman only.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people, skin pigmentation or groups that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

And you have a problem with this -- WHY?

Often black students come from mostly black elementary's, middles, high schools and neighborhoods. The white kids in colleges today are for the most part cool, but there ARE adjustments to be made and understandings to be had.

Get over it.
So blacks aren’t capable of adjusting to their environment? Life is full of adjustments. College is only one. Employment, marriage, kids etc. Why do you think every other race is capable of handling that except blacks?
Not anymore.
Not in the era of identity politics. It's the opposite.
Keep people divided by as many differences you can create to keep them weak.

I remember a terrible day in 2001. Sept. 11th.
But the aftermath was also a good time. Meaning how people everywhere dropped the petty, inconsequential differences and just became Americans. It was truly a sight to see. But it didn't last.
Common bonds create unity. But the ruling ideology in America is individualism. So people look for common bonds elsewhere because, like it or not, people are social beings.

If you don't like identity politics try creating a more inclusive society instead of whining incessantly and pretending like you can't understand why it happens.
Democrats don’t really want inclusivity. That’s why they insist on segregation and division. The loudest alleged proponents of alleged inclusivity are white democrats who live in all white, all democrat neighborhoods.
Ignorant hypocrites.
Partisan politics are the epitome of identity politics. You should stop trying to divide the country.
I’m a registered independent, you segregationist.
As am I, registered independent. Yet, you still play the partisan game.
I’m partisan to the extent of being anti-democrat and that is rooted strictly in policy. Dems advocate across the board for depleted national security, racial and sexuality division/segregation, failed economic policy, Marxism and general social demise.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Hey dim wit, why does it have to be for blacks only? That is the point idiot.
The invitation doesn't say it is for blacks only. It says it is for freshman only.

How fucking stupid are you exactly?
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Hey dim wit, why does it have to be for blacks only? That is the point idiot.
The invitation doesn't say it is for blacks only. It says it is for freshman only.

How fucking stupid are you exactly?
Stupid enough to be invited.
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Hey dim wit, why does it have to be for blacks only? That is the point idiot.
The invitation doesn't say it is for blacks only. It says it is for freshman only.

How fucking stupid are you exactly?
If you have to ask...
Black Freshman Orientation

It's important that we always strive to divide ourselves by skin color, particularly at our universities, where we want to demonstrate to our young people that we need to keep to "our own" absolutely as much as possible.

With continued and focused effort, one day we will be able to avoid exposing our young people to any words, ideas, concepts, thoughts, actions, people or groups that that may cause them the slightest momentary discomfort.

Onward and upward, I say.

Okay, let's look at the actual event Stormy Mac (Why can't Democrats be bigots like Republicans) 1958 wants to be all upset about.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

OH MY GOD! That's horrible!!! Working with other organizations? Teaching new Freshmen how to navigate the campus and find resources?

Yes, I can see why Stormy Mac would be upset about this.

Hey dim wit, why does it have to be for blacks only? That is the point idiot.
The invitation doesn't say it is for blacks only. It says it is for freshman only.

How fucking stupid are you exactly?
Stupid enough to be invited.
Thank you for that.
It's real simple.
White only groups = racism
Black only groups = inclusiveness.
Yeah I don't get that.
Inclusiveness via exclusivity just doesn't make sense. It just keeps the divisive feelings alive.
Black only groups are not inclusive. They are survival instincts.

Bc blacks are victims, right?

This is what you think, isn’t it?
They have been historically victimized in this country. Say it isn't so.

Don’t dodge the question.

I never said they haven’t been victimized in the past. Nowadays people like you continue to victimize them by painting them as helpless idiots who can’t do anything for themselves.

Would you be insulted if there were people who actually thought you were too stupid/lazy/unmotivated/poor to acquire an ID in order to vote?
You are projecting.

All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

So far I’ve asked you three simple questions and you haven’t answered any of them.
This is yet another lovely example of why I no longer try to have "conversations" on this board. I'm tired of the silly, shallow, intellectually dishonest games. So, I come here to (a) observe behaviors and (b) belch out whatever happens to be rattling around in my little brain at the moment.

Oh, Stormy, it's just so funny to watch you get owned by people when they don't accept your "Why Can't Democrats be just slightly less racist than Republicans so I'm happy there" rants.

Here's the real problem you have, buddy. People refute your points all the time, because they are STUPID.
While the left wants to segregate it’s the right that’s racist...

Except no one was suggesting 'segregation' here.

Did you actually read the description of the event.

Here, let me help you out.

The Black Freshman Orientation is a Black Student Alliance event that occurs annually at the beginning of the school year. This year, the Black Student Alliance will be collaborating with other on campus organizations to make the experience even more valuable and enriching for all who attend. This event is exclusively for the freshman class at George Mason University. At this event, the freshman class will be able to get the ins and outs of GMU, learn how to navigate the campus, as well as learn about the different resources and organizations available to them on campus.

