Here's news CNN and the mainstream media didn't want you to know PRIOR to the walkout yesterday...

sounds better than retarded obama birth certificate/benghazi bs. At least its real kids doing what they want. You don't like real kids doing what they want, do you?
Walking out of class should earn the real kids being really expelled.
You the principal? No? Then who cares
Certainly not the regressive scumbag liberals wallowing in the blood of murdered kids and exploiting them for their sick agenda.
Let the kids have their say.
As long as they are the ones approved of and handled by the leftist teachers:

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out

...But while gun control advocates were given pretty free reign yesterday to express their free speech rights, not everyone was afforded the sameopportunity. At New Prague High School in southeastern Minnesota, senior Andy Dalsin says that he was singled out by his principal and threatened with arrest for displaying a pro-Second Amendment poster during his school’s participation in the “National Walkout Day.”...


As can be seen in the photo, Dalsin got about 50 other students to sign his poster. When he went outside to participate in the walkout, Dalsin was confronted by New Prague’s principal — Lonnie Seifert. School police officer John Madigan followed close behind.

As Dalsin stood in the back of the gathering holding up his sign, Seifert approached and told him to hand it over. Citing a school district policy prohibiting the “distribution” of “non-school-sponsored material,” Seifert told Dalsin that he could not display the message because he had not cleared it with school administrators 24 hours in advance of the protest.

Dalsin respectfully refused to turn over his sign, arguing that he had a constitutional right to display it. Seifert then asked Dalsin to leave schoolgrounds, to which the student also refused, once again citing his First Amendment right to express his political opinions in school (as per Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969).

Finally, Seifert upped the ante by threatening Dalsin with arrest. As the senior recalled, Seifert told him: “I’m going to have to have Officer Madigan escort you off the premises. If you don’t comply, I will have him arrest you.”

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out
[email protected] enjoy the echo chamber.
sounds better than retarded obama birth certificate/benghazi bs. At least its real kids doing what they want. You don't like real kids doing what they want, do you?
Walking out of class should earn the real kids being really expelled.
You the principal? No? Then who cares
Certainly not the regressive scumbag liberals wallowing in the blood of murdered kids and exploiting them for their sick agenda.
Let the kids have their say.
As long as they are the ones approved of and handled by the leftist teachers:

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out

...But while gun control advocates were given pretty free reign yesterday to express their free speech rights, not everyone was afforded the sameopportunity. At New Prague High School in southeastern Minnesota, senior Andy Dalsin says that he was singled out by his principal and threatened with arrest for displaying a pro-Second Amendment poster during his school’s participation in the “National Walkout Day.”...


As can be seen in the photo, Dalsin got about 50 other students to sign his poster. When he went outside to participate in the walkout, Dalsin was confronted by New Prague’s principal — Lonnie Seifert. School police officer John Madigan followed close behind.

As Dalsin stood in the back of the gathering holding up his sign, Seifert approached and told him to hand it over. Citing a school district policy prohibiting the “distribution” of “non-school-sponsored material,” Seifert told Dalsin that he could not display the message because he had not cleared it with school administrators 24 hours in advance of the protest.

Dalsin respectfully refused to turn over his sign, arguing that he had a constitutional right to display it. Seifert then asked Dalsin to leave schoolgrounds, to which the student also refused, once again citing his First Amendment right to express his political opinions in school (as per Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969).

Finally, Seifert upped the ante by threatening Dalsin with arrest. As the senior recalled, Seifert told him: “I’m going to have to have Officer Madigan escort you off the premises. If you don’t comply, I will have him arrest you.”

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out

Hahah Alex has the same thing
we don't see this on MSM....

Haha yeah Alex haha..................:brb9:man thats sad bud.

No what's sad are you ding dongs brainwashed into thinking it, and the best part is you never ever bother to listen nor read and that's why you biggest dildos stay so dumbed down.

Those who aren't Trump haters will always go and take the time to listen, or read even at sites they don't agree with nor like to weigh both sides, give it a chance...... Something you on tracked minds can't do.

What makes what he says any different than what anyone else post when it's the same gawd dam information but DECODED..
Walking out of class should earn the real kids being really expelled.
You the principal? No? Then who cares
Certainly not the regressive scumbag liberals wallowing in the blood of murdered kids and exploiting them for their sick agenda.
Let the kids have their say.
As long as they are the ones approved of and handled by the leftist teachers:

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out

...But while gun control advocates were given pretty free reign yesterday to express their free speech rights, not everyone was afforded the sameopportunity. At New Prague High School in southeastern Minnesota, senior Andy Dalsin says that he was singled out by his principal and threatened with arrest for displaying a pro-Second Amendment poster during his school’s participation in the “National Walkout Day.”...


