Here’s the reason people tell me they want to buy an AR-15. And it’s simply ludicrous

Hilarious. In one breath you argue how the founding fathers felt every weapon available to the military should be also available to the citizenry, and on the other hand you claim it’s easy reading. No where does it say every citizen should have the same firearms as the military ? Geesus, idiot, it doesn’t even say firearms. It says ARMS.
Because they meant to include ALL weapons including ARTILLERY. Privately owned artillery was common when the Constitution was ratified, most merchant ships carried at least a few cannon and privately owned warships were perfectly legal and common. Here's the actual section of the Constitution authorizing private warships:
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11


To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"
I'm sure you slept through most of your American History classes in school, so I will give you a simple definition of a Letter of Marque and Reprisal. It was an internationally recognized document allowing a private citizen of a country to wage war for profit on any citizen of a country considered to be an enemy of his country. Letters of Marque usually specified what countries could be preyed upon. Holders of a letter of Marque could and usually did take captured enemy ships into their or neutral ports where they were condemned and sold and the money, minus a fee for the maritime court, went to the owners of the privateer. Privateers sometimes crossed the line into piracy, Jean Lafitte was a notorious case.
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Because they meant to include ALL weapons including ARTILLERY. Privately owned artillery was common when the Constitution was ratified, most merchant ships carried at least a few cannon and privately owned warships were perfectly legal and common. Here's the actual section of the Constitution authorizing private warships:
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11


To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"
I'm sure you slept through most of your American History classes in school, so I will give you a simple definition of a Letter of Marque and Reprisal. It was an internationally recognized document allowing a private citizen of a country to wage war for profit on any citizen of a country considered to be an enemy of his country. Letters of Marque usually specified what countries could be preyed upon. Holders of a letter of Marque could and usually did take captured enemy ships into their or neutral ports where they were condemned and sold and the money, minus a fee for the maritime court, went to the owners of the privateer. Privateers sometimes crossed the line into piracy, Jean Lafitte was a notorious case.
Arms, are only those you carry….get with the program. Are you just figuring that out ?
that's right to Public Military Surplus outlets to be sold to the "Public", because the public were always meant to be armed to protect freedom from a tyrannical gov't. Period. That's history.
It says no such thing in the constitution. The 2@ refers to the militia which is an arm of the government…..maybe you can’t read. You guys are foolish. You think the central gov provides rights to individuals to mutiny vs the central gov. What a bunch of nimrods.
Are you having trouble comprehending my statement that means the government can't infringe on the right of citizens to bear arms of all types? Now, what sort of regulations get in my way if I want to walk into Home Depot and buy an axe?
Hey non reader , axes ARE regulated for personal carry. Try taking them on a plane. Just anyone can’t carry any arm, any place. So says every decision ever written by the SC related to “ arms”. Go on a cruise. Knives are specifically regulated by blade length, as are planes. Are you really this deranged ?
Go ahead, tell me one square inch of territory in the united states that doesn’t have firearm regulations…..none of them universally use the word “ban.“

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