Please note, at no point in this description, do they say this is exclusively for black students. At no point do they say, "No White People Allowed". They are collaborating with other campus organizations. They are telling Freshmen about navigating the campus and other organizations...

Just can't see what your problem is, other than black students are organizing it.

Why is it that you people are against racist groups, until you arent?

Still waiting for any of you to show me how this event is racist.

Yeah...and a self defeating culture with little to no accountability, and catastrophically bad decision making has nothing to do with it. :rolleyes:

In numerous studies, blacks and whites perform almost exactly the same when in the same circumstances.

And here's the thing. Dumb White Trash from the inner city probably perform just as badly as black kids from the inner city..

But funny thing. Just by virtue of being white in this society, they STILL get a leg up.

But most of them still end up in the trailer parks, voting for Trump, waiting for their welfare check and having no idea what the definition of "Irony" is.
Treating people like victims isn’t in their best interest and that’s what the Dems do to everyone—women, blacks, gays, everyone except white men.

Yes, we should all ignore the elephant in the room, that 400 years of systematic and institutional racism has an effect.

Here's a story I love to tell. I worked for a company about six years ago, and we had three members of our team leave the company over a six month period.

One was a Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years, and was a key player in strategically sourcing a number of our suppliers in China.
The other was an African American woman who had been with the company for two years.
The third was a pretty white intern who had only been with the company for three months.

NOW - guess which one of those three the General Manager took time out of his busy schedule to attend the going away lunch for. Guess which two he was "too busy" to attend.

Come on, come on. Guess.

Of course, it was the pretty white intern.

Now, this isn't because the GM was racist. I worked with him for nearly 7 years, and frankly, not once heard him say anything remotely like that.

But the thing is, when white people, particularly white men, hold 99% of the positions of influence, of course, they are going to favor people who are like them.
You'd think we'd have evolved past this by now, but unfortunately we appear to be regressing.
I would hope we would have. But be honest.....look around. It's easy to see why we haven't.
Sure. What I see are people on each end of the spectrum who have a vested interest in keeping us separate and angry.

The problem is that we're obediently dancing for them.
I don't see how anyone could complain about what this organization is doing. They are simply promoting their individual interests within a group setting. Americans have been doing it forever. Why is it bad in this scenario?
You say you don't see. I doubt I have the capacity to get you to.

I think that constantly, relentlessly dividing Americans by immutable characteristics is wrong and counter-productive. I like the melting pot idea, where we're together. You disagree. That's about it.
How do you bring people together in a society that promotes individualism as the ideal? Keeping in mind that the ruling class drives our ruling ideology.
You consider individualism as exclusionary?
There are people who don't WANT to see racial healing, who will ALWAYS defend, deflect for, and enable division. Always.

Keeping the races divided is good politics for them. That's one fucked up way to go through life, granted, but it is what it is.
Example: Corporations having to look overseas for quality employees. Meanwhile, our kids sure can tell you where the nearest "Safe Space" is, when the last "micro aggression" occurred, and what their tactics were in shutting down someone's freedom to speak.

Yes, Stormy Mac... Big corporations are looking overseas for quality employees because of safe spaces.

Not because they know that an employee they can get thrown out of the country by pulling his green card is one they can push around a lot easier.

Yes, Pradip from India won't stand up for his rights when he's abused. He's just happy to be here...

Here's the thing. I do resumes for college graduates and foreign workers alike. Frankly, these mythical Millennials with their "safe spaces" and "micro-aggressions"? I've yet to meet one. Almost all the ones I meet are serious young people trying to make a better future for themselves.

What I do see is "old people" disease. And I even catch myself engaging in a bit of it myself. We all tend to totally forget what we were like at that age.

Here's the thing. I saw much more drama queen activity from college students in the 1980's at UIC than I really see today. And this is when I was a young, dumb Campus Conservative surrounded by liberals and a few hippies who didn't get the memo the 70's were over yet.
I would hope we would have. But be honest.....look around. It's easy to see why we haven't.
Sure. What I see are people on each end of the spectrum who have a vested interest in keeping us separate and angry.

The problem is that we're obediently dancing for them.
I don't see how anyone could complain about what this organization is doing. They are simply promoting their individual interests within a group setting. Americans have been doing it forever. Why is it bad in this scenario?
You say you don't see. I doubt I have the capacity to get you to.

I think that constantly, relentlessly dividing Americans by immutable characteristics is wrong and counter-productive. I like the melting pot idea, where we're together. You disagree. That's about it.
How do you bring people together in a society that promotes individualism as the ideal? Keeping in mind that the ruling class drives our ruling ideology.
You consider individualism as exclusionary?
I think the way it has developed out of modern neo-liberal economic philosophy it is.

But then again, even Alexis de Tocqueville thought of it that way. So it is not a new or unique thought.

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