Here’s the reason people tell me they want to buy an AR-15. And it’s simply ludicrous

Terribly sorry, I misread your question. Actually, I do
live in a leftist paradise where every firearm purchase is registered to be sure you're not a nutcase

I can see your way is much more manly. My mistake.

View attachment 781845

It is not about being manly or dick size. The rifle is a tool. Nothing more.

I had an AR years ago. I built it as a coyote rifle. It worked great!

I sold it to a neighbor I had back then. Now I have a Springfield M1A in .308. Does that give me a bigger Man Card?
It is not about being manly or dick size. The rifle is a tool. Nothing more.

I had an AR years ago. I built it as a coyote rifle. It worked great!

I sold it to a neighbor I had back then. Now I have a Springfield M1A in .308. Does that give me a bigger Man Card?
Naw, just means it costs more to shoot.
Impossibly ignorant nonsense.
Oh. It wasn't the well regulated militia?
well regulated militia.jpeg
Lol. The militia is in action almost as we type, making America more secure...

ATLANTA (AP) — One person was fatally shot and at least four others injured Wednesday in a shooting in a Midtown Atlanta building, police said.
‘Usually, the motivation for purchasing the AR-15 is simple: People want one because they want one. Most times, the person who buys an AR-15 comes into the store already knowing that they intend to purchase one.

I’ve pressed some customers about why they want an AR-15, but no one could ever come up with a legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon.

Some members of the tinfoil hat brigade have come up with the reply, “We need these weapons because we want to be effective against the government if it becomes tyrannical. That’s part of our Second Amendment right.” Personally, I think that’s ludicrous, but it has become an increasingly popular justification for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle.


If banning them outright seems like too extreme a solution to be politically palatable, here’s another option: Reclassify semi-automatic rifles as Class 3 firearms.’

I disagree with the article’s author about ‘banning’ AR 15s or subjecting them to the provisions of the NFA. ‘Bans’ don’t work, they’re unwarranted government excess and overreach and likely un-Constitutional.

But he’s correct about wanting to own an AR 15 to ‘defend against government tyranny’ as being ridiculous nonsense.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

And there’s nothing wrong with that; citizens are not required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

As is always the case after a mass shooting or similar event, we see inane, baseless reasons contrived to ‘justify’ owning an AR 15 in a pathetic and unnecessary attempt to fend-off a ‘ban’ of such weapons where there is no political will to do so.
The legitimate justification for needing that particular weapon is simply because I want one. That is all you need to know
Well, that sort of means you support its effects, too...
I support the effectiveness to protect life and liberty.
I don't support criminals that use guns illegally.
I don't support the mentally insane or imbalanced to use gun illegally.
I don't support any narrative or agenda that would take away the ability of Americans who choose to stand for freedom and liberty and will take up arms against foreign and domestic tyranny.
I support the effectiveness to protect life and liberty.
I don't support criminals that use guns illegally.
I don't support the mentally insane or imbalanced to use gun illegally.
I don't support any narrative or agenda that would take away the ability of Americans who choose to stand for freedom and liberty and will take up arms against foreign and domestic tyranny.
What a hoot.

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