As can be seen in the photo, Dalsin got about 50 other students to sign his poster. When he went outside to participate in the walkout, Dalsin was confronted by New Prague’s principal — Lonnie Seifert. School police officer John Madigan followed close behind.

As Dalsin stood in the back of the gathering holding up his sign, Seifert approached and told him to hand it over. Citing a school district policy prohibiting the “distribution” of “non-school-sponsored material,” Seifert told Dalsin that he could not display the message because he had not cleared it with school administrators 24 hours in advance of the protest.

Dalsin respectfully refused to turn over his sign, arguing that he had a constitutional right to display it. Seifert then asked Dalsin to leave schoolgrounds, to which the student also refused, once again citing his First Amendment right to express his political opinions in school (as per Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969).

Finally, Seifert upped the ante by threatening Dalsin with arrest. As the senior recalled, Seifert told him: “I’m going to have to have Officer Madigan escort you off the premises. If you don’t comply, I will have him arrest you.”

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out
[email protected] enjoy the echo chamber.
Really? That’s the best you can do?
Anything to say about this kid having his first amendment rights trampled on because he did not endorse the leftist agenda? Anything to say about him being threatened with arrest if he would not leave?
Haha yeah Alex haha..................:brb9:man thats sad bud.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.
The right-wing nuts are trying so hard to portray this walkout as inspired by some adult left-wing political group. They apparently are not concerned with the safety of the kids in school and the kids must be awful commies for being concerned for their own safety and the safety of their peers. The low-life governor of South Carolina, who is known to be in bed with the NRA and right-wing "Christian" groups, went so far as to call it "shameful," as if he even knows the meaning of the word "shame." What nonsense. It's shit like him who are ruining this country. The kids are alright. They're doing the right thing, the necessary thing.
Right right high school kids have the money and means to organize a nationwide walkout. lol, hey I got a bridge in Florida I'll sell you. Only been dropped once.
there are bright shiny *donate* buttons on every one of those "community organizing" sites that are calling kids to riot and demand gun confiscation.
sounds better than retarded obama birth certificate/benghazi bs. At least its real kids doing what they want. You don't like real kids doing what they want, do you?

I don't like real kids being butchered because pigs like you refuse to protect them..while drawing big fat targets on them.
You don't hear anybody calling for locking up psychotic nutballs, either.

In fact, while these pukes are claiming that it's MY gun that is a threat to the kids in Florida, they maintain that we can't lock up the crazy men who have told multiple people they want to kill school children...until they actually kill school children.

The one thing the recent mass murderers have in common....EVERYBODY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DO IT. And did nothing.

I would bet money FBI agents helped the last two obtain weapons. That's what they do these days. They groom psychotics and help them get weapons.
sounds better than retarded obama birth certificate/benghazi bs. At least its real kids doing what they want. You don't like real kids doing what they want, do you?
Walking out of class should earn the real kids being really expelled.
You the principal? No? Then who cares
Certainly not the regressive scumbag liberals wallowing in the blood of murdered kids and exploiting them for their sick agenda.
Let the kids have their say.
As long as they are the ones approved of and handled by the leftist teachers:

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out

...But while gun control advocates were given pretty free reign yesterday to express their free speech rights, not everyone was afforded the sameopportunity. At New Prague High School in southeastern Minnesota, senior Andy Dalsin says that he was singled out by his principal and threatened with arrest for displaying a pro-Second Amendment poster during his school’s participation in the “National Walkout Day.”...


As can be seen in the photo, Dalsin got about 50 other students to sign his poster. When he went outside to participate in the walkout, Dalsin was confronted by New Prague’s principal — Lonnie Seifert. School police officer John Madigan followed close behind.

As Dalsin stood in the back of the gathering holding up his sign, Seifert approached and told him to hand it over. Citing a school district policy prohibiting the “distribution” of “non-school-sponsored material,” Seifert told Dalsin that he could not display the message because he had not cleared it with school administrators 24 hours in advance of the protest.

Dalsin respectfully refused to turn over his sign, arguing that he had a constitutional right to display it. Seifert then asked Dalsin to leave schoolgrounds, to which the student also refused, once again citing his First Amendment right to express his political opinions in school (as per Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969).

