Here's How We END Mueller's Folly...

7 posts removed for inappropriate behavior, responses to inappropriate behavior, and trolling.

Keep it on topic, y'all.
And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently.`

I think I can hear you singing......(to the tune of Rolling Stones I can't Get no satisfaction)
I can't get no......credibility....but I tried.....and I tried......and I TRIED........I can't GET NO

Here's what you obviously don't know.
No sitting president has ever been forced to provide testimony as a target of a criminal investigation.

Here's a little video for you......
Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

You're the only liar in this story....Sessions forgot a handshake with the Russian ambassador in a reception line. BIG WHOOP....and your rodents on the committee panel smeared his sterling reputation for embarrassing episode but then democRats are never embarrassed....they're human waste.

p.s keep your page-killing garbage out of my pushes good content to a new page making the thread unreadable.

You ignored Jeff Sessions lying, very typical of a member of the Trump cult.

Back to post # 119 & see if you can come up with something better than a handshake--:auiqs.jpg:

Sessions can't get involved even without funding unless he "un-recuses" and that itself would lead to obstruction of justice claims and an new special prosecutor ... and THAT really would justify impeachment by a dem house though.

I had no idea how stupid you were by going past your usual one-liners and snarks. Dershowitz explained exactly how Sessions can unrecuse himself although I explained it better than he did. He can then directly fire Mueller for cause and there isn't a fucking thing any of your rodents in the House or Senate can do about it. Fantasizing about impeaching Trump is as crazy as voting for the old bat in the pants suit....doomed to fail. Oh, and claimed the "KGB" was involved and they haven't been around since the last century. If I were you I'd go back to the one-liners.
Of course sessions can unrecuse himself, Tommyonetone, but if he does anything he does is subject to leading to an obstruction charge because he's a potential target of charges in the investigation.
And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently.`

I think I can hear you singing......(to the tune of Rolling Stones I can't Get no satisfaction)
I can't get no......credibility....but I tried.....and I tried......and I TRIED........I can't GET NO

Here's what you obviously don't know.
No sitting president has ever been forced to provide testimony as a target of a criminal investigation.

Here's a little video for you......


Bill Clinton testifies before grand jury, Aug. 17, 1998
they will? when?

Told ya Popeye - impeachment comes by summer of next year.

Hey, I just saw Brutus choking your hottie Olive Oyl - better eat the spinach and hop to!

If the dems take the House, you're probably right. But consider the effect. The GOP became so hyper partisan that they impeached a potus for perjuring himself about getting a bj from an intern. Not to excuse that behavior for one moment, because it was sexual harassment regardless of whatever Lewinsky did, but he wasn't impeached for sexual harassment. He was impeached for an action that had absolutely nothing to do with the duties of his office (to put it mildly. LOL) But hyperpartisanship became a lapel pin.

Contrast that with how the dems nearly fell over with shock when it looked like Reagan really did intentionally violate a federal statute when he armed the contras. My God, they joined in throwing Olly North under the bus so fast to say away from that .... poor Casey died just in time.

If it turns out that there's really uncontrovertable proof that Trump and Putin worked hand in hand to use illegally obtained data .... well, that's Benedict Arnold territory. But more likely is that it'll just be murky. I think the country would be better off with the dems just running an electable candidate and making sure the FBI stays the hell out of elections.

I remember you guys defended Clinton for using his female intern as a humidor in the Oval Office
I remember you guys defending Trump for using women as his personal finger warmer while he was courting the evangelical vote.

On his private time he can fuck whoever the fuck he wants. He never raped anyone, women threw themselves at him.

Glad to see you still defend BJ Clintons War on Women and that it was OK for POTUS, the President of the United State, to use his intern's vagina as a humidor in the Oval Office

Uh, last I knw,his intern was a willing partner over 18. So, while no one liked it, there were no laws broken.
Just wondering, were you always with trump when he screwed whoever he screwed? If not, you have NO idea what happened, Unless you simply lower yourself to believing the most dishonest politician out there. Per the fact check organizations. So, simply said, you have no way of knowing if. You say women threw themselves at him and he never raped any. But, I am sure you were not there, me lying con troll.
So, here is your problem, me boy. Sessions gets rid of his recuse, and then fires Mueller. At that point, the others in the Mueller group simply give the investigation to the state of their choice. And then, me boy, the investigation goes on until it is determined by them to end the investigation. And, me boy, THERE IS NOTHING TRUMP OR ANY OTHER FEDERAL POLITICIAN CAN DO ABOUT IT.
Really, me boy, you think Mueller has no idea he may be fired at any time. You have missed it. High level legal entities have expected this and the state result for about a year.

