Here's how carbon taxes work in real life.

Here's how denier cult science works in real life....

You are a climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"
Your post is a great example of anti-science reality denial at its most insane level. Most of what you list are actual facts and are indeed true. That you imagine that acceptance of those facts, which are affirmed by the world scientific community, makes some one a "denier" of your denial of reality is absolutely hilarious, as well as absolutely insane.

1. The atmosphere, the oceans, the land surfaces and the ice have all continued to warm for the past 17 years.
Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends
Kevin Cowtan1, and Robert G. Way
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1002/qj.2297

12 FEB 2014

2. Antarctica is melting and losing ice mass at increasing rates.
Ice Sheet Loss at Both Poles Increasing, Study Finds

3. Some of the melting in West Antarctica is being caused by a warming atmosphere and some is the result of the warming ocean waters.
Soaring Temps in West Antarctica May Fuel Sea Level Rise
Temperatures in West Antarctica are have increased by 4.3°F over the past 50 years or so, according to a new paper released Sunday in Nature Geoscience. That increase is far more than scientists have thought, and nearly as much as the 5°F rise on the nearby Antarctic Peninsula, the fastest-warming region on Earth. ...On bigger, colder East Antarctica...even a significant temperature increase wouldn’t push the mercury above the freezing point. In the west, though, the ice is already somewhat unstable since much of it sits on land that’s below sea level. Relatively warm ocean currents have already started eroding the ends of glaciers from below, allowing the ice to flow faster toward the sea. On the Antarctic Peninsula, meanwhile, ice shelves have abruptly collapsed, and in this case, much of the damage has come from meltwater on the surface. “Melting does bad things to ice shelves,” Bromwich said in an understatement. The scientists found that winter and spring temperatures rose the most over the 50-year period they studied, but summer temperatures rose as well. Most of the time, they didn’t quite get above freezing, but Bromwich said, “we’ve seen some years when satellites have showed extensive melting” — something like the surface melting seen last summer in Greenland, where temperatures year-round have always been significantly higher than in West Antarctica. “The point is that the closer you get to freezing, the more likely you are to cross that threshold,” Bromwich said.

4. At least 97% of climate scientists are "in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2", with a slightly lower percentage of the general scientific community also in agreement.
Consensus: 97% of climate scientists agree
Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.

5. Many, not all, of the current climate models, while not perfect, do indeed fairly accurately represent the climate of the Earth.
Global warming predictions prove accurate
Analysis of climate change modelling for past 15 years reveal accurate forecasts of rising global temperatures

6. In spite of your crackpot anti-science denier cult myths, climate models very accurately "model the behavior of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere".
Realistic Climate Models Exhibit Greenhouse Gas Sensitivity
Scientific American - March 16, 2014

7. CO2 is insentient and does not "decide" to do anything, retard. Over the last decade or so the oceans have been absorbing even more of the accumulating heat energy held inside the atmosphere by the rising CO2 levels.
What ocean heating reveals about global warming

8. It is a scientific fact that rising CO2 levels are causing the current abrupt warming trend observed over the last century and particularly the last four decades, and that this manmade CO2 caused warming is indeed responsible for the increasing number and severity of climate "disasters".
Steady Increase in Climate Related Natural Disasters - November 15, 2013
The incidence of natural disasters worldwide has steadily increased, especially since the 1970's, according to a report from the New England Journal of Medicine.


Geophysical disasters include earthquakes, volcanoes, dry rockfalls, landslides and avalanches. Climate-related disasters include hydrological events such as floods, storm surge and coastal flooding, while meteorological events include storms, tropical cyclones, local storms, heat/cold waves, drought and wildfires.

The number of geophysical disasters has remained fairly stable since the 1970's, while the number of climate-related (hydro-meteorological) disasters has greatly increased. As a result, the amount of economic damage due to these natural disasters has seen a steady upturn. There were three times as many natural disasters between 2000 to 2009 compared to the amount between 1980 and 1989. A vast majority (80%) of this growth is due to climate-related events.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the scale of disasters has expanded, owing to increased rates of urbanization, deforestation, environmental degradation and to intensifying climate variables such as higher temperatures, extreme precipitation and more violent wind/water storms. The report goes on to say..... natural disasters, particularly floods and storms, will become more frequent and severe because of climate change.
you don't even know how CO2 gets in the atmosphere. your posts are garbage.
ROTFLMAO.....a perfect denier cultist response to getting your retarded drivel blown away by the facts.

You don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground....your posts are really putrid garbage.
Well, do you?
Here's how denier cult science works in real life....

You are a climate denier if you believe:

  • That the atmosphere has continued to warm for the past 17 years
  • That Antarctica is melting
  • That the melting in West Antarctica is caused by a warming atmosphere
  • That 97% of scientists are in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2
  • That models accurately represent the climate of the earth
  • That climate models accurately model the behavior of so called greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
  • That around the turn of the century CO2 decided to warm the oceans instead of the air
  • That manmade CO2 is responsible for climate "disasters"
Your post is a great example of anti-science reality denial at its most insane level. Most of what you list are actual facts and are indeed true. That you imagine that acceptance of those facts, which are affirmed by the world scientific community, makes some one a "denier" of your denial of reality is absolutely hilarious, as well as absolutely insane.

