Here's what I think


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1) Liberals hate God. That's enough to get them a one way ticket to hell. God doesn't like people who hate him. If that sounds mean, vindictive, or cruel, so what? God warned us thousands of years ago that he is a jealous God, and will not tolerate people worshipping false gods. Liberalism is a false god. Liberals use the same range of emotions to defend liberalism that Christians, Muslims, or Jews use to defend their religion.

2) Liberals hate themselves. Liberals destroy themselves, their relationships, their livelihoods in their blind desire to destroy everything that threatens the growth of the state. Liberals are supportive of abortion, which they use to kill their children, which is the ultimate self-destructive act.

3) Liberals hate other people. Liberals say they are helping the cause of gays, blacks, Muslims, but the fact is, these people are pawns in their grasp for power. The fact is, liberals support non-white people having more abortions, paid for by the government.

4) Liberals hate Christmas, the American flag, Christopher Columbus, and any other reminder that the all powerful state doesn't control everything yet.

5) Liberals hate the military and combat vets, seeing them as potential terrorists. Even while Islamic terrorism is on the rise, liberals will keep insisting that ex-military Christians are the real threat.

6) Liberals hate human life itself. Their support for abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and mercy killing proves that they think people who are inconvenient should be put to death.

But guess what. THERE IS REDEMPTION.
How cartoonish! I don't believe for a hot second that is what you really think.

I'm a liberal, and I don't "hate" any of those things. But you can keep your "REDEMPTION", thank you very much.
I know you will reject redemption at this moment. But you have your whole life ahead of you. I believe that you will one day realize that there is a higher power looking after you.
By the way, the all powerful state is what funded and controlled Columbus' expeditions. lol
1) Liberals hate God. That's enough to get them a one way ticket to hell. God doesn't like people who hate him. If that sounds mean, vindictive, or cruel, so what? God warned us thousands of years ago that he is a jealous God, and will not tolerate people worshipping false gods. Liberalism is a false god. Liberals use the same range of emotions to defend liberalism that Christians, Muslims, or Jews use to defend their religion.

2) Liberals hate themselves. Liberals destroy themselves, their relationships, their livelihoods in their blind desire to destroy everything that threatens the growth of the state. Liberals are supportive of abortion, which they use to kill their children, which is the ultimate self-destructive act.

3) Liberals hate other people. Liberals say they are helping the cause of gays, blacks, Muslims, but the fact is, these people are pawns in their grasp for power. The fact is, liberals support non-white people having more abortions, paid for by the government.

4) Liberals hate Christmas, the American flag, Christopher Columbus, and any other reminder that the all powerful state doesn't control everything yet.

5) Liberals hate the military and combat vets, seeing them as potential terrorists. Even while Islamic terrorism is on the rise, liberals will keep insisting that ex-military Christians are the real threat.

6) Liberals hate human life itself. Their support for abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and mercy killing proves that they think people who are inconvenient should be put to death.

But guess what. THERE IS REDEMPTION.

You need to be more concise, this OP can be much shorter, in fact I'll edit it for you.

"Liberals hate".

By posting six bullet points you've proved your opinions are ridiculous, and the OP is nothing more than another troll seeking attention. In my version some people might wonder what the hell you meant, in yours we get it, you're a kook.
By the way, the all powerful state is what funded and controlled Columbus' expeditions. lol
Exploration is a legitimate role for government. That's why I support the space program. Too bad Obama killed it, and said that NASA's new role was to reach out to Muslims.

Barack Obama: Nasa must try to make Muslims 'feel good'

NASA is very much alive and space exploration won't take the next step until the private sector takes a serious interest.
"Here's what I think"

You're at liberty to express what you think, with the understanding that what you 'think' is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong, nothing than a straw man fallacy, a contrivance of inane lies.

It's particularly ridiculous given the fact the vast majority of 'liberals' are Christian, and even more persons of faith.

I'm a liberal, and I don't "hate" any of those things. But you can keep your "REDEMPTION", thank you very much.
I know you will reject redemption at this moment. But you have your whole life ahead of you. I believe that you will one day realize that there is a higher power looking after you.
No, you need to realize the arrogance of your position.
What's ironic is that liberals hate Christianity, despite the fact that Christians have built thousands of hospitals, colleges, universities, law schools, medical schools, orphanages, food banks, helpless shelters, etc. for the last 2000 years.

When Rome was pagan, it was customary for unwanted babies to be abandoned in the streets. Christians picked them up and took care of them. When the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, baby abandonment was outlawed, and so was abortion.

The Church stood up and took in abandoned babies. Pagans, seeing the good example of Christians, became Christians themselves.

The Collapse of Europe, Child Abandonment and the Hope of the Church

Why do liberals hate the Church? Jealousy. The state cannot be nearly as good as the Church in providing for the needy and desperate.

I'm a liberal, and I don't "hate" any of those things. But you can keep your "REDEMPTION", thank you very much.
I know you will reject redemption at this moment. But you have your whole life ahead of you. I believe that you will one day realize that there is a higher power looking after you.
No, you need to realize the arrogance of your position.
I am hopeful that you will one day see the light of Christ shining in your life. I will humbly pray that this happpens.

Hell is not a real place.

Carry on

Hell is other people.

Sartre can be so grim. lol

He always claimed that everyone was misinterpreting that line.

When I was 15 or so, I thought that line was deep as shit. Now I just think it's a good one-liner.

As a teen I had the opposite reaction. Hell couldn't be other people. Hell was loneliness. In my defense, I was listening to The Smiths a lot the first time I read No Exit. lol

Hell is not a real place.

Carry on

Hell is other people.

Sartre can be so grim. lol

He always claimed that everyone was misinterpreting that line.

When I was 15 or so, I thought that line was deep as shit. Now I just think it's a good one-liner.

As a teen I had the opposite reaction. Hell couldn't be other people. Hell was loneliness. In my defense, I was listening to The Smiths a lot the first time I read No Exit. lol


I was probably listening to Cannibal Corpse or Morbid Angel at that point, and daydreaming of zombie apocalypses.

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