Wrong, me toad. The leftists Mueller has hired won't work without a paycheck and they can't "give the investigation" to anybody, much less a state....the work (all dead-ends) is highly classified and isn't going anywhere. So you see, me toad, you have no idea what you're talking about.
it's truly amazing how lowlife trash thinks they're better than the people who've served this country their whole lives
There is good service and bad...Mueller and his gang are bad....I don't care what he has done in the past because Trump has made him as crazy as you...that is why he is being overzealous and is blowing his reputation all to hell...there is no collusion...even the likes of you should realize that by now...
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
you accuse Mueller of not having any evidence.

he has had over a year to produce any and he refuses to comply with House Intel requests to produce ANYTHING...because he doesn't have anything except for laughable 'Scooter Libby' indictments.
So, me boy, you seem to think he is required to produce anything to the fake house Intel group. He is not so required, me boy. And why do you think Mueller would provide anything to them, so that the House Intel Head could provide it to the president. Although you seem to be that stupid, Mueller is not. And, me boy, you have NO evidence of what he has. None at all. But he seems to have a lot.

But here's your chance, champ - you have the spotlight. Put up or STFU time:

Present any evidence of criminal collusion involving Trump.

What are you tooing the tick tock shit for. Mueller is not after Trump for collusion. You see, me poor ignorant con troll, collusion is not illegal. Many other things they have been looking into, however, are illegal. And, by the way, you, like I, will find out what Mueller has when it is his choice to drop the hammer. And not before. Really, you need to get a clue.
Of course sessions can unrecuse himself, Tommyonetone, but if he does anything he does is subject to leading to an obstruction charge because he's a potential target of charges in the investigation.

And who is going to bring this "obstruction charge" against a sitting AG? You really should quit while you're behind.
Sessions can't get involved even without funding unless he "un-recuses" and that itself would lead to obstruction of justice claims and an new special prosecutor ... and THAT really would justify impeachment by a dem house though.

I had no idea how stupid you were by going past your usual one-liners and snarks. Dershowitz explained exactly how Sessions can unrecuse himself although I explained it better than he did. He can then directly fire Mueller for cause and there isn't a fucking thing any of your rodents in the House or Senate can do about it. Fantasizing about impeaching Trump is as crazy as voting for the old bat in the pants suit....doomed to fail. Oh, and claimed the "KGB" was involved and they haven't been around since the last century. If I were you I'd go back to the one-liners.
Of course sessions can unrecuse himself, Tommyonetone, but if he does anything he does is subject to leading to an obstruction charge because he's a potential target of charges in the investigation.

No Session's can't un recuse himself. Scroll back to post # 119 and actually watch the video's read the REAL news. In fact, if Democrats were the majority today--Sessions would already be facing perjury charges, and would in no way be Attorney General at this time.

You people really need go get off of Sean Hannity and away from FOX NEWS. They are literally insulting your intelligence and integrity on a daily basis with all of these manufactured conspiracy stories.

FOX NEWS journalists threaten to quit over cheeseburger reporting.

If you need to play catch up on Trump's Russian issues, this book came out last week, and today, it is the number 6 best seller on Amazon. I read it over the weekend. It's well written, easy to read, and very hard to put down. Great for the novice or those who haven't been paying attention or been stuck on the political soap box opera's that line FOX NEWS today.

Last edited:
And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently.`

I think I can hear you singing......(to the tune of Rolling Stones I can't Get no satisfaction)
I can't get no......credibility....but I tried.....and I tried......and I TRIED........I can't GET NO

Here's what you obviously don't know.
No sitting president has ever been forced to provide testimony as a target of a criminal investigation.

Here's a little video for you......

Yet....and until the courts told President Clinton he had to testify no sitting President had been forced to provide testimony in a civil case.
bad...because they DARE to investigate your Dear Leader
No bad because this investigation is a joke and never should have been started by Mueller's buddies Rosenstein and Comey the clown.....It's the swamp trying to stop a president from doing his job and succeeding with his's backfiring though...While everyone is looking for Russians Trump is ramming through his agenda piece by piece....
Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

You're the only liar in this story....Sessions forgot a handshake with the Russian ambassador in a reception line. .

LOL- as you lie about what Sessions lied about.

Sessions also met privately with Kislyak in Sessions’ Senate office on Sept. 8.

And denied under oath meeting any Russians during the campaign.

It is one thing to forget a brief meeting in a reception line- quite another to forget a private meeting with the Russian Ambassador.
bad...because they DARE to investigate your Dear Leader
No bad because this investigation is a joke and never should have been started by Mueller's buddies Rosenstein and Comey the clown..

Because no one should dare investigate your Dear Leader.

Even after a Trump campaign manager boasted to an Australian diplomat that he knew that Russians had dirt on Clinton.

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