1. The atmosphere, the oceans, the land surfaces and the ice have all continued to warm for the past 17 years.
Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends
Kevin Cowtan1, and Robert G. Way
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1002/qj.2297

12 FEB 2014

2. Antarctica is melting and losing ice mass at increasing rates.
Ice Sheet Loss at Both Poles Increasing, Study Finds

3. Some of the melting in West Antarctica is being caused by a warming atmosphere and some is the result of the warming ocean waters.
Soaring Temps in West Antarctica May Fuel Sea Level Rise
Temperatures in West Antarctica are have increased by 4.3°F over the past 50 years or so, according to a new paper released Sunday in Nature Geoscience. That increase is far more than scientists have thought, and nearly as much as the 5°F rise on the nearby Antarctic Peninsula, the fastest-warming region on Earth. ...On bigger, colder East Antarctica...even a significant temperature increase wouldn’t push the mercury above the freezing point. In the west, though, the ice is already somewhat unstable since much of it sits on land that’s below sea level. Relatively warm ocean currents have already started eroding the ends of glaciers from below, allowing the ice to flow faster toward the sea. On the Antarctic Peninsula, meanwhile, ice shelves have abruptly collapsed, and in this case, much of the damage has come from meltwater on the surface. “Melting does bad things to ice shelves,” Bromwich said in an understatement. The scientists found that winter and spring temperatures rose the most over the 50-year period they studied, but summer temperatures rose as well. Most of the time, they didn’t quite get above freezing, but Bromwich said, “we’ve seen some years when satellites have showed extensive melting” — something like the surface melting seen last summer in Greenland, where temperatures year-round have always been significantly higher than in West Antarctica. “The point is that the closer you get to freezing, the more likely you are to cross that threshold,” Bromwich said.

4. At least 97% of climate scientists are "in agreement with the notion that warming is due to manmade CO2", with a slightly lower percentage of the general scientific community also in agreement.
Consensus: 97% of climate scientists agree
Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.

5. Many, not all, of the current climate models, while not perfect, do indeed fairly accurately represent the climate of the Earth.
Global warming predictions prove accurate
Analysis of climate change modelling for past 15 years reveal accurate forecasts of rising global temperatures

6. In spite of your crackpot anti-science denier cult myths, climate models very accurately "model the behavior of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere".
Realistic Climate Models Exhibit Greenhouse Gas Sensitivity
Scientific American - March 16, 2014

7. CO2 is insentient and does not "decide" to do anything, retard. Over the last decade or so the oceans have been absorbing even more of the accumulating heat energy held inside the atmosphere by the rising CO2 levels.
What ocean heating reveals about global warming

8. It is a scientific fact that rising CO2 levels are causing the current abrupt warming trend observed over the last century and particularly the last four decades, and that this manmade CO2 caused warming is indeed responsible for the increasing number and severity of climate "disasters".
Steady Increase in Climate Related Natural Disasters - November 15, 2013
The incidence of natural disasters worldwide has steadily increased, especially since the 1970's, according to a report from the New England Journal of Medicine.


Geophysical disasters include earthquakes, volcanoes, dry rockfalls, landslides and avalanches. Climate-related disasters include hydrological events such as floods, storm surge and coastal flooding, while meteorological events include storms, tropical cyclones, local storms, heat/cold waves, drought and wildfires.

The number of geophysical disasters has remained fairly stable since the 1970's, while the number of climate-related (hydro-meteorological) disasters has greatly increased. As a result, the amount of economic damage due to these natural disasters has seen a steady upturn. There were three times as many natural disasters between 2000 to 2009 compared to the amount between 1980 and 1989. A vast majority (80%) of this growth is due to climate-related events.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the scale of disasters has expanded, owing to increased rates of urbanization, deforestation, environmental degradation and to intensifying climate variables such as higher temperatures, extreme precipitation and more violent wind/water storms. The report goes on to say..... natural disasters, particularly floods and storms, will become more frequent and severe because of climate change.
you don't even know how CO2 gets in the atmosphere. your posts are garbage.
ROTFLMAO.....a perfect denier cultist response to getting your retarded drivel blown away by the facts.

You don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground....your posts are really putrid garbage.
Well, do you?
Already answered here, troll.
Damn, even the backwards Aussie realized the Carbon footprint was a bunch of shit... interesting that those backward people know more than the alarmists in this country!

And another poor retard pops up who imagines that the scientific facts about AGW/CC, which are affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community, are somehow refuted by politics or some political manipulations by the fossil fuel industry.
Damn, even the backwards Aussie realized the Carbon footprint was a bunch of shit... interesting that those backward people know more than the alarmists in this country!

And another poor retard pops up who imagines that the scientific facts about AGW/CC, which are affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community, are somehow refuted by politics or some political manipulations by the fossil fuel industry.

Damn, even the backwards Aussie realized the Carbon footprint was a bunch of shit... interesting that those backward people know more than the alarmists in this country!

And another poor retard pops up who imagines that the scientific facts about AGW/CC, which are affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community, are somehow refuted by politics or some political manipulations by the fossil fuel industry.

Awwww poor little libtard gets his AGW panties in a knot.. then he blames someones position on baseless lies... Hey BOY BLUNDER, you got a file on everyone's personal info or are you a compulsive liar?
Damn, even the backwards Aussie realized the Carbon footprint was a bunch of shit... interesting that those backward people know more than the alarmists in this country!
And another poor retard pops up who imagines that the scientific facts about AGW/CC, which are affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community, are somehow refuted by politics or some political manipulations by the fossil fuel industry.
Awwww poor little libtard gets his AGW panties in a knot.. then he blames someones position on baseless lies... Hey BOY BLUNDER, you got a file on everyone's personal info or are you a compulsive liar?
And ol' BoobyBobNutJob spews more meaningless deranged drivel. As usual!

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