Here's A Zimmy Painting I'd Buy!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
To heck with Zimmy's crappy work.

I would gladly pay 100k for this original painting. Unfortunately, eBay wouldn't let him sell it.

eBay removes anti-Zimmerman artwork the same day Zimmerman?s painting sells for $100k | The Raw Story

Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?

They can never forgive him for not being a Jew like they first hoped. Imagine, they heard Zimmerman shoots black kid and they thought they hit the Jackpot

Them Zimmerman turns out to be a (White (LOL)) Hispanic
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?

They can never forgive him for not being a Jew like they first hoped. Imagine, they heard Zimmerman shoots black kid and they thought they hit the Jackpot

Them Zimmerman turns out to be a (White (LOL)) Hispanic
The Jews always play the historical 'long game'. They know the Black race will eventually 'self-exterminate'.
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?

The reason they are obsessed is complicated, but it includes the facts that despite all if their assurances that George was totally guilty, he was actually innocent.

Also partly responsible for their obsession is the fact that deep down they know they are dead wrong but they have invested so much, told so many lies, that they feel the only way out is to lie more and bigger.
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?

They can never forgive him for not being a Jew like they first hoped. Imagine, they heard Zimmerman shoots black kid and they thought they hit the Jackpot

Them Zimmerman turns out to be a (White (LOL)) Hispanic

Just think, if a Jew had shot Zimmerman then he would be a person of color - black Hispanic :lol:
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?

It's called evil. Always remember the evil they displayed towards Sarah Palin, everything else falls into place.
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?

It's called evil. Always remember the evil they displayed towards Sarah Palin, everything else falls into place.

No one is more hateful, no one is more racist, and no one is more intolerant that those on the left. George Zimmerman has exposed that and their ignorance better than anyone ever has. For that I'd like to shake his hand and buy him a beer.

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