Finally, Seifert upped the ante by threatening Dalsin with arrest. As the senior recalled, Seifert told him: “I’m going to have to have Officer Madigan escort you off the premises. If you don’t comply, I will have him arrest you.”

EXCLUSIVE: Student Threatened with Arrest by School for Pro-Second Amendment Sign Speaks Out

Pull your kids out of public school.
Because they are counting on someone shooting the kids up. They are ORCHESTRATING it.

Student walkout canceled after high school locked down over shooting threat
The thread premise illustrates the stupidity common to most on the reprehensible right, and the propensity most conservatives have for lying.

CNN and the ‘mainstream media’ are not conspiring to keep anything from anyone.

And the right’s moronic myth that ‘the media’ are engaged in some nefarious plot to mislead the American people is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Because they are counting on someone shooting the kids up. They are ORCHESTRATING it.

Student walkout canceled after high school locked down over shooting threat
The thread premise illustrates the stupidity common to most on the reprehensible right, and the propensity most conservatives have for lying.

CNN and the ‘mainstream media’ are not conspiring to keep anything from anyone.

And the right’s moronic myth that ‘the media’ are engaged in some nefarious plot to mislead the American people is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
You don't hear anybody calling for locking up psychotic nutballs, either.

In fact, while these pukes are claiming that it's MY gun that is a threat to the kids in Florida, they maintain that we can't lock up the crazy men who have told multiple people they want to kill school children...until they actually kill school children.

The one thing the recent mass murderers have in common....EVERYBODY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DO IT. And did nothing.

I would bet money FBI agents helped the last two obtain weapons. That's what they do these days. They groom psychotics and help them get weapons.

Here's one for yah LOL

You don't hear anybody calling for locking up psychotic nutballs, either.

In fact, while these pukes are claiming that it's MY gun that is a threat to the kids in Florida, they maintain that we can't lock up the crazy men who have told multiple people they want to kill school children...until they actually kill school children.

The one thing the recent mass murderers have in common....EVERYBODY KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DO IT. And did nothing.

I would bet money FBI agents helped the last two obtain weapons. That's what they do these days. They groom psychotics and help them get weapons.

Here's one for yah LOL

View attachment 183053

They have no idea what the hell they're doing. They're just pawns and victims of the left.

And the schools are the ones who are manipulating. them.
The right-wing nuts are trying so hard to portray this walkout as inspired by some adult left-wing political group. They apparently are not concerned with the safety of the kids in school and the kids must be awful commies for being concerned for their own safety and the safety of their peers. The low-life governor of South Carolina, who is known to be in bed with the NRA and right-wing "Christian" groups, went so far as to call it "shameful," as if he even knows the meaning of the word "shame." What nonsense. It's shit like him who are ruining this country. The kids are alright. They're doing the right thing, the necessary thing.
Right right high school kids have the money and means to organize a nationwide walkout. lol, hey I got a bridge in Florida I'll sell you. Only been dropped once.
there are bright shiny *donate* buttons on every one of those "community organizing" sites that are calling kids to riot and demand gun confiscation.
sounds better than retarded obama birth certificate/benghazi bs. At least its real kids doing what they want. You don't like real kids doing what they want, do you?

I don't like real kids being butchered because pigs like you refuse to protect them..while drawing big fat targets on them.
Sounds like Trump. Sorry
The right-wing nuts are trying so hard to portray this walkout as inspired by some adult left-wing political group. They apparently are not concerned with the safety of the kids in school and the kids must be awful commies for being concerned for their own safety and the safety of their peers. The low-life governor of South Carolina, who is known to be in bed with the NRA and right-wing "Christian" groups, went so far as to call it "shameful," as if he even knows the meaning of the word "shame." What nonsense. It's shit like him who are ruining this country. The kids are alright. They're doing the right thing, the necessary thing.
Right right high school kids have the money and means to organize a nationwide walkout. lol, hey I got a bridge in Florida I'll sell you. Only been dropped once.
there are bright shiny *donate* buttons on every one of those "community organizing" sites that are calling kids to riot and demand gun confiscation.
sounds better than retarded obama birth certificate/benghazi bs. At least its real kids doing what they want. You don't like real kids doing what they want, do you?

I don't like real kids being butchered because pigs like you refuse to protect them..while drawing big fat targets on them.
Sounds like Trump. Sorry

No, it sounds like every leftist I've ever seen in action.
Disgusting, violent, stupid culls who giggle when innocents are